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How many of the professions do you play?


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I have at least 1 permanent character for each profession (2 elementalists and 2 engineers) and I can and will play all of them, but I play some of them a lot more than others. My ranger is, and always has been, my main character (currently debating between sticking with druid or giving soulbeast another try) and I also use my elementalists, engineer, thief and guardian a lot. My mesmer, necro and revenant are all still lower levels, and my warrior is only level 80 because I used a boost on him.

For me it purely comes down to what I enjoy. I've always liked nature themed characters and I find combat on the ranger fun (using shortbow and sword/torch...or maybe dagger/torch now). I enjoy the compexity of the elementalist and engineer, and the movement skills the thief and guardian have (it surprised me that guardians have any, at first I thought of them as the typical tank - stand in one place and draw the enemies to them).

The others just don't appeal to me as much, either because I don't like the theme or the way combat flows when I'm playing them or maybe just because I don't 'get' it. My husband has tried to explain to me why mesmers are easily the best profession in the game, but all I've gotten from that is we have very different ideas about fun combat in RPGs.

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I have one of everything but Elementalist and Thief. I have one slot left for the keyfarm to use up all the birthday scrolls and other level up items.

I keep trying to like Ele as it was my main in GW1, but just can't get into it.

My mains were Mesmer, Ranger and Guard, but it's been slowly shifting to Ranger, Revenant, and Engineer.

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Mesmer, Guardian, Ranger, Necro and a new Engineer which I have fallen in love with so I guess this is my main. I have both elites unlocked and I'm enjoying running around ow as scrapper.

It's the first character I have actually leveled crafting for and started my daily time gated. Engineer has so much versatility - I dun care about meta but it sure is fun trying out different traits/abilities/weapons to get the job done.

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I play Guardian (mostly core) exclusively, but tried other classes as well just to know which adversaries I will face.Why? Because I hate 'tricks' and 'tricky' professions in general (ever so called 'warriors' use their speedy bulls***t to disengage soo often that I literalyl cry in local for them to comeback and fite!!1) - thats pure and simple punch in your face with big stick.. or mace. I wish mace could punch even harder. Long live Guardian, bois!

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Voted 1. I only started playing GW in March, -

Started with Necromancer and have really, really been enjoying it. I do want to try other classes eventually but at the moment I am just enjoying the game and progressing through the different zones/map completion, there is no real benefit for me to change classes and I can't see myself doing it in the near future either.

Maybe after I'm 100% Map progression and completed a few collections/ascended gear. I might add an alt. Currently however, that is a long way off.

To give you an idea, I'm 80 - working through heart of thorns as I'm trying to collect a couple of key pieces for my first weapon collection (Dark Harvest) - Judging by the amount of hours I'm plowed into this game already I can't even imagine how much play-ability this game has, even without getting into alts.

In the 'good old days' I had enough time to spend an extortionate amount of time on 1 char and then still have time left over for alts. However that was prior to the whole wife, kid and 50 hour week came along =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mesmer, Ranger, Guardian, Engineer

I have all classes geared and levelled up to 80. I sometimes play them or do raids on them. But I wouldn't say that I'm putting any investment in any other class other than the 4 listed above. I think it's better to master/main a small amount of classes, rather than try and play all the class in the game. Plus unless you're farming something specific, which may require you to play multiple characters to do it faster, I haven't really come across the need or want to play all classes.

Besides Snow Crows website currently display 49 playable builds (see link below for a spreadsheet of each builds, or you can go directly on Snow Crows website). If you wrote that you can play 9 classes, are you telling me that you can play all 49 builds and have gear for all of them?


  1. Chronomancer is my main. I play boon Chrono in raids, and can also swap to power DPS, which offer really good damage, it's also an extremely versatile class in PvP. It does everything that I needs it to do :)

  2. Firebrand/DH, I really enjoy Heal Firebrand gameplay it's great in PvE/PvP, and you can also easily tank bosses in raids with minstrel gear. I play DH mostly in Fractals, and with the same gear, I can swap to Quickbrand in Fractals. I enjoy Chronomancer much more, however since Guardian is an extremely situational class that can bring a lot of support to your team, I often find myself playing it, which is why it's in my list.

  3. Ranger. Ranger used to be my main, I loved it, but I don't particularly like it anymore since it feels really weird to do melee attack with a ranger. I used to play it in Open World and WvW, but I only play its druid specs nowadays for Raids/Fractals.

  4. Holosmith is my go to class if I need to do DPS, I really enjoy it's mechanics and rotation, and you can play it both power or condi, although I mostly only play it power.

I then play other professions/builds, but it's only very casually, which is why I don't think it's a good idea to include it in my list.

  1. Thief, if I ever need to complete a map multiple times in open world for currency etc... sometimes in raids too, but not that often. In Qadim, it can be pretty useful if you're tanking or just as a general raid dps class. I may sometimes play it, however if I need to do significant damage I'd switch to Holosmith most of the time.

  2. herald, I am working towards getting an alacrity renegade for situational reasons. But as I said it will mostly be a situational class, so I guess I won't end up playing it much. I have a magi herald (mostly for hand kiting at Deimos), and I mostly only play it for that. I have geared condi renegade too, but I don't enjoy the gameplay. Swapping between stances + weapon swap is not for me, too much double swapping.

