LegohBrave.1823 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 I am sure many people are noticing the rapid decline of WvW as a game mode. I understand that ANET sees the numbers also. This thread is a compilation of RECOMMENDATIONS by users to slow the death of WvW. It is extremely obvious the amount of people leaving this game mode or just not playing this game in general. Truth be told, that will happen between content updates or expansions. However this appears to be a quickening of sorts.It's incredible to see a game mode with as few core changes to it over the years as GW2 WvW. I am sure everyone remembers the MASSIVE RvR map overhaul for DAoC years back. They actually still run events and their patches are massive. Being as that game is 17 years old its incredible to see! I would have stuck with it but things like having to make MACROS for /use and keyboard turning is just too ancient. but i digress.Here's the topic. What crazy ideas should ANET try and implement for weekend or weeklong activities to shake things up in WvW to keep us entertained...I personally feel a roaming PVE mob that when killed dropped unique skins would be nice to see. It could have the ability to 1 shot players and make it a timed respawn every so many hours would time zones consistent. A week of that would be a great idea. It would give WvW a more Darkness Falls feel to it. Darkness falls was an amazing feature in DAoC that allowed people to pve/pvp at the same time while being rewarded with loot and skins. I know wvw has its exclusive loot but much of said loot can be obtained from repair whacking a wall every 10 min and the occasional blob zerg fights.I wanna add that although MOST if not ALL of these ideas may be toxic at their core, we NEED ANET to act soon and do SOMETHING to kill the massive boredom most players are feeling atm. I also want to add that I don't believe ALLIANCES will save this game mode or give it the BUMP ANET is expecting. After all, even if you allow an algo to categorize players... It's still not changed much as a game mode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reddie.5861 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 what you suggest will just lurk pve players into WvW for that weekly weird mob or w/e spawn time it has.WvW is going bad for same reason as sPvP PoF is blasting dmg out of the window...its just scourge/fb festival other classes are nice to have but not of that not that i care so much but im not sure if wvw community is dieing as fast as u think, its just that bandwagon is hot nowadays.i mean EU has fotm server every 1/2 months where half shit goes to, its mostly the whining bitches crying about no fights and they move on calling all their pro buddies and guilds to come along and then realise again theres nothing to fight. wonder when these smart people will wake up someday with bright idea. What if we split up over multiple servers we could prolly create 3/4 or maybe even 5 decent fighting servers and have tons and tons of more fun.but human nature gotta follow/join the winning side and then cry about not having fun. jup winning is always fun ;). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geist.4126 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 It's not the FB/Scourge that is killing wvw. It takes way more skill to play that than for example mirage, deadeye, soulbeast or revenant. The whole meta is just bad. Most of the classes crit way to high by almost having no disadvantagesAnet made the big mistake to cave in to the whiners that hated the meta before this one and here is what you got for that. You wanted that, now stop crying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riko.9214 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 Not sure if it really dies as fast as you describe, was away for a couple of years, 2m ago came back and to the moment it looks more or less the sameFB/Scourge is not the problem it is a symptom, they are over-tuned for blobbing but the domination of blobbing is the problem not them.Not sure if A-net will take any actions against blobbing though, most likely not. But, it would be nice to see some returns (rewards/xp mb pips in some way) divided by the number of individuals contributed, in particular the ones that are directly coming from killing enemies, the ones coming from objectives/npc should not be divided as it would cause too much flame war over who is entitled to flip this or that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrinceKhaled.5104 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 I like the topic, here are some suggestions that hopefully doesn't take too much effort and recourses from the devsOne of the following or combination of them1) A week with no WvW tickets cap.2) A week with only rams, no other siege.3) Increase drop rate in precursors for a week.4) Increase loot from killing a foe for a week.5) Different link every week..... yes, I said every single week. So if a server is annoyed with their matchup, at least the can suck it up for a week not for 8 weeks.... jeez. This will also prevent big alliances from spreading on two different servers linked together and keep switching every 8 weeks.6) I am all for decreasing the tiers from 4 to 3 tires. It is no secret, we know the population dropped Anet.7) Three parts:a- Delete half of these dead servers, give their players option for a free transfer.b- Anet, be honest about your population..... you have all these links labeled as "medium" population.... yeah right!!! Just say LOW please.c-I have NO idea why the major servers are closed, they never get their four BLs queued except on reset! This will sound crazy as hell but bare with me: Open those closed servers, let people stack..... you should have populated servers anyways. A LOT OF PEOPLE WANT TO FIGHT! If some people don't want to stack then by all means, they can stay on server that is labeled as "medium" or "low". Again, PLEASE be honest on your population claims.Again, these are just some suggestions. I am not claiming to be the ultimate solution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XenesisII.1540 