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[NA] Looking for a casual left leaning guild


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Hey guys! I consider myself primarily a PvE player, but I like WvW (Yak's Bend) as well, and therefore I find myself playing PvE as well in order to gear my characters for WvW. I'm not a huge fan of fractals and I've never gotten into raiding, so most PvE stuff I do is open world, but I am willing to give the other stuff a try, if people can deal with onboarding a clueless player :P I've been playing this game for years but I've never really interacted with the guild system much before. I've played with other people before. My server has a WvW discord, and I like organically finding people to team up with in PvE. Just never got into a guild.

But... I'm more interested in the type of people in the guild rather than what type of content the guild does. I want a guild where I can talk about politics and not have someone say "no politics," I want people who make jokes I think are funny, I want someone who can relate to my problems, but I also want to meet people from backgrounds I have never experienced and gain new perspective on the world.

I recently was playing with my character "Fascist Slayer" a bit in PvE and got a few PM's from people who liked my username and I ended up having some nice open world adventures that day. So I know there's a community out there. And then today I saw someone with the clan tag "ACAB." Unfortunately they disappeared almost as soon as I saw them so I didn't even have time to whisper, but again, I know there are guilds out there for me, I just don't know how to find them.

For what it's worth, I'm 23, cis male, I consider myself to be a feminist, a LGBT (this originally said the Q word but apparently its considered naughty and changed it to "kitten") ally, an anarchist, a communist, blah blah blah you get the idea. I'm looking to make some new friends. I don't want to be on Discord and hear someone making a (okay this one was originally a word that rhymed with grape and also got changed to kitten) joke or something, ya know? Anyway, hit me up! :)

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Hello!I am the new leader of a LGBTQ-Inclusive guild. Things will be under internal construction for a bit as I settle down into my position and get a better grasp of running the guild. It's a small, casual guild, but I'm looking to expand more. If you are interested in joining and don't mind the mess, I would be glad to have you! Just shoot me a PM if you'd like an invite.

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you seem definitely my type of person! Here is the post i created this morning, please dont hesitate to contact me back if you think you fit.. you know if you fit you sit #kittens

[NA][bP][PVE][Name_in_Progress] Looking for people that want to create THAT GuildRelaroca.6059Relaroca.60597:45AM in Looking For GuildGuild that hasn't been created (yes) now is looking for awesome, dorky, nerd, not-serious, maybe-crazy people that wanna build THAT sort of guild.The name is still in progress .. I have a couple of names in my head. So everyone is welcome as long you are:

+21 (or play with parents/family)Sense of HumorSense of Sarcasm :smirk: -Sense of AdventurerProactive and actually enjoys to help your fellow guilds, even if it looks like impossible! (you should see me in dungeons... it will look impossible to reach the last Boss)Doesn't have a broom stuck over their butt... you know what I mean Patricia!!!Enjoy long walks on the beachCat friendlyFeels an irresistible need to randomly scream "Leroy Jenkins" and "Jeronimós !!!"As a weird love/hate relationship with puzzle jumpsAt the moment we... (and by we I mean me), are focus more on PVE content since i wanna open doors to newcomers or returners and sometimes you need to walk around, see the changes, wonder if you need X or Z still stealing a slot on your Bag or Bank account. PVP/WxW are not out of question but would rather focus for now on PVE

Voice chat will be Discord. Still have to create the server. It will be epic!

Timezone well there isn't really a timezone for me, since i have a rotative schedule in RL and can be playing at any time actually

So, are you feeling a hitch? Curious about what could be THAT guild? [Note: THAT guild is not the name of the guild. Unless ... humm?]Please drop an e-mail in-world or reply this gentle magnificent post!!! Once the guild (which will be today) is created I will send you a floweriness cheesy invite so you belong to the (un)lucky ones who will walk the first step of an historical guild to be!!

Your (futur) Guild Master

NOTE: If you do not wanna join the awesome marvelous guild to be, but wanna just chat/chat and do some runs please add me in-game :smiley:

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  • 1 month later...

I think you would like our community...so far everything I read is very much like who we are. Here is my big ole recruitment post!

[The Penultimate Frontier] is opening its doors to gamers at large! We are part of a larger gaming community, The Final Frontier (yes yes, someone already had our guild name on TC!). Our GW2 branch can be found on Tarnished Coast. We are newish in GW2, and growing rapidly! We are always looking for more wonderful people to come join our greater group of gamers!

Please contact anyone in the guild for an invite, or better yet, join our Discord server at:https://discord.gg/egbebUSAdd a message in the new player channel that you are looking for the GW2 branch. Good luck in your search!

Here is a bit about our community:

The Final Frontier is an LGBT-friendly, multi-game community focused on bringing gamers together for a vibrant, fun and welcoming community to play games of all variety with. We are a mature-level guild (16+) and a chill group of follks

Originally founded at the launch of Wildstar in 2014, The Final Frontier has been expanding gradually over the last 4 years within the game and over the last year has expanded outwards into games beyond. Now including World of Warcraft, Warframe and Blade and Soul, The Final Frontier is looking to expand its reach and forray into not just further MMOs, but all game genres from first-person shooter to RTS as well!

The Final Frontier operates under a community hub - game branch system. Discord is our primary means of communication, but our individual game branches are guaranteed autonomy outside the base tenets that make up the guild. We welcome both individual gamers who want to join a branch or hang out, as well as full-on guild branches looking to expand and interested in becoming part of our community!

Mics not required but encouraged

Below is the list of our main branch games, servers and games we like to organize for or return to:

Main Games

WildstarWorld of WarcraftWarframeBlade and SoulNEW! Guild Wars 2

Hosted Servers - Status

Minecraft - Up7 Days To Die - UpArk: Extinction - Pending Mod Updates for ExpansionStarbound - Currently on hiatus, can be reopened on request

Other Games We Play

7 Days to DieConan ExilesGarry's ModGrand Theft Auto OnlineOverwatchSCP: Secret LaboratoryStarboundStellarisVermintide 2What The BoxEmpyrion: Galactic SurvivalSpace EngineersMaple Story 2Diablo IIIStar Craft II*there is more to this list, but these are the most popular games!

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