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Vine wrath at silverwastes


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People go to Silverwastes all the time to farm. They are looking for the so-called RIBA style, because it generates the most income. Those maps kill the vinewrath regularly. Join one of those to see how it's done (or just to get your kills in).

Alternatively, if you want to command, then you'll have to become an expert in how all three lanes progress. I've "led" successful runs without a tag, since it's more a matter of explaining the mechanics to people who might not be familiar with them (and who might not be all that interested in listening). The cliche is correct: commanding is very much like herding cats.

In short, it's not the tag that makes the commander.

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@Einsof.1457 said:Okay I'll try that thanks

The RIBA? great. You might have some difficulty finding them this month due to Halloween. Keep looking, as people are still doing them even so.And please let us know how it turns out for you. There are guides out there on the net; you shouldn't have trouble finding a site. Or you can just follow the zerg

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Other people have mentioned this already but if you've been trying for the last 2 weeks then your big problem might be that the Halloween event has been running. Most people do Silverwastes because it gets you a lot of gold (if you know what you're doing) and right now the Labyrinth is more profitable, so most people have moved there. Things will go back to normal once the Halloween event ends.

But also it's almost never as simple as 'buy commander tag, turn it on, get a squad and complete the event'. The tag is useful because it gives you a portable map marker and some other tools to coordinate squads, and it will occasionally attract random people who happen to be on the map and want to know what you're doing, but it's not a guarantee that you'll get a squad whenever you want one and it doesn't actually help you complete events. The person using the tag (or someone else in the squad) still needs to know what to do and how to direct people to do it.

What does help is using the LFG tool and being specific about what you're doing. For example for Silverwastes you'll want to say if you're doing RIBA (where one squad goes around all 4 forts) or the 'traditional' approach where one squad goes to each fort, how far along the map is and if you're not doing RIBA how many forts or lanes are covered.

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@phs.6089 said:If you are on NA, contact Sinful Wasters (after the Halloween events) they will be back to RIBA and they always need more commanders for Silverwastes, could also give you lots of tips of that.

I’m in this guild. They are absolutely amazing. It is a farming guild but you don’t have to just farm. Everyone is friendly and it is always active. We tend to be capped but usually there tends to be a spot or two open.

We farm Silverwastes daily, exception is we are all in the lab atm but will go back to silverwastes once over.

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