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Guild Order Got Changed

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As the title says, the order my guilds were in got changed. Not only that, but the guilds are no longer listed in the five slots, sitting underneath that area with no number at all.

I was proud to have my guild, which I created in the first year of the game, in the number one slot, top of the list. It seems like a small thing, yes, but it meant something to me. I could hit the G key and see the members of my guild in that very same moment. Now, being outside of the list, hitting the G key does nothing but open a completely blank panel. In order to see anything at all about my guild, or any of the other guilds I'm in, I have to take the time to select it from the non-numbered list.

Quite frankly, this is bullshit.

If a member of the staff tells you to do a prefreset, keep in mind that the very same thing could happen to you. Your guilds could have their order scrambled and be outside of the guild list, sitting where invites to guilds go. And they will not warn you of this possibility, either. If you question how to fix it, you'll simply be told that there is no fix. That in order to have the guilds go back into the normal list at all, you'll have to leave the guilds and rejoin them. Which is obviously not acceptable if you're the leader of the guild, such as the case with me.

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Which is obviously not acceptable if you're the leader of the guild, such as the case with me.

There’s a work around. You can make a free to play account or an alternate account and make it a guild leader. Wait the required number of days for the other account to be fully vested then have it kick your main account (or you leave) then have it reinvite your main account and make it Guild Leader.

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That is a workaround, yes. Is there a difference between being a guild leader who gained leadership and a guild leader who created the guild, though? A difference in what can be done or some such?

Also, have you ever wondered why the name of a guild leader isn't at the very top of the member list? The member list shows, in order, who has joined. If the guild leader is the one who created the guild, their name will be at the very top of the member list. If it's someone who became leader later on, their name will be somewhere else in the list. This is a very, very small point, but I'd be giving up "true" leadership according to the member list itself by leaving the guild at all. Unless I kick every single last member in order to remain at the top, of course, which kinda defeats the purpose of having the guild.I know, I know, it's a minuscule thing; Some people get weird/crazy with details, myself being one of them. Not sure if it's a case of OCD or being a perfectionist- or maybe even something else entirely.

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Is there a difference between being a guild leader who gained leadership and a guild leader who created the guild, though? A difference in what can be done or some such?

No, all the game cares about in what a guild leader can do is tied to permissions. I have a personal guild bank with my main and alt accounts all as guild leaders. Each account is interchangeable in its guild abilities.

Also, have you ever wondered why the name of a guild leader isn't at the very top of the member list? The member list shows, in order, who has joined. If the guild leader is the one who created the guild, their name will be at the very top of the member list. If it's someone who became leader later on, their name will be somewhere else in the list.

No, I haven’t noticed. Probably because it’s not something I care about.

Actually, I thought the name was on top for everyone simultaneously when logged in. It is in the guilds I’m a member of. When I’m logged on my name is at the top.

I'd be giving up "true" leadership according to the member list itself by leaving the guild at all.Can’t help you there. Unless it’s a bug that they resolve at some time it looks like you’re going to have to either accept having your guilds out of order on the list or your name not at top of the guild list because it’s ordered by join date.

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Looking through my 5 guilds it looks like by default the list is sorted mainly into online and offline, with people who are on my friends list at the top of each section and then everyone else in what looks like a random order.

It's not sorted by rank or last online, and it's definitely not sorted by when they joined the guild because my friends second account, which is only about 3 years old, is higher up than her main account which is from launch. I assume there is some order to it, just because computers don't do things randomly without special programming, but I can't work out the order. The guild leader/s usually are close to the top, but not always at the top even in guilds I know they created and have never left.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Looking through my 5 guilds it looks like by default the list is sorted mainly into online and offline, with people who are on my friends list at the top of each section and then everyone else in what looks like a random order.

It's not sorted by rank or last online, and it's definitely not sorted by when they joined the guild because my friends second account, which is only about 3 years old, is higher up than her main account which is from launch. I assume there is some order to it, just because computers don't do things randomly without special programming, but I can't work out the order. The guild leader/s usually are close to the top, but not always at the top even in guilds I know they created and have never left.

Yeah? I've been watching each and every member that joined, keeping a close eye on the member list, and the newest member is always at the bottom of the list, with the oldest being at the top. One member left by mistake while trying to leave a different guild, and they got placed as last in the list, at that time, when they rejoined. From my observation over the years, the list is ordered by join date. Friended members could indeed have an impact on this order, of course, but the normal order has been join date since the very beginning, according to what I've seen.

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Very odd.

When I check the names I’m at the top of the list each time. Then all currently online and repping the guild. After them is all currently online and not repping the guild. After that is all not online. If there’s any order within each category I don’t know what it is. Friends and followers seem to be randomly placed.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:Very odd.

When I check the names I’m at the top of the list each time. Then all currently online and repping the guild. After them is all currently online and not repping the guild. After that is all not online. If there’s any order within each category I don’t know what it is. Friends and followers seem to be randomly placed.

Apologies, I was assuming the fact that you yourself being at the top of the list, while showing as online or invisible, as well as the members online being followed by those offline, was normal enough to not need saying. I should have been more specific, leaving out no details.

Among those three categories of members- online representing, online not representing, and offline- the member list(s) show members according to join date. At least, that's what I've been seeing in all of my time. So, for example, let's use members called Player x, x being a number, for the list. Player 1 is yourself. If all members are offline or invisible while you are online, you will be at the top with all other members following. If Player 5 leaves and rejoins in a, let's say, 15 member guild, they will become Player 16 and now show at the bottom of the list.Hope that example makes sense, since it sounded better in my head.

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@SunsetGuardian.5921 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:Very odd.

When I check the names I’m at the top of the list each time. Then all currently online and repping the guild. After them is all currently online and not repping the guild. After that is all not online. If there’s any order within each category I don’t know what it is. Friends and followers seem to be randomly placed.

Apologies, I was assuming the fact that you yourself being at the top of the list, while showing as online or invisible, as well as the members online being followed by those offline, was normal enough to not need saying. I should have been more specific, leaving out no details.

Among those three categories of members- online representing, online not representing, and offline- the member list(s) show members according to join date. At least, that's what I've been seeing in all of my time. So, for example, let's use members called Player x, x being a number, for the list. Player 1 is yourself. If all members are offline or invisible while you are online, you will be at the top with all other members following. If Player 5 leaves and rejoins in a, let's say, 15 member guild, they will become Player 16 and now show at the bottom of the list.Hope that example makes sense, since it sounded better in my head.

Well for me the confusion came when you said

Also, have you ever wondered why the name of a guild leader isn't at the very top of the member list? The member list shows, in order, who has joined. If the guild leader is the one who created the guild, their name will be at the very top of the member list. If it's someone who became leader later on, their name will be somewhere else in the list.

Which to me meant that you were logging in and everyone, including you, was in order of joining the guild.

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I have mine ordered by online then rank. None of this default sorting that is supposed to be some sorting but actually isnt sorted at all.

On the other hand, sorting and or displaying join date/membership time has been asked for since launch.

Not sure how anything guild related gets done by Anet though, as their dedicated guild team has been disbanded and its tasks divided. Probably something something guild hall being HoT only something, guild activities arent for every single player something something dont want to make guilds a necessity. Idk really.

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