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[WvW] Tips for roaming and zerging?


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I've always loved Revenant but never felt much desire to make one until recently. I've played it before, although very little, it was enough to understand some of the basics. After a few hours zerging last night and roaming today, I think I'm a little more comfortable but there are some things I'd still like to know.

For starters, these are my builds:Zerginghttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlQQJASmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqtAB4Bqz4G/wegHMiA-jFDEQBu7QAAv9HkiSC/p+DTUi1GdBbRJ4ueAAP4IA4QlBA4CAEFlCBAQAu5Nzm3MwNv5Nv5NvZXXoJ0s5NvZSBo6kN-w


What would you change?Right now, I like it. It's durable enough to allow for mistakes (which I make a lot of) but the damage feels a bit underwhelming. I did manage to win a 1v2 and a 1v3 today however so I'm happy with it's performance. Suggestions from others is needed however.

Legend swapping isn't really etched in to my brain yet. I know it's there and I know what skills they provide, but I feel like sometimes I'm just swapping for no reason. Should I camp Legends until I need a skill from another? Or should I be rotating through them frequently?

I know that Revenant is all about damage avoidance so I've been playing very reactive watching for specific skills to interrupt, block or evade. I've also been trying to maintain a kiting strategy but I have a bad habit of getting too aggressive. Those are my only questions however but tips would also be nice. Looking for some solid advice on gameplay and build!

Also note that I've watched many roaming videos from very skilled Rev's. So you can link those if you'd like but I may have already seen them.

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Your rev is too tanky and is trying to do zerging and roaming with same gear. Under the premise that you are just switching out swords for hammer to switch roles easy I will redo the builds for you and link them,



I setup your traits so you dont have to change them between the two modes.I left gear stats and runes alone. Switched infusions to all power. Work on finishing those rings.I removed Bloodlust sigil and added cleansing onto the hammer. Removed stun sigil in favor of flat +5%.

Its not optimized for either scenario, but its where you want to be for easy mode switch and still have a good build.

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What I run in both zerging and roaming,


I don't switch anything. I've found learning and knowing how to play a specific build is far easier than trying to be uber leet min/max build swapping constantly. There are not enough good players in wvw to justify that for the average player like you and me.

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Part of why the damage might feel underwhelming is because you're not running Invocation - thus losing the might stacks from Incensed Response and the 40% crit chance when you have Fury. You also lose a condi cleanse, a stun break, a source of Fury (all when changing legends).

For roaming, your build is too tanky, not in terms of gear but in terms of traits. With 2700 armor, you're already tanky enough to swap from Retribution to Invocation (top-bot-bot). You'll have 90% crit chance, condi cleanse and stun break on legend swapping. This is what I'm running now.

For zerging, Rev has more options. You can run the traditional backline hammer build with Invocation/Devastation/Herald, Hammer/Staff, Shiro/Glint, marauder/zerker gears, or a more frontline option with the same gear as what you have with Invocation/Retribution/Herald, Hammer/Staff, Jalis/Glint or Jalis/Mallyx. I don't know about pure support builds though (the ones that use Ventari).

As for play style, what you said about damage avoidance and kiting is correct - kiting avoids damage and gives you more time to react to your opponents, and you can choose the appropriate time to burst - and when you do rev sword skills hit like a truck. For legend swapping - when you need a skill from the other, when you need to cleanse conditions or break stun, or sometimes when you run out of energy - although if you run out of energy in Shiro but you still need to kite then you can just run away from your opponent until you have enough energy for Riposting Shadow or Phase Traversal (to either further disengage or re-engage).

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