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@Consequences.8365 said:As stated in the title I haven't played the game in quite some time I think since a few months after Heart of Thorns released. What is the state of the game? How is the expansion? How is wvwpvp and spvp?

Would suggest posting in one of those sections. Fair warning? People are very opinionated. Which is why the first three responses:

@VanWilder.6923 said:It'll best you check out the game's state yourself.You already know where to go or how to get there, WvW, PvP and open world PvE maps.Log in the game and experience it. Game is to be played, talking does not help much ;)

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The water's fine, jump on in!

@maxan.7836 said:Um- Want to play a game jump in- Do it- Heaps of us here playing- And we help each other- So jump in - Yeah - Go for it-

All suggest playing to make your own assessment.

The game has changed, that much is clear especially as it pertains to WvW and sPvP.

Glad to see you possibly returning.

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