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Eurantien.4632 Grats on Top 10 Ranked PvP


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Eurantien Representing Rangers


With a Final Rank of 1736439 Wins 305 Losses

That is a ton of games played!

Couple of questions champ

Can you share your build?

Did you change your build as you ranked up?

In what division did you start this season?

Is Ranger the only class you played while climbing?

Most challenging class to fight?

Most challenging player to fight?

Thanks and Grats !

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Hey! lol.

  1. I had a lot of free time.
  2. I wanted to gear for raids to play with an irl friend (that maybe will happen someday) so I farmed all the ascended shards I needed to make that happen in one season.
  3. I was completely awful at this game when i came back 2 months ago and just grinded to get back to where I felt good about my game play again (helped put up the most points against Team U S A in the monthly yesterday - hoping will do better in the future).

This was my first season in 2+ years and I started just by theory crafting my own stuff and started at around rank 1680 or something.

Since I was going the for the back piece I had to play off classes which inevitably tanked my rating down to near 1500 so ranger was the only class i really climbed with. I also spent a lot of time just testing builds so I lost a lot of rating from things like that.

Eventually I ended up with pretty standard boonbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqANsgd8CO8CctglJBLP3+bPuOVuKQmrJA84mAlo4DA-jZxHABiv/A9lB8/QA89FAAgnAAA - Once I got here the wins just started rolling in.Only difference is I swapped out the weapon sets for lb/gs and the elite.This build performed very well for me since with GS evades and double invulns I could tank a point for a long time out numbered and still escape with double movement from swoop and owl. With LB I could easily push far and get decaps and just stealth out if i got +'d.

Holosmiths are of course really strong and were tough to fight. I had the most trouble with warriors though since I couldn't kill the good ones and just had to decap them with the knockback and reflecting the stealth off of their shield.

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@"Eurantien.4632" said:Hey! lol.

  1. I had a lot of free time.
  2. I wanted to gear for raids to play with an irl friend (that maybe will happen someday) so I farmed all the ascended shards I needed to make that happen in one season.
  3. I was completely awful at this game when i came back 2 months ago and just grinded to get back to where I felt good about my game play again (helped put up the most points against Team U S A in the monthly yesterday - hoping will do better in the future).

This was my first season in 2+ years and I started just by theory crafting my own stuff and started at around rank 1680 or something.

Since I was going the for the back piece I had to play off classes which inevitably tanked my rating down to near 1500 so ranger was the only class i really climbed with. I also spent a lot of time just testing builds so I lost a lot of rating from things like that.

Eventually I ended up with pretty standard boonbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqANsgd8CO8CctglJBLP3+bPuOVuKQmrJA84mAlo4DA-jZxHABiv/A9lB8/QA89FAAgnAAA - Once I got here the wins just started rolling in.Only difference is I swapped out the weapon sets for lb/gs and the elite.This build performed very well for me since with GS evades and double invulns I could tank a point for a long time out numbered and still escape with double movement from swoop and owl. With LB I could easily push far and get decaps and just stealth out if i got +'d.

Holosmiths are of course really strong and were tough to fight. I had the most trouble with warriors though since I couldn't kill the good ones and just had to decap them with the knockback and reflecting the stealth off of their shield.

Had the pleasure (not) to fight you on a side node very early in the season, i don't want do that again. lol

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@"Eurantien.4632" said:Hey! lol.

  1. I had a lot of free time.
  2. I wanted to gear for raids to play with an irl friend (that maybe will happen someday) so I farmed all the ascended shards I needed to make that happen in one season.
  3. I was completely awful at this game when i came back 2 months ago and just grinded to get back to where I felt good about my game play again (helped put up the most points against Team U S A in the monthly yesterday - hoping will do better in the future).

This was my first season in 2+ years and I started just by theory crafting my own stuff and started at around rank 1680 or something.

Since I was going the for the back piece I had to play off classes which inevitably tanked my rating down to near 1500 so ranger was the only class i really climbed with. I also spent a lot of time just testing builds so I lost a lot of rating from things like that.

Eventually I ended up with pretty standard boonbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqANsgd8CO8CctglJBLP3+bPuOVuKQmrJA84mAlo4DA-jZxHABiv/A9lB8/QA89FAAgnAAA - Once I got here the wins just started rolling in.Only difference is I swapped out the weapon sets for lb/gs and the elite.This build performed very well for me since with GS evades and double invulns I could tank a point for a long time out numbered and still escape with double movement from swoop and owl. With LB I could easily push far and get decaps and just stealth out if i got +'d.

