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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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-getting CC spammed-logging in and getting attacked while in loading screen-Dhuum greens, orbs hitboxes still wonky-inconsistent pricing on gemstore-being a healer in raids STOP GETTING HIT CA IS ON COOLDOWN!-my luck with getting precursors. took 7k hours to get my first (and only) one. artificial pricing of crafting precursor to go along with that.-the removal of weekly achievements, bring those back please.

could go on with more petty complaints but im lazy

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Greatswords, why are they always so ungodly huge, one of the few good great sword skins is the Basic steel great sword most others are so large if you could swing them you would either 1 throw yourself to the floor with the momentum generated or two if you had super sticky shoe powers rip your arms out of the sockets or both

Two handed swords on the back? I blame Hollywood, but it does not take very long to think how would you draw a long blade like that from your back unless you stretch Armstrong it would hang up in the sheath no ... just ... no

two handed sword combat every time i use a great sword i want to sing "Take me out to the ball game" because i am handling that blade like a ball bat. not ecen a semblance of a guard position even the simple "Ochs" guard position would be a huge improvement good place to look is this essay on The Basic Guards of Medieval Long sword on the arma http://www.thearma.org/essays/StancesIntro.htm#.WJ73Pfl96iM

Shields on the back while it is possible some may have carried there shields this way for long trips if they entered a location where combat was expected the shield was held either Tyrians have 6 extra joints on there arms, or your not quickly grabbing a shield off your back and fluidly equipping it

lastly technique with the shield watch the animation, every time you swing you pull your shield away where it would not be going you any good. you should be keeping it between you and the person you are fighting so it can be used for its job, to parry attacks. sword technique however changes with a shield and i will agree most people would find the low underhand and overhand arcing thrusts boring to watch.

TLDR: the commander fights like a ninny

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@particlepinata.9865 said:Controller support. Believe me, i was all about the pc masterace with mouse when playing shooters and rts-es in the past, even with gw 1 and core gw 2. Now 42 (yes im old) its not so nice anymore on the wrist, hand, arm and neck to the right. Hot is the most demanding in that part. Thats why i like the action games on steam for example that have controller support. Many people who swear by mouse only forget (or are to young to know) that there was a time when pc games where all about having different input support (joysticks, flightsticks, stearing wheels/peddals etc). That is the power of the pc, customability.

Uh, pretty sure age has nothing to do with it...55 here and died in the wool mouse user(have been forever on the PC), as a matter of fact I practically do everything with the mouse, hardly use the keyboard at all(other than movement of course), and I can do that for hours on end...guess it's just having everything at the correct level(ergonomically) to not cause issues and not having a genetic predisposition to carpal tunnel syndrome.

On topic though, my petty grievance is people having a grievance against petty things in a game that have no consequence what so ever or are just personal annoyances.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:GEOR-mag.

Kitten that. Norn are obviously rooted in Norse naming conventions, but that hard J grates on my psyche every time.

Hah! The American pronunciation of Norse/Skandinavian/German names in GW2 infuriates me every single time. Everything, from Hoelbrak to Braham or Gretchen^ , is mispronounced in this game. :angry:

^) This, by the way, is the affectionate form of the name Margarete and used only for little girls - so seeing strong Norn women wearing that name is ridiculing.

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@"DaFishBob.6518" said:Got another one:

"I've got deals you won't believe!"-banker NPC

... that's my stuff you have there you know that?

And what about the "I know your face from my dream!" ?She said it to at least a million of people in Lion's Arch. That sylvari must have had a very long dream. And an excellent memory.Speaking about sylvari, Tegwen was a very good character and her dead was totally avoidable. Or at least I didn't understand why she couldn't move away after launching the signal.

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It is probably more like a big grievance for me... Back in the day when I started HoT about a year ago I had no idea about precursors... And their worth... I had a Legend drop for my guardian and immediately equipped it. Then salvaged it cause I thought Staff is a garbage weapon. I salvaged a precursor. Beat that.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@"Tyger.1637" said:In the personal story...


This, in spades! And "Caer" is pronounced (except in GW2) as if it is "kyre", not "cair". And "Niamh" ==> "Neeve", not "Nee-am".

"Gollum" bothers me more than these examples. It is and always has been "goh-lem"; I only started hearing "gollum" after LotR came out. It's not the same word! I also agree with @"Gaile Gray.6029" about Wyvern.

