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Extra Life ingame rewards?


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First I am very happy the community raised so much for the children. What I am asking about is more a curiosity than a need or a want. It isn't explained every well on Dulfy or in the information for the live stream.

I am just curious about this, from what I have found online it is if you were logged in during the event, but the question is, did you have to be logged in right when they hit 60k to get the karma and endless tonic? Or just at some point during the hour stream? I had to work Saturday during the end of the stream but I was logged on when the stream started and early in the morning. I wasn't aware of the rewards until I logged in when I got home after work and saw the buff then was watching the stream to see what happened during the night and when I was at work. I am just curious how these were supposed to work.

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@"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:We published a post on Thursday that outlined things. That might help explain it a little better.

I've also got a list of notes for 2019 on things we can improve, so "clarity on rewards" is on there!

It seems a lot of people were concerned about the level 15 requirement for the title. If those players were going actually get their karma and tonic from logging in during the live stream, even though they were not level 15. I know the titles require you to be level 15, but does that also count for the in game mail to be sent out?

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