Holosmiths are of course really strong and were tough to fight. I had the most trouble with warriors though since I couldn't kill the good ones and just had to decap them with the knockback and reflecting the stealth off of their shield.

Can you talk a little about why you like GS over sword/Warhorn?Rangers seem to be split one way or another on these weapon choices.

whoknocks.4935 recently said in a build post "Greatsword at high levels is easy to counter due to the telegraphs it has, and the autochain evade, yeah it's one of the best autochain skills a 2h weapon can have, but relying on autos in this meta is not a thing."

also "...greatsword leap is not reliable as warhorn5 and sword2, plus the 2 evade frames on sword are superior to the block in the gs, evades can't be countered, block can."

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sword warhorn and axe/axe is better. Yet when pairing with LB, GS is just better in my opinion. You can almost always swap to gs and land a maul. Getting 3 evades out of each auto attack chain is insane. Nothing beats that. The block, although telegraphed, is amazing. For so many matchups you can swap and counterattack right away.

Maybe it is a personal preference thing but GS just feels better to me. Swoop is a reliable dodge when people are close and a good quick positional change skill while Sword 2 can get interrupted and sword 3 has an awful after cast that I don't like.

If you're using one wolf pack, then sword is better simply because warhorn 4 synergizes so well with it.

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I think I'm the only ranger up there at season end. A few others were up there occasionally like shadowfall or retrato and they were also running boo beast variants I believe.

In conquest, boonbeast is probably the best against the current meta.

That being said I think there is some potential for either dps with MM and BM with the two handed training buff. Or throwing skirmishing in somewhere in boonbeast with striders defense and quick draw. I just haven't tested them enought.

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@jester iv.2618 said:Is boonbeast the most optimal ranger build currently? Are there any other rangers who reached top 10 without using the boonbeast build? If so what build did they run?

Boonbeast and its variants do seem like the best options at the moment. I run a full glass cannon variant of it, and frankly it plays so different it's hard to call it just a variation at this point. However, I do rely on merging/unmerging intelligently, use many of the same traits, and need to be diligent about boon uptime to get better output. When done right, there's almost no situation a boonbeast doesn't have a solid response to. Even when that response is to just run away, as Eur said the standard boonbeast setup involving a bird merge is a great escape tool, and having GS only helps more.

My glass build only got me to 1600 two seasons ago, and I ended at 1579 this past season - I think I'll have to give up the glass cannon lifestyle for a more proper boonbeast build for better results.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:

@jester iv.2618 said:Is boonbeast the most optimal ranger build currently? Are there any other rangers who reached top 10 without using the boonbeast build? If so what build did they run?

Boonbeast and its variants do seem like the best options at the moment. I run a full glass cannon variant of it, and frankly it plays so different it's hard to call it just a variation at this point. However, I do rely on merging/unmerging intelligently, use many of the same traits, and need to be diligent about boon uptime to get better output. When done right, there's almost no situation a boonbeast doesn't have a solid response to. Even when that response is to just run away, as Eur said the standard boonbeast setup involving a bird merge is a great escape tool, and having GS only helps more.

My glass build only got me to 1600 two seasons ago, and I ended at 1579 this past season - I think I'll have to give up the glass cannon lifestyle for a more proper boonbeast build for better results.

This is sort of the nature of the problem. I played full glass up to 1670 but the build just doesn't carry and also depends on good teammates, and many things can beat it easily. But with boonbeast you can just go far and win every 1v1 or even hold 1v2 then live. It just carries harder.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:I think I'm the only ranger up there at season end. A few others were up there occasionally like shadowfall or retrato and they were also running boo beast variants I believe.

In conquest, boonbeast is probably the best against the current meta.

That being said I think there is some potential for either dps with MM and BM with the two handed training buff. Or throwing skirmishing in somewhere in boonbeast with striders defense and quick draw. I just haven't tested them enought.

I was up there for only a week or two at the start of the season. I had <30 games played by the end.

Anyways, gz mate.

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@"Eurantien.4632" said:sword warhorn and axe/axe is better. Yet when pairing with LB, GS is just better in my opinion. You can almost always swap to gs and land a maul. Getting 3 evades out of each auto attack chain is insane. Nothing beats that. The block, although telegraphed, is amazing. For so many matchups you can swap and counterattack right away.

