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[BUG] "Cultural Attache" Cannot Complete

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I'm not sure what 'the latest episode' has to do with this achievement. You do know that 'Cultural Attache' is for Aurene in an instance from 'A Crack in the Ice', yes? Not Sun's Refuge.Just to be sure, you aren't confusing it with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Good,_Better,_Nest, are you? I'm sure you aren't, as Aurene is not there, is she? I'm not sure, as I have yet to do that one.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I'm not sure what 'the latest episode' has to do with this achievement. You do know that 'Cultural Attache' is for Aurene in an instance from 'A Crack in the Ice', yes? Not Sun's Refuge.Just to be sure, you aren't confusing it with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Good,_Better,_Nest, are you? I'm sure you aren't, as Aurene is not there, is she? I'm not sure, as I have yet to do that one.

CS pointed me to here, and told me to post this here. Yes, I'm making a statement that Cultural Attache, POST completing the latest episode has made completing the achievement impossible. I am not confusing the achievement, hah. I appreciate you trying to help me, but I have done literally everything correct; progress is halted as the game does not acknowledge it but the NPC does, and the item does not go on the pedestal. I know for a fact it worked prior to me completing the latest episode, and all due to this, I cannot hand in the last item I neglected to hand to her. I even tried doing it on another character who did not complete the episode, but alas, it is borked.

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The gifts you give to Aurene in the Precocious Aurene isntance for the Cultural Attache achievement show up at her nest inside Sun's Refuge. (This is separate from the gifts from the Good, better, nest achievement)

Have you tried it with a different character that hasn't complete LW4 episode 4 yet? You can buy an exalted portal stone from the exalted vendor inside Tarir in Auric Basin for other characters, even if they haven't even started the HoT storyline https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exalted_Portal_Stone. The gift items you purchase for the Cultural Attache achievement are account bound.

If another character that hasn't completed LW4 episode 4 can't give Aurene the gifts in the Precocious Aurene instance, then it means unlocking the Sun's Refuge instance bugs your account for the Cultural Attache achievement.

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to confirm the bug since I completed the Cultural Attache achievement quite some time before the Sun's Refuge instance was released. You can see it here in the upper part of the screenshot. The gold circles are the gifts I gave to Aurene in the Precocious Aurene instance. (The Zephyr Sanctum Model is the one just to the right of the Music Skull.)


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@"Charrbeque.8729" Yes, I've tried it post completing it, and a different character (I think I did mention that above actually!). I do see the gifts in that instance as well as the one for "Precocious Aurene" back in the Egg Chamber. It did bug my entire account, simply put. I had put off getting the last gift for a bit of time, so this is pretty much a dead stop for me now that it's complete. :(

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