  3. Necromancer, I have it geared celestial for WvW, and also have a condi set for situational gameplay in PvE, however it's by far not my best class, nor do I have much interest in the class at all, hence why it's not in my list. My condi scourge is literally called "I Main Dhuum CM" ...

  4. Warrior. I wasn't sure whether or not to include Warrior in the list. Back in HoT, when condi was meta and when 1 warrior was required in each subgroups for banner buffs I use to play it a lot. However I don't really enjoy its current specs. My first set of legendary armor was given to my warrior and I have have tried all possible specs/builds. However condi was my preferred one, and since it's become a huge situational class, with almost different spec based on each encounter + the constant swap besides power/condi I don't really enjoy it that much anymore. Hence why it's not in my list. On the contrary to power Holosmith, which I can pretty much play in most game mode and most encounters. I think the changes to the class are great as they increase skill gap, but I don't have enough time to put into warrior to really master it.

  5. Weaver/Tempest. I really enjoy this class. However I'm not a dps main, I'm rather a situational/support player. And I feel Weaver is currently a situational class (big cleave damage if you play staff, really good for precast or specific mechancics for specific encounters). However I simply don't have the time to invest in such a high skill cap class. So I only play it in open world to farm things, Tempest D/Wh fresh air or Sword Weaver are great builds to farm, Staff fresh air is enjoyable for meta events, and staff Weaver too :). I also use it as my go to class for hand kiting at Deimos. or as a strong situational class to heal (since it's got insane AoE heals), but that's not very often as I would generally play Chrono or Druid.

That concludes my thoughts on why I think it's not realistic to play all classes, and why I would rather focus on 3-4 classes instead.

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@Auburner.6945 said:Been an Ele only player since I started playing. But lately since the class isn't getting much love from the patches, I've been running boonbeast (I hate LB) for a while until things get serious in WvW, or a serious duel, and I hop back on Weaver. Weapon swapping is really hard, you don't think that one button holds such power to hold me back as an ele player LUL. Once ele gets buffs, it will get back to 1 class only.

However, I still play ele most of the time. Over 2500hrs, 2300+ are only on this class.

I think that's what it just comes down to eventually. Might be better to just compare your characters /played or /age (not sure what's the command), and come up with a list based on that haha.

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@tim.4596 said:

@Auburner.6945 said:Been an Ele only player since I started playing. But lately since the class isn't getting much love from the patches, I've been running boonbeast (I hate LB) for a while until things get serious in WvW, or a serious duel, and I hop back on Weaver. Weapon swapping is really hard, you don't think that one button holds such power to hold me back as an ele player LUL. Once ele gets buffs, it will get back to 1 class only.

However, I still play ele most of the time. Over 2500hrs, 2300+ are only on this class.

I think that's what it just comes down to eventually. Might be better to just compare your characters /played or /age (not sure what's the command), and come up with a list based on that haha.

Well, sometimes I might take a class as a main and after a long time I swap. It may be temporary... or forever, so /age isn't always certainly correct but... yeah, it shows your favorite playstyle.

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  • 1 month later...

Pretty much always on my ranger. I have others that I want to build up and progress but I just never get to it. I am a casual gamer so I always chase after content and it is easier to do content with a endgame alt. I do try to play my alts as whenever I can though but it is just so easy and comfortable to use my main.

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Well, I like the idea of being a monkey so I had to vote that way. Besides, none of the specific numbers really convey my playing style. With 17 alts so far I've got all the professions and most of the elites maxed. Usually I play my three favorite classes though - revenant, engineer, and ranger. My main rev has both herald and renegade maxed and I generally run it as a herald. With a full kit of ascended soldier's gear, this is my most durable alt and is the easiest to play. Flip on Vengeful Hammers, spam 1 with an equipped hammer and I'm good to go in most tough fights. My main engineer has both their specializations maxed. Right now I'm running it with the Scrapper build, wearing marauder gear and am loving it. This is my go to for world boss fights and other metas in core Tyria, as well as Istan and SW farming. I'm also leveling yet another ranger, one who is currently working through all the waypoints and hero points in core Tyria. So those are the three I play the most.

Got a guardian, ranger, and mesmer as my maxed out crafters and they generally live at the crafting tables in the Lily of the Elon. A third ranger, a druid, is camped at a flax farm in Verdant Brink, iirc. My thief, with both Deadeye and Daredevil maxed, lives on a beach in the Caledon Forest to farm krait for their daily key. A level 49 alt who's profession I don't even remember lives at the Lily of the Elon with only two jobs - storing overflow mats while opening blue and green unid bags. Got a rev and a necromancer built for WvW. And still another ranger is tree farming in Malchor's Leap So the three mains I play a lot, these others all occupy specialized niches and are played as needed.

Then there's my poor elementalist, currently running as a Tempest. I love the class, for both its versatile power and its awesome weapon animations. This one is so squishy though and I'm such a slow, clunky player that I have trouble keeping it alive on any higher level maps. So this one is reserved for the moments when I want really casual play wandering around low level Tyria. Finally I knew I was missing a class but had to check the professions list to remember what it was - warrior. That's my least favorite class so the last time I needed to clear a slot for a new alt I deleted my Berserker/Spellbreaker and haven't missed it at all. See - I really am a monkey with a few favorites but still jumping around all over the place. :)

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