I have more tolerance for the examples above because they are just English phonetic pronunciations of non-english words that don't translate easily to native english speakers, which is both common in the real world and no big deal. It's like "cruh-sahnt" vs "quo-saaahhh". Saying it the latter way when you aren't French kinda just makes you look like a tool. I mean, how many Americans trill their r when they say "burrito"?

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I think that, from a QoL-perspective, GW2 is one of - if not the - most well-designed MMOs I have ever played. Classes feel reasonably fleshed out and the skill system is rather deep and opens up for a lot of experimentation. I also love the TP for its accessability and ease of use. However, I do have a few gripes:

  1. Transmutation. ArenaNet, just get a copy of Rift and take a look at their wardrobe system. Enough said. Personally, I got tired of having to transmute everything whenever I switched builds and just purchased an outfit.
  2. Inventory upgrades. Bag slot expansions being for that character only makes alts less attractive to play (to me, that is). Maybe give a discount to every subsequent character who unlocks the same expansion slot, i.e. 400 gems for the initial purchase, 200 for the first alt that unlocks the same expansion slot, 100 for the next, then 50, then 25, and maybe 0 for the rest (if applicable)?
  3. End game items. I suppose I'm not going to receive a lot of backing on this one, but to me the whole endgame recipes/ascended/legendary shenanigans feels extremely convoluted. There's trader X who sells recipes A, B, C and D for currency Y, and then there's trader Z who sells recipes E, F, G and H for currency V. Also, you need achievement J to get item K, which you then have to combine with item O, P and Q in the mystic forge. To do this, you also need to train a certain skill and must have defeated boss L and used item M on his corpse. Before you can do any of this, though, you must have acquired weapon N, which you can get by combining... bla bla bla. Yeah, I know I am probably exaggerating (or not?), but I find it highly confusing (it probably isn't once I do some proper research, but at this point I feel like I just can't be arsed...). Luckily, exotics are nearly on par, so I don't feel like a total gimp when roaming the game world.

But, overall GW2 is a great game, probably the MMO I have enjoyed the most so far in 15 years of playing online games.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:

@"Tyger.1637" said:In the personal story...


This, in spades! And "Caer" is pronounced (except in GW2) as if it is "kyre", not "cair". And "Niamh" ==> "Neeve", not "Nee-am".

"Gollum" bothers me more than these examples. It is and always has been "goh-lem"; I only started hearing "gollum" after LotR came out. It's not the same word! I also agree with @"Gaile Gray.6029" about Wyvern.

I have more tolerance for the examples above because they are just English phonetic pronunciations of non-english words that don't translate easily to native english speakers, which is both common in the real world and no big deal. It's like "cruh-sahnt" vs "quo-saaahhh". Saying it the latter way when you aren't French kinda just makes you look like a tool. I mean, how many Americans trill their r when they say "burrito"?

I forgave the pronunciation of golem thinking by thinking that it is not the construct from Jewish Folklore. and Anet made it easy to do so in gw1 by turning G.O.L.E.M. into a very cute and very smugly asura backronym "Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation" if you use the first letters in that phrase as pronounced you get the way golem is pronounced in the GW franchise.

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@dusanyu.4057 said:

@"Tyger.1637" said:In the personal story...


This, in spades! And "Caer" is pronounced (except in GW2) as if it is "kyre", not "cair". And "Niamh" ==> "Neeve", not "Nee-am".

"Gollum" bothers me more than these examples. It is and always has been "goh-lem"; I only started hearing "gollum" after LotR came out. It's not the same word! I also agree with @"Gaile Gray.6029" about Wyvern.

I have more tolerance for the examples above because they are just English phonetic pronunciations of non-english words that don't translate easily to native english speakers, which is both common in the real world and no big deal. It's like "cruh-sahnt" vs "quo-saaahhh". Saying it the latter way when you aren't French kinda just makes you look like a tool. I mean, how many Americans trill their r when they say "burrito"?

I forgave the pronunciation of golem thinking by thinking that it is not the construct from Jewish Folklore. and Anet made it easy to do so in gw1 by turning G.O.L.E.M. into a very cute and very smugly asura backronym "Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation" if you use the first letters in that phrase as pronounced you get the way golem is pronounced in the GW franchise.

