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Straits of Devastation "meta" events getting stuck/no progress

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Already reported in game as a bug but leaving it here as well just in case as I haven't seen a post related to this issue.

The chain of events to "retake" the Cathedral of Glorious Victory seem to be bugged as multiple players have been saying the same on map chat during the last four days. It has happened to me at least four times already where after the first event is successfully completed, no additional events are triggered, we already tried all different possible chains and none of them seem to be working so the map has remained pretty much blocked during the last four days.

Thanks in advance for taking a look at it :)

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@Mado.3729 said:Been trying to get this done for the last few days as the Obsidian Shards are all thats sitting between me and my next legendary. Can we get a fix for this or the vendor moved somewhere that's not locked behind a broken meta event?

Last night we managed to fill the map and force a new map to be created and we were able to complete the meta event on the new map. Hopefully we managed to fix it and it stays that way!

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