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New Forum: 2000+ Hours of Gameplay and "Promoted to Recruit"


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Is there a formal breakdown of the new forum "rank" system somewhere? I have invested over 2000 hours and have been playing guild wars 2 since BWE1; I would hope that I have a better knowledge of the game than someone who joined within the past month or so. Nonetheless, I was presented with the rank of "recruit" upon logging into the new forums - quaint. I would personally like to see each players hours/player since date somehow incorporated into their forum rank as a form of credibility. Thoughts?

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I can see the benefit of displaying a player's experience somewhere.. but I'm inclined to display it separate from forum rank. Seeing the game rank vs forum rank side by side could be instructive in knowing how much time a poster spends in each, if that matters to a reader. Or, it could allow those of us who suck at pvp/wvw to be forum warriors instead. ;D

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@foogison.5067 said:Is there a formal breakdown of the new forum "rank" system somewhere? I have invested over 2000 hours and have been playing guild wars 2 since BWE1; I would hope that I have a better knowledge of the game than someone who joined within the past month or so. Nonetheless, I was presented with the rank of "recruit" upon logging into the new forums - quaint. I would personally like to see each players hours/player since date somehow incorporated into their forum rank as a form of credibility. Thoughts?

The forum "rank" is not at all related to your in game playtime. Its related to how you act on the forums. If you are a generally helpful member, then it will go up, and a higher rank will reflect that you take the time to explain things/be nice/answer questions/etc... That is independent of your playtime, and I frankly don't understand why having more playtime should give you a higher forum rank. Nor do I understand why you even care.

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@OriOri.8724 said:The forum "rank" is not at all related to your in game playtime. Its related to how you act on the forums. If you are a generally helpful member, then it will go up, and a higher rank will reflect that you take the time to explain things/be nice/answer questions/etc...

What Ori said: it's about posting in the forums, not about time spent in game. (Theoretically, someone could be a huge help on the forums and never bother to even rez a guildie in game ... or vice-versa.)

@OriOri.8724 said:That is independent of your playtime, and I frankly don't understand why having more playtime should give you a higher forum rank. Nor do I understand why you even care.

To be fair, the word, "recruit" is an odd choice for the forums. Has they asked me, I would have gone with things like, "new poster" and "veteran poster" for measuring contribution. For helpfulness, I think "forum mentor" works well. And since everyone wants their 15 minutes, how about "Popular" for folks with a lot of thumbs up posts?

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:The forum "rank" is not at all related to your in game playtime. Its related to how you act on the forums. If you are a generally helpful member, then it will go up, and a higher rank will reflect that you take the time to explain things/be nice/answer questions/etc...

What Ori said: it's about posting in the forums, not about time spent in game. (Theoretically, someone could be a huge help on the forums and never bother to even rez a guildie in game ... or vice-versa.)

@OriOri.8724 said:That is independent of your playtime, and I frankly don't understand why having more playtime should give you a higher forum rank. Nor do I understand why you even care.

To be fair, the word, "recruit" is an odd choice for the forums. Has they asked me, I would have gone with things like, "new poster" and "veteran poster" for measuring contribution. For helpfulness, I think "forum mentor" works well. And since everyone wants their 15 minutes, how about "Popular" for folks with a lot of thumbs up posts?

There are presumably multiple tiers. Recruit is a common title on internet forums, especially RPG-related ones. We don't know the full scale of it yet. It's usually postcount, but not here I guess.

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I think it would be a bad idea to put in forum-rank system for in-game hours; however, there should be a clear metric to what we need to do to unlock the rewards on this forums.

Players have been talking nonstop about needing to to X to unlock Y forum feature - I'm curious as to what we need to do to unlock stuff. Perhaps ArenaNet haven't planned it out yet.

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@meeflak.9714 said:

@TheOneWhoSighs.7513 said:I'm inclined to believe that forum ranks shouldn't even exist. It's incredibly kitten, especially since this certainly isn't stackoverflow.

Wow, that moment when the most PG word is censored by the forums.

Man, I forgot how idiotic the forum censors were.

OH OH! And idiotic gets through. Wow, clap and a half to this censor.

I must know the word

I also am dying to know the word

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I stopped playing for about 2 years, and when I came back recently, I was amused to see that the forums were still in the same basic state they were 5 years ago. Not that having incredible forums is a sign of a good game, but the old interface wasn't good at all, and a big part of why I didn't use them all that much.

Anyway, even with my hiatus, I still have about 3000 hours, and I'm a "recruit" as well.

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If you go the way of hours played, then you might as well base the rank on achievement points and/or hall of momument points :p . I really don't think we want to go that route B) .

Personally I'm not a big fan of forum rank systems, and mostly end up not paying attention to members' ranks where they exist. Whatever the metric is, it rarely has much (if any) impact on what is posted. I'd rather decide whether a post is relevant to me or not by what I read, than by who wrote it.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@Cronos.6532 said:As long as it isn't postcount-based, right?

Hopefully it isn't. On one hand I want to know what criteria it is based on, on the other hand I'd rather not know since some people would try to game that system to rank up, just to have a higher rank.

I think it'd be helpful to have an overview of ranks and what they do/how to obtain them simply because then everyone would be able to figure out if they wanted a higher rank or if they simply didn't care. Currently I don't know the limitations of my rank, or the possible unlocks, and that's a bit frustrating.

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I don't understand. what's wrong with being a recruit? even if you have played for more than 2000 hours, the new expansion would still be new to everyone. I myself pre-ordered the first gw2 expansion. But I have not play the game since HoT. I played HoT for 2 days then got bored.

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