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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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First one is the novelty control right next to the combat controls.That needs to go somewhere else.It's really annoying there.Second is the auto attack on yellow targets.Your trying to attack a foe or leap and you get hit a wall or some other annoying target instead .Need to fix the auto target on yellow PLEASE!!

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@notebene.3190 said:

@notebene.3190 said:Finally thought of one that is truly petty for me (and not something I'd like changed)!

Break Bars.Break Bars are green.Break Bars are

No, the unlocked and unbroken
. Go to the wiki page, save the .png of the teal defiance bar, upload it to
(or check the values with your favorite photo editor) and you'll find areas that range from equal to very nearly equal amounts of green and blue. How green or blue it appears to each player depends on their monitor calibration (which can be way, way off) and their eyes.

I actually did it once, and the color it comes upon with (the name escapes me at the moment, it’s not teal) is part of the green family.

Edit: Verdigris ?

On my screen its a sky blue, and not that colour so...

@Smeerlap.2698 said:Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary must be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not better.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing legendary about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.

I got this from the internet - A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon.

So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o

Once upon a time before ascended was a thing legendary weapons matched exotic weapon stats, when ascended was added ANET upped it to ascended levels. Anet doesnt want people to be forced into getting legendaries if they dont want them. The only reason to get a legendary in this game is because of stat swapping, and sigil swapping.

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@Smeerlap.2698 said:Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary
be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not
.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing
about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.

I got this from the internet -
A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon

So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o

Once upon a time before ascended was a thing legendary weapons matched exotic weapon stats, when ascended was added ANET upped it to ascended levels. Anet doesnt want people to be forced into getting legendaries if they dont want them. The
reason to get a legendary in this game is because of stat swapping, and sigil swapping.

My friend, this is still not good enough.. nobody forced me to make Khan-Ur or The Shining Blade.. I made them purely because I felt like it even knowing they have the same stats.. i had a good amount of materials (even I still needed to buy a ton of gold from gem store) .From what I know you don't need legendary' s for raids or fractals or any other content.. making them is just not what you do very easily on a sunday afternoon, that's why i think it's a good thing to give them a slight stat boost, because they are legendary!Personally I don't care for stat swapping or sigil swapping, that's not the reason I made them.

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Petty grievance

When listing items on a sell order the quantity will first match the quantity on the top buy order if it is less, eg. If I want to make a sell order of 250 of an item and the top buy order is for 10 of that item, my sell order will list for only 10. I have to change the quantity to what I want to list as a sell order. There’s no reason for my sell order to match someone else’s buy order. I’m not selling to them.

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@Smeerlap.2698 said:

@Smeerlap.2698 said:Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary
be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not
.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing
about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.

I got this from the internet -
A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon

So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o

Once upon a time before ascended was a thing legendary weapons matched exotic weapon stats, when ascended was added ANET upped it to ascended levels. Anet doesnt want people to be forced into getting legendaries if they dont want them. The
reason to get a legendary in this game is because of stat swapping, and sigil swapping.

My friend, this is still not good enough.. nobody forced me to make Khan-Ur or The Shining Blade.. I made them purely because I felt like it even knowing they have the same stats.. i had a good amount of materials (even I still needed to buy a ton of gold from gem store) .From what I know you don't need legendary' s for raids or fractals or any other content.. making them is just not what you do very easily on a sunday afternoon, that's why i think it's a good thing to give them a
stat boost, because they are legendary!Personally I don't care for stat swapping or sigil swapping, that's not the reason I made them.

Old topic. Here's a statement from before release in June 2012:https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/is-it-fun-colin-johanson-on-how-arenanet-measures-success/

Fun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.

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@Smeerlap.2698 said:

@Smeerlap.2698 said:Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary
be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not
.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing
about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.

I got this from the internet -
A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon

So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o

Once upon a time before ascended was a thing legendary weapons matched exotic weapon stats, when ascended was added ANET upped it to ascended levels. Anet doesnt want people to be forced into getting legendaries if they dont want them. The
reason to get a legendary in this game is because of stat swapping, and sigil swapping.

My friend, this is still not good enough.. nobody forced me to make Khan-Ur or The Shining Blade.. I made them purely because I felt like it even knowing they have the same stats.. i had a good amount of materials (even I still needed to buy a ton of gold from gem store) .From what I know you don't need legendary' s for raids or fractals or any other content.. making them is just not what you do very easily on a sunday afternoon, that's why i think it's a good thing to give them a
stat boost, because they are legendary!Personally I don't care for stat swapping or sigil swapping, that's not the reason I made them.

If they had any kind of stat advantage over ascended they would become mandatory for all end game, meta groups, raids, fractals, dungeons, etc and as the qoute @ProtoGunner.4953 provided states, thats not what they want.

