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Replace "blame others" by "blame my lack of time to actually get decent at this/good enough to consistently hardcarry".

The one thing that will actually piss me off and cause me to "blame" others though is when i get stuck with teamates who A : Stop playing to type stuff in chat/trash talk, B : DC/AFK C : Throw on purpose.

Simply because being matchmade with people who won't bother to even try to play the game is a real waste of time. And there is a certain factor of luck in how many times you do get matched with that kind of people.

Only system i found is that if i get matched with someone more than twice in an evening (because yes, playerbase is tiny enough that even at gold 2/3 (where i usually play) you can get matched with the same people over and over), i just fucking stop queuing for that night.

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If I'm losing a lot, it's usually because I'm not playing as well as I could. Either I rotated poorly, didn't res or stomp when I should have, fought off point, chased a guy, fought too long on a point that wasn't mine, etc. I try to think about what I could have done better and usually it's little things like that, then I try to fix it for next time. There's no point in raging about my team because I'm not perfect either.

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Totally. Except I never really say anything. Untill one time there was a solo necro who flamed every one. He solo went to far at the start of the game. Died. Proceeded to solo go back and died some more.

He then went back and it was empty and yelled at every one for not fighting on point. While mid was dying because we were one man down. The team proceeded to tell him to go mid and stay with the firebrand in which he tells us we are noobs and don't know how to play the game.

Meh. Now I just play Condi mirage because Condi mirage can 2v1 even at gold. So I can carry mid if there are more solo necro and such.

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error: "casually derping around" does not fit any of the points.....

(on the other hand it happens from time to time when I join a full team fight no mid, all my teammates healthy and stuff and few sec,s later I find myself in 1v5 contemplating where the heck did my team disappear....)

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