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Renegade is NOT OP and NOT needs nerfs and reworks, thread to dumb people ;)


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trying this out in SPvP, and lots of problems. The Health Regen from this requires percise timing and procs. I cant lay down my starter warband skills since like 2 of them drop me to 0 energy, which make the ELite unusable. along side the Heal. SO I am trying a different rotation.

Ok just tried the Ice/Elite/Bomb that dont work with the limited energy unless you starting off with more energy. Hard to pull off Charging Mist in SPvP.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Ok I tested this build. Not sure why but it's Working. Beside the normal burst from meta builds of other OP classes, it's great at dishing out some well placed burst and CC with major sustain. Problem is it's too easy to counter this with the current weakness of the renegade.

If it's too easy to counter, given current weaknesses of Renegade, I would imagine that the build isn't op like the OP claims it is. Still I think the OP needs to provide some video footage of the build actually being OP as opposed to just working. I'd be interested in seeing how others respond to the build and if it is working because they simply aren't playing against it well or if it works because it is actually good.

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@"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:Like others never imagined seeing the words "Renegade is OP (In PvP/WvW)", and this is coming from somebody who roams in WvW as a Renegade. (I don't use Kalla however, because outside of memes there is no reason to take Kalla.)

It's not that Renegade has weak damage, far from it. The problem is that no competent player is going to stand there and let you freecast Icerazor/Darkrazor on top of them while standing inside Soulcleave. At most you can use it for some short duration area denial vs people unfamiliar with Renegade. I also highly doubt this supposed high damage by spamming shortbow 1, that looks like faulty math.

I am happy however that OP is having fun playing as Renegade, kudos!

It might work wonders under a group with decent CC, against easy acces mobility classes doubt :), but one cant be strong in everything right???.... right?

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If you could change the title one more time, i would actually like a renegade "rework". Specifically a second look at Kalla and some aspects of Shortbow. Just of the opinion that nerfs aren't necessary. Thanks! :+1:

Bit sad that we're "Dumb People" now though. :cry:

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@narcx.3570 said:

@Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:I can agree with you all, renegade is really the worst class. It is so bad that even scrapper can beat it with closed eyes :D

A PvP class beating a PvE class!?!?!? Never!

Its so dumb that you have specs that are so good in all 3 game modes and other that are purely for one game mode.

Watching the renegade reveal was one of the saddest moments in my life.

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So.. After 3 days of testings in Pvp and PvE (with dps meter).It's Kinda average vs high mobility classes, even if you play well, you need 3s to burst someone down, and it's too much when you'r fighting a decent player, because this build is pretty bad at managing CCs.It depend too much on oppenent awareness and oppenent staying in range to take everything without any defensive response,for 3s, so only good vs average and newbies/clumsy players, tho', this build is pretty good for +1 or duo Roaming, since you don't draw all the attention and players tend to easily underestimate Rev', so here is your niche I guess.I have to admit that the healing is fucking dope, but as I said... CCs and it's over, wich will happen very often if you get focused by a decent player.

Pve wise, it's an ok build, your base dps is a constant 2400 at best solo, without food, but it can raise to 6k dps and 9XX heal/s in squad, not impressive at all, but thanks to the life steal, you don't have to worry about your HP.You can also solo every boss/legendary in open world that don't do hard CCs and tend to stay in one place..

Average, eventually "OP" in certain situations, but its so niche that we can't say it's an OP build. Extremely weak to CCs, even more than every other revenant builds, since other build can at least kill moving targets and counter...I still got better results playing condi/trailblazer mace/axe in open world/WvW.

Overall it's a fun build , but nothing OP here.

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Actually, Kalla IS OP! Soulcleave Summit, to be specific. It's literally the strongest life steal in the game, apples to whole party, and has basically no ICD. When compared to.. literally every other life steal option in the game, you really cannot deny that it is ridiculously OP.

But does it need a nerf? Nah. There is such a thing as "healthy" imbalance. Kinda like how the human body needs "good" fats. Soulcleave Summit is rather benign despite how overpowered it may be, and that makes it really good.

If anything on Renegade needs to be reworked, I wouldn't necessarily say it's Kalla herself, but rather the Shortbow must be reworked specifically. In plain words: it sucks. Like, badly. Auto, SB#2, and SB#3 all just do damage, without much further functionality. SB#4 has a slow, and SB#5 has knockdown. It doesn't bring anything significant to the table.

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Soul cleave is only OP if you can drop it down and suddenly swap to another class while the upkeep stay in effect for the 50 energy that you start combat with. If that was the case, I would agree. Otherwise no. Soul cleave has a high Upkeep cost and so does any other big attacks and even weapon skills. Auto Attack is not good enough and bow is the only ranged weapon with an auto attack that actually benefit from it since hammer is slow. Melee weapons with Soul cleave in PvP is just a no go since you can compensate the damage you will take with it, and swapping to Shiro destroys it instantly...

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