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This one's really petty. The Ice Cat on the largest lily-pad in one the pond on the bottom floor of the Grove. The lily-pads used to be my favorite place for screenshots/generally hanging out in the Grove, but for the past two (or three?) years, there's been a mound of snow, with a cat sitting on it, and one of the nosiest snow-makers ever floating above it. (You can hear it anywhere around that pond, from any direction!) Sure, you can feed the cat and get it out of the ice block, but you can't get rid of the snow mound and snow maker. You feed the cat, the ice cube melts, and it just sits there in the snow. Forever. Making it impossible to take screenshots from most directions on the lily-pads without having a cat and snow maker in the picture. I love the inclusion of home instance cats, but I have an eternal grudge against this one.

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@foozlesprite.8051 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Collection achievements being locked.
  • Plays through whole area with all story missions, bounties and dynamic events.
  • Unlocks collection
  • Has to do much of the encounters over again because when I did them, it did not count for the collection.

did you mean working on Aurora in Draconis Mons?

jfc i started on that recently and the 20 day timegate is killing my soul.

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Charr armor clipping, distortions, and tacky stretching. Hard to make some heavy, and a good chunk of medium / light armors work when parts of the armors sink into a charr character's fur, literally, or look cheaply warped.

Then there's the slight 'Rox' imitation total makeover kit-only face that's like has the face/snout perpetually tilted downward instead of straight like the other faces, and making most masks, glasses and things look really... out of place.

As someone who loves dolling her charr character horde up... it makes me petty with how limited this feels.

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@Ardid.7203 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.

you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.There is only one kind of RNG. The worst one. Anything that depends on RNG will be always awful.So I concurr with Turkeyspit: I'll choose a boring crafting over an abysmal RNG, any time.

While I agree with turkey. I"ll have to disagree with you in the sense that their can be good rng. A lot of games would be boring without it.

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@yann.1946 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.

you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.There is only one kind of RNG. The worst one. Anything that depends on RNG will be always awful.So I concurr with Turkeyspit: I'll choose a boring crafting over an abysmal RNG, any time.

While I agree with turkey. I"ll have to disagree with you in the sense that their can be good rng. A lot of games would be boring without it.

RNG is fine as long as it's an alternative path, and not the sole path to getting what you want.

For instance, ascended armor and weapons are available as RNG drops from world bosses, fractals, even gaining a level in WvW. It's great when that happens, as it's a huge savings on materials, but it would be awful if it was the only method of attaining ascended gear.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.

you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.There is only one kind of RNG. The worst one. Anything that depends on RNG will be always awful.So I concurr with Turkeyspit: I'll choose a boring crafting over an abysmal RNG, any time.

While I agree with turkey. I"ll have to disagree with you in the sense that their can be good rng. A lot of games would be boring without it.

RNG is fine as long as it's an alternative path, and not the sole path to getting what you want.

For instance, ascended armor and weapons are available as RNG drops from world bosses, fractals, even gaining a level in WvW. It's great when that happens, as it's a huge savings on materials, but it would be awful if it was the only method of attaining ascended gear.

Would you consider the acquisition of materials bad In gw2 because you can only acquire them via rng? I know you can buy them but this is just a toughtexperiment

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Grievances :

  1. No Build template (huge time saver, gain access to more counterplay in term of specs in spvp more quickly)

  2. No access to cantha (I m missing luxons and kurzicks guerrilla)

  3. The redundancy of every single conquest map . Nothing new really ... stil the same capping nodes +1 or 2 additionnal capping node/ channeling that does something different depending on the map ( applied to all new maps : skyhammer - spirit watch - djinn dominion - colisseum - Capricorn) no "harder" mechanics such as flag capture or escort or even deadly mechanic if you don't do that or this .

  4. So many other things but i might be seen a sceptical player while i'm an old anet fan . So i'll shush

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@"Cristalyan.5728" said:"Rewards" you need no more, cannot use but you also cannot sell or salvage. And you are forced to drop. If for destroying this "reward" you have to type the name to confirm the deletion (usually a looooong one) the menu is complete.

Items without any significance outside the one purpose design (a collection item for example) you cannot sell / salvage. In opposition with a precursor or an ascendant piece of gear - you can sell very easy this stuff to vendors. And you can salvage a precursor by mistake. You need to type the confirmation for an item without any value but you can place a Legendary weapon in MF without warning.


I hate it when I work for an item and it comes up as a trophy. I need it to accomplish a goal, but then it has no purpose or value, and I can't just delete it...I have to type in the entire name of it to delete it. At least let us sell it for a silver or something.

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