That's interesting - I played a bit of GW1 but didn't remember this.

However, it must be mentioned that acronyms are generally pronounced phonetically and not based on the words that comprise them. This ties into the "Gif" vs "Jif" argument. That video that went viral a few years back really irks me because the guy is arguing so aggressively and it brainwashed the whole population using a bad argument. The fact that the first word is graphics is irrelevant - it is very appropriate to pronounce it "jiff" because that's the phonetic pronunciation using standard english rules. This is doubly true since the creator says that's the pronunciation.

I love when I say "jiff" and someone corrects me like an elitist and gives me an opening to correct their correction. Kind of like octopi/octopuses, hehheh.

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@"Einlanzer.1627" said:I love when I say "jiff" and someone corrects me like an elitist and gives me an opening to correct their correction. Kind of like octopi/octopuses, hehheh.Let's not start that here, and just make ready for all those wonderful Wintersday Jifts. :)

Meanwhile, is it considered "petty" to be mad that Jewelcrafting doesn't go to 500 for ascended gear, or is that more of a "major failing"?

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GW2 peeves?

Auto-targeting that selects every mob on the map EXCEPT the one that's right in front of you hitting you. Seriously, auto-targeting needs to be fixed. It should prioritize mobs that are actually in combat with you, and then the closest mob in your direct line of sight. Not mobs that are out of range and obstructed, as it all too often does.

A crafting system that requires you to farm, buy, or otherwise gather literally thousands of items to make one cosmetic skin. Nightfury, I'm looking at you. Don't even get me started on legendaries. I'm making one BLEEPING weapon, not building a skyscraper...

Boss fights and similar events which seem designed to beat you by sheer sensory overload and video lag, with tons of adds and/or unavoidable barrages of AOE.

An unbalanced combat system that encourages glass cannon melee builds, then arms bosses with more one-shot damage than the base HP of most classes.

AOE attacks bigger than their visible boundaries on the screen. Also attacks that come too quick to avoid; by the time the marker appears on your screen, it's already too late.

Pet and minion pathing. Ummm, hey flesh golem, I'm over HERE...

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@"Delerium.5291" said:I think that, from a QoL-perspective, GW2 is one of - if not the - most well-designed MMOs I have ever played. Classes feel reasonably fleshed out and the skill system is rather deep and opens up for a lot of experimentation. I also love the TP for its accessability and ease of use. However, I do have a few gripes:

  1. Transmutation. ArenaNet, just get a copy of Rift and take a look at their wardrobe system. Enough said. Personally, I got tired of having to transmute everything whenever I switched builds and just purchased an outfit.
  2. Inventory upgrades. Bag slot expansions being for that character only makes alts less attractive to play (to me, that is). Maybe give a discount to every subsequent character who unlocks the same expansion slot, i.e. 400 gems for the initial purchase, 200 for the first alt that unlocks the same expansion slot, 100 for the next, then 50, then 25, and maybe 0 for the rest (if applicable)?
  3. End game items. I suppose I'm not going to receive a lot of backing on this one, but to me the whole endgame recipes/ascended/legendary shenanigans feels extremely convoluted. There's trader X who sells recipes A, B, C and D for currency Y, and then there's trader Z who sells recipes E, F, G and H for currency V. Also, you need achievement J to get item K, which you then have to combine with item O, P and Q in the mystic forge. To do this, you also need to train a certain skill and must have defeated boss L and used item M on his corpse. Before you can do any of this, though, you must have acquired weapon N, which you can get by combining... bla bla bla. Yeah, I know I am probably exaggerating (or not?), but I find it highly confusing (it probably isn't once I do some proper research, but at this point I feel like I just can't be kitten...). Luckily, exotics are nearly on par, so I don't feel like a total kitten when roaming the game world.

But, overall GW2 is a great game, probably the MMO I have enjoyed the most so far in 15 years of playing online games.For items 1 and 2 we need to ask "What's in it for ANet?" Transmutations and inventory upgrades are purchasable items which is one way for ANet to get money (someone has to have purchased the gems whether it is you or someone else and you converted gold to gems).

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and my final list(i swear this is it) of "petty grievances" (no i am NOT being serious), Path of Fire EditionSPOILERS AHEAD.

