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[NA] Casual Player LF Guild on TC (RAIDS, already have regular Guild)

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Hello recruiter,

I'm a casual player and I'd like to join a friendly, helpful, talkative, family-friendly guild where I can begin to learn RAIDS. I already have a regular guild I enjoy. But I would like to get involved in RAIDS. I've been playing since the beginnings of GW1. I bought the game initially to stay in touch with my best friend when he moved so it means a lot to me. My wife and several of my closest friends still play infrequently. I'm looking for a guild where they would be welcomed along even if they aren't going to be members themselves.

My favorite profession is Necromancer, especially the Reaper, but I have/like all the others too. Side note: I'd love to learn how to use the others better...particularly my Mesmer and Engineer.

I'm 36, married, and am a new father so I can't guarantee large amounts of time but I can play several times a week, more on weekends. Planned events, like Raids shouldn't be an issue with my schedule. That said though, [infrequent] issues at home or work have to take precedence in my life.

Thanks for your consideration.

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