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Extra life goal rewards and devaluing rare and exclusive rewards.


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It has been made public in the Extra Life Site that if Anet reaches a goal of $60,000 players who login will get the Endless Interface Crafter Golem Tonic.

Now, I dont have any issue with giving away goodies to players, I'm all for these kind of ingame goodies, but this specific tonic was once the exclusive reward for participating in the Overwolf Guild Wars 2 App Challenge back in 2015. Coders who took part were awarded with this exclusive tonic and it now feels kinda shitty tbh that this is given freely to everyone who simply logs in during the even (not even to ppl who support the cause). I would be 100% with Anet on this one if they instead had a recoloured or a diff mini for the extra life event but as is now it simply feels like anet is devaluing the coders who took part in that challenge.

I ask that Anet reconsider's the choice of reward for this event in order to show respect to the ppl who worked and took part in the Overwolf challenge.

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The quote in question:

If we reach our team goal of $50,000 including ArenaNet's matching contribution, every player who logged in during our Extra Life event will receive an in-game mail with karma equal to the amount of money we raised. (i.e. $50,000 raised=50,000 karma, $55,000 raised=55,000 karma) If we keep going and reach $60,000 total, that in-game mail will include a bonus gift: an Endless Interface Crafter Golem Tonic!
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I have it, and I don't care too much to be fair. I never liked exclusive rewards anyway, specially if they're one time only. Now, if they hosted a programming contest every few months, ok, but this was 3 years ago, and there's only like 50 guys who have it.

The Mini Sparkles controversy made me quit mini collecting back in the day, and I despise the PvP tournament exclusive rewards as well. Wish they started giving those for free too.

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Just like with mini Liadri and the Dragon Emblem outfit, I hope Anet continues to make these old items available.

Because I love when these forgotten and neglected 'exclusive' items that have been rotting in the bank suddenly become very important and sentimental when the threat of them being widely distributed pops up.

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@Warkind.6745 said:Just like with mini Liadri and the Dragon Emblem outfit, I hope Anet continues to make these old items available.

Because I love when these forgotten and neglected 'exclusive' items that have been rotting in the bank suddenly become very important and sentimental when the threat of them being widely distributed pops up.

Not quite.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:when the game is done,

Its been years, how often do you use this thing anyways, probably never until the "threat" of others being allowed to have it came to be. Also note it never says that its exclusive or will remain exclusive in the advertisement for the challenge, unlike for example the HoM rewards. its time to let it become something that more people have access too, also they need 60k, they only currently have 1.8k and they have 3 days to raise that much, unless they somehow come up with that much money in 3 days.

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@"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:It's like in gw1. Be the first to have a festival hat, then, when the game is done, let the others have it too. You were the first, congrats. Now, let the others have their fun and be a completionist.

This is different. The OP isn't saying, "let's never make the thing available again" as much as "let's not trivialize the accomplishments of the past."

It is just pixels when you think about it...That argument cuts both ways: if it's not that important, why pick it as a reward in the first place?It's not the pixels that are important, it's the recognition that someone earned something in a contest, versus just showing up during streaming.

If nothing else, ANet clearly thought it was more than just pixels, otherwise they wouldn't have offered it as an exclusive reward in the first place.

That said, I doubt ANet will do things any different. They have a history of changing their mind about exclusivity. In GW1, it wasn't just the festival hats, they also allowed everyone to gain access to items (mostly minis) that were previously only available through contests or other special offers.

With the exception of the HoM rewards (a rare case in which ANet made a specific type of promise), I just always assume that any specialty reward is "exclusive for the limited time until we decide everyone should get a chance to own." Not my preference, but keeps the blood pressure down rather than getting annoyed by what I can't change.

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  1. The tonic was a reward from 3 years ago. I think it's a fair try for those who missed it.
  2. Also it wasn't anything easy, it was an app challenge, how many people have it? 100?
  3. The tonic is an "extra reward" Anet's goal is to hit at least $25-$30,000. If we hit $50,000 we get 50,000 karma, bonus to MF WvW PvP tracks, and if we hit $60,000 then we get the tonic.

I am not a coder, I really wanted it and I couldn't. Now I have a very very very slim chance. I will try and hope others too. And if not then I am happy that I helped some kids.

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I'm somewhat torn. I tend to take these things on a case by case basis, and in almost every case I feel that a skin or tonic should be available to everyone, though it may require them to do something to "earn" it. The exceptions are those things meant to recognize a specific thing done (the celebration cap, the armor outfit, the GWAMM title). So here we have a thing that was meant to recognize Overwulf contributors, so it makes sense to leave it for those that did that. On the other hand, it was limited to winners. Not every player could do the thing that "earned" it. Even players that put in tremendous effort in making Overwulf apps but didn't win would not get the tonic.

I think here I am ok with more general distribution at this point, but agree it should be a recolor so the original winners still have a marker of their accomplishment.

I am curious on a more general level, when is this going to be distributed? I've logged in a few times during the 24 hour period, including after the 60K goal was reached. I got the title right away but not the other items. So I'm guessing there needs to be a big database pass and it'll be in the game mail in the next few days, the way ESO does login crate rewards after promotions.

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