  1. So... after all my VERY reluctant hero of shaemoor/order rep/dragon slayer has had to go through, including listening to caudecus' incessant whining about how great he is... and don't even get me started on the painting with Logan(poor poor Logan can't even land Caudecus), I now have to not only Take down a God, but i have to do it while fending off another round of zombies led by Joko, a never-ending supply of Forged nightmares, AND i have to do all of that while NOT killing an elder dragon because all of a sudden killing elder dragons are bad, mmk? THIS information could have been brought to my attention back during the zhaitan fight, right before we had to get on that airship. that way, I'd politely pull a Trahearne and say "my wyld hunt is over, screw you guys i am goin home."
  2. that __ chef in the crystal oasis BETTER start hiring his own help, or the only thing i will be throwing at him is dancing daggers and the occasional death's judgement.
  3. while we are on the subject of the Oasis, can we just talk about the poor bastich awakened merchant that has to sell people mini awakened dolls? i mean.... couldn't Joko's generals give him anything else to say except "you buy?"
  4. Choya stampedes gate. not a single NPC lifts a finger to help. Perhaps if we asked Taidha Covington to build a gate at Amnoon, they wouldn't have this problem.
  5. that moment when you are in the clear and a shark delivers a staggering RKO outta nowhere. in the desert.
  6. Tag sets up a squad to take on the Legendary Facet. 50 people join in. Tag tells everyone to leave the facet alone till everyone shows up. and then? aaaannnnnd THEN? someone triggers the facet. just because. both chaos and hilarity ensue.
  7. Taimi's constant over use of her communication device. who's paying for the minutes? are there roaming charges? WHY IS SHE ALWAYS BUSY when i call her back?
  8. that moment when a harpy spellbreaker refuses to allow any attempts for you to get back up. ever.
  9. Rytlock let Balthazar loose from his chains in the mists. not a single eye is twitching. not a single NPC triggered. the Hairy furball goes "oops i did it again". NO BRITTANY, this does not fly.
  10. I get why the gods left and refuse to fight the elder dragons, but you would think they would have left us with something telling us that killing them was bad. Hell, Taimi, a cute tiny Asura pre-teen with cell phone addiction, can divulge killing them is bad, so why didn't the Gods?
  11. ToPK(tomb of the primeval Kings) is way way too easy to a: enter, B: rob from, and C: walk out in one piece.
  12. alright, I get we go one on one with the great Balthy-one... and he kills us. like literally kills us. poof that's it. what i don't get is when we enter what i assume is a waystation for the dead, we immediately forget our name, address, phone number, purpose and the fact that we just went one on one with a God. ONE of those things should have been a residual memory. perhaps it's the phone number.
  13. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy impersonating an awakened general any day of the week same as the next fella. but Iberu is HUGE. he towers over a Norn for crying out loud. not only that, but the awakened have even seen Iberu. so how did Kas drop that memser magic on us so well that we not only sound like the archon, look like the archon, but convince the "smartest" military minds in the awakened army that we are Iberu? On top of that, I do not see a single sylvari or charr awakened. anywhere. how did canach and "cuddles" pass?
  14. Canach and Rytlock... still a better love story than Jennah/Logan.
  15. yes yes... Praise Joko. also, Praise Sohothin, because that sword basically ended Balthazar. (psst, don't tell Logan we had the sword in our hands and didn't give it back to him)
  16. so... lemme get this right. Taimi has "daddy" issues with Phlunt. Kas had daddy issues with her legit dad. My parents died(and i am still not batman)=more daddy issues. Rox had daddy issues from being a Gladium and not being allowed in Rytlok's warband. Canach had daddy issues when we killed his dad, Mordremoth. Aurene's now got daddy issues because Kralkatorrik. damn near every one of our team has daddy issues? you mean to tell me that the only person without daddy issues is... FAREN?
  17. (kinda PoF related) so... flash forward to the title fight with Palawa Joko.Commander goes through funhouse. traps for days. every possible way to inform the commander that they should not be taking on Joko is put in Joko's face(including our wingman being Braham). we get super super hyped and legit ready to whoop palawa Joko's rooty poo candy arse. the fight begins, and just as we are about to deliver the stunner? aurene swoops in and EATS HIM??? also.... If we, the commander, are such a bad person, getting all of those people killed in in our quest to figure out a solution to the elder dragon problem, including making 2 other mistakes by killing 2 elder dragons already... this INSTANTLY reaffirms my very first grievance: I never wanted to be the gosh darn hero!18.damn you trahearne. damn you to hell.
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Invisible walls (NOT the map border ones). Especially on PoF maps and LWS4 that were supposedly designed with mounts in mind. Why give us mounts and awesome maps to explore if you're just straight up going to tell us "no, eff you, you can't go there". I spent 10 minutes jumping up a freaking mountain to then glide down for my Mastery point only to hit an invisible wall and realize I can just go around on foot. Sure, it's easier, but that's not the point. I found a way, and I get penalized for it. They are the pinnacle of lazy environment design. What ticks me off most is that GW2 environments are definitely NOT lazily designed, just their limits are infuriatingly cheap.