Maybe it is a personal preference thing but GS just feels better to me. Swoop is a reliable dodge when people are close and a good quick positional change skill while Sword 2 can get interrupted and sword 3 has an awful after cast that I don't like.

If you're using one wolf pack, then sword is better simply because warhorn 4 synergizes so well with it.

You should check out Axe/Warhorn GS. People are definitely sleeping on it. I can't make the claim that it outperforms the "regular" Axe/Axe build (my preference is Axe/Wh Sword/Axe and I don't think it plays significantly better or worse either way), but it's strong and it definitely competes.

Gotta go Demolisher Amulet with it though imo, but I also think Paladins is overdoing it, especially when there's no condi Mirage on the enemy team so shrug

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@"Eurantien.4632" said:sword warhorn and axe/axe is better. Yet when pairing with LB, GS is just better in my opinion. You can almost always swap to gs and land a maul. Getting 3 evades out of each auto attack chain is insane. Nothing beats that. The block, although telegraphed, is amazing. For so many matchups you can swap and counterattack right away.

Maybe it is a personal preference thing but GS just feels better to me. Swoop is a reliable dodge when people are close and a good quick positional change skill while Sword 2 can get interrupted and sword 3 has an awful after cast that I don't like.

If you're using one wolf pack, then sword is better simply because warhorn 4 synergizes so well with it.

You should check out Axe/Warhorn GS. People are definitely sleeping on it. I can't make the claim that it outperforms the "regular" Axe/Axe build (my preference is Axe/Wh Sword/Axe and I don't think it plays significantly better or worse either way), but it's strong and it definitely competes.

Gotta go Demolisher Amulet with it though imo, but I also think Paladins is overdoing it, especially when there's no condi Mirage on the enemy team so

Yeah I was just thinking the other day how off hand axe is practically useless against top players. Which would make a/w the obvious move and then gs over sword would be the next step. I'll have to try it out more. Part of me thinks that If I just practice with off hand axe and become amazing and landing path of scars it won't matter... but If I feel off hand axe underperforming I think a/w and gs will be the move.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:sword warhorn and axe/axe is better. Yet when pairing with LB, GS is just better in my opinion. You can almost always swap to gs and land a maul. Getting 3 evades out of each auto attack chain is insane. Nothing beats that. The block, although telegraphed, is amazing. For so many matchups you can swap and counterattack right away.

Maybe it is a personal preference thing but GS just feels better to me. Swoop is a reliable dodge when people are close and a good quick positional change skill while Sword 2 can get interrupted and sword 3 has an awful after cast that I don't like.

If you're using one wolf pack, then sword is better simply because warhorn 4 synergizes so well with it.

You should check out Axe/Warhorn GS. People are definitely sleeping on it. I can't make the claim that it outperforms the "regular" Axe/Axe build (my preference is Axe/Wh Sword/Axe and I don't think it plays significantly better or worse either way), but it's strong and it definitely competes.

Gotta go Demolisher Amulet with it though imo, but I also think Paladins is overdoing it, especially when there's no condi Mirage on the enemy team so

@Eurantien.4632 said:sword warhorn and axe/axe is better. Yet when pairing with LB, GS is just better in my opinion. You can almost always swap to gs and land a maul. Getting 3 evades out of each auto attack chain is insane. Nothing beats that. The block, although telegraphed, is amazing. For so many matchups you can swap and counterattack right away.

Maybe it is a personal preference thing but GS just feels better to me. Swoop is a reliable dodge when people are close and a good quick positional change skill while Sword 2 can get interrupted and sword 3 has an awful after cast that I don't like.

If you're using one wolf pack, then sword is better simply because warhorn 4 synergizes so well with it.

You should check out Axe/Warhorn GS. People are definitely sleeping on it. I can't make the claim that it outperforms the "regular" Axe/Axe build (my preference is Axe/Wh Sword/Axe and I don't think it plays significantly better or worse either way), but it's strong and it definitely competes.

Gotta go Demolisher Amulet with it though imo, but I also think Paladins is overdoing it, especially when there's no condi Mirage on the enemy team so

Yeah I was just thinking the other day how off hand axe is practically useless against top players. Which would make a/w the obvious move and then gs over sword would be the next step. I'll have to try it out more. Part of me thinks that If I just practice with off hand axe and become amazing and landing path of scars it won't matter... but If I feel off hand axe underperforming I think a/w and gs will be the move.

I use axe/wh gs over every other boonbeast variant.

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