@"dusanyu.4057" said:Greatswords, why are they always so ungodly huge, one of the few good great sword skins is the Basic steel great sword most others are so large if you could swing them you would either 1 throw yourself to the floor with the momentum generated or two if you had super sticky shoe powers rip your arms out of the sockets or both

Two handed swords on the back? I blame Hollywood, but it does not take very long to think how would you draw a long blade like that from your back unless you stretch Armstrong it would hang up in the sheath no ... just ... no

two handed sword combat every time i use a great sword i want to sing "Take me out to the ball game" because i am handling that blade like a ball bat. not ecen a semblance of a guard position even the simple "Ochs" guard position would be a huge improvement good place to look is this essay on The Basic Guards of Medieval Long sword on the arma http://www.thearma.org/essays/StancesIntro.htm#.WJ73Pfl96iM

YES. THIS. The only good greatswords are the Basic ones. I can get maybe Twilight with that whole "it's really a dark magic saber etc." thing going on, but... the Vigil greatsword is the pinnacle of paddleness to me.

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cracks knuckles I've been waiting for a thread like this...Currencies... SO MANY. Not including the tickets/collectables for this that and every-puppy-thing. WvWvW = 4, PvP = 3, Silverwastes = 4.

First off, all the birds of Tyria are either afraid of heights or are short sighted. They spend more time walking around than flying, and when they do fly you can guarantee it will be into any of your ranged fire. And speaking of suicidal animals what is it with the likes of Deer etc. There's a large fight going on, noise, flashing spells, folks shouting "shake it off" (shake what off, my flailing limb?) and they gently waltz into the line of fire and attack you, just to spawn a few minutes later and do the EXACT. SAME. THING.

The Iron Legion are in for a significant amount of work when the weather starts to rust the Black Citadel, they will have to rename it the dirty orange citadel. Also as the Charr have claws why do so many of their floor panelling have filigree, it's no wonder they walk funny as it must be murder constantly getting your claws stuck in the grating.Now the Charr aren't an endangered animal, unfortunately, so WHY can't I gather their pelt? I've accidentality(?) killed a few and often thought that they would make a nice pair of slippers.Oh and Tybalt, meh.

I've read nmerous comments about Traherene, but NOT one comment about that damnable one in Camp Resolve "If Mordremoth could attack the Mother Tree in the Grove, it can attack anywhere." EVERY. MINUTE. If we shove him ^^ along with Traherene into the Mystic Forge could we get Magister Sieran back... PLEASE.And I can't be the only one that actually liked Scarlet Briar.

The Norn who really annoys me is... Braham (I'd kill him myself if it would bring Eir back).Who is Jhavi Jorasdottir, and why would I want to fight with her. (found out from the Wiki who she is) and who the puppy is Steag and what DID I do to him, I don't remember.I can't be the only one that is suspicious of Sonder the Seller, I don't know where he keeps all the sweets but he must have magic pockets (get the reference? :) )

Samuel Cuttler. Can we send him to Orr? Somewhere away from people.How has Logan kept his job as the Seraph commander? I do more than him, during the attack on Sheamore he just stands there and the whole business with Big Nose Ted guess who ends up dealing with that one? Oh look ME again.And why oh why don't the Centaur just go around the Garrison.

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As a few people have stated, ranged auto attacks trying to hit those they can't. My worse case of this is in WvW, I'll stand in the lords room of towers and some keeps with the lord right in front of me, hit 1 for the auto attack on my rifle for the lord and I'm suddenly aiming at the wall. Even worse is it will say "obscured" when I can't see it and often will say "out of range" the other times. Why even?

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