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 People been asking to save wvw for years, it's not going to change. The expansions are killing wvw little bit every time, and will continue to do so because they mostly care about pve balancing. Map designs were rejected so they don't care to make anymore. Events like golem week sucked and stopped them from bothering for like 2 years. People stacked servers and broke populations now they have to spend a year making a system to keep them in line, which in the end won't matter much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rng.1024 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 Just throwing out a few ideas:First off I think reducing the number of people in a squad to 25 would shake things up. Now coordination is needed between tags, we get ranged squads, riffraff squads and highly specialized squads on a single map. Would also encourage more people to tag up at the same time.Guild tags. These would preferrably be their own color, and only representing guild members can be invited. Increased rewards if you are in a guild squad, only 1 member in your guild can wear the guild tag at a time. Again 25 size as to not encourage blobbing (we already cap at 50 and guilds can have 500 members).Different bonuses based on placements, PPT (f.ex 25% more siege damage) for 3rd, defence (f.ex 20% faster automated upgrades) for 2nd and ppk for 1st (f.ex extra score based on k/d ratio at set intervals). This would already make 2nd position extremely valuable on reset night, with 3rd position having better chance at resetting these structures before t3 and 1st position benefitting from adding to these. So instead of karmatrains we would get 3 way fights over objectives which is how it was intended. This also encourages map changes for those in 1st, leaving opportunities for 2nd and 3rd to capitalize.Defiance bars on camp supervisors (like the mercenary champs) that will encourage players to work together more to get them. Even better if supervisors got some champ damage and we only have 2 other npcs with it. Skilled roamers can still solo it, but time to cap would now have more of an effect.Redo EoTM. Give them gliders. Give them mounts. Make raceways. Jumping puzzles. Merge OS with EoTM so all conveniences are on one map. Let people earn rewards here, same pip gain but other rewards and wxp than skirmishes. Encourage people to come here for pipping out, when in queues, run events here, reward them for answering the call to battle (q pop) while here same as map change reward in PvP, with some movement speed buffs and magic find for the next hour they spend in eb or bl's! Make this map fun - this alone I believe would be a huge lift for the casual population, and a gateway for many into WvW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wanya.1697 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 1 second global skill cooldown so you cant smash face on your keyboard to win anymore like it is now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaralyna.3104 Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 I am not for having mounts in wvw (gliding can be kept its ok), because organised ppl that know the maps thorougly are in advantage to know how to return back too fast and mounts can cc/attack. And I can foresee issues of entering buildings and start bases with mounts etc. I rarely enter a wvw map myself because I find it extremely unclear on what to do... Yes I can join some random com tag but usually am lost as to where to go to reach the group. As a newer wvw player you are basically thrown into a map and mode you have no clue on how it works, what to do etc. There is no tutorial or anything to explain. Yes there exist guides but I want to play and not read a 5 page guide and still have no clue. Then there are times that you cannot even enter any wvw map as it has a massive queue, and at other times you can't even find any commander on the map. I also think it may be a good idea that wvw has a split in gear (like pvp has vs pve), or have a way to have a second gearset equipped (so you dont have to first travel to your bank or scroll through your backpack to equip special made pvp gear). It would be a big QoL if you can simply do pve and then simply easy swap to your wvw build and gears and insta jump into wvw if you feel like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim West.3194 Posted November 13, 2018 Share Posted November 13, 2018 Hurry up with Alliances. Stop transfers. After alliances solve the coverage problem (lol), create a competition that has real rewards. But be warned, if one alliance wins every match then ANET screwed up (again). Stop transfers ---- EVERY rvr mmo has died because of bandwagoning. Why mmo devs are too cowardly or dense to see that continually amazes me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBravery.9615 Posted November 13, 2018 Share Posted November 13, 2018 HEY GUYS ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT LIVING WORLD EPISODE? GEE I AM SURE EXCITED ABOUT MORE PVE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sostronk.8167 Posted November 13, 2018 Share Posted November 13, 2018 I doubt anything will happen until alliances. No caps on claim tickets are extremely inviting for those of us who returned without legendary armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Widmo.3186 Posted November 13, 2018 Share Posted November 13, 2018 Quoting a guy from last Blizz-con:Dont you guys have PvE-content?PS: Alliances coming soon™ (Summer 2022) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Some Call Me Tim.2319 Posted November 13, 2018 Share Posted November 13, 2018 @Grim West.3194 said:Hurry up with Alliances. Stop transfers.After alliances solve the coverage problem (lol), create a competition that has real rewards. But be warned, if one alliance wins every match then ANET screwed up (again).Stop transfers ---- EVERY rvr mmo has died because of bandwagoning. Why mmo devs are too cowardly or dense to see that continually amazes me.It's so sad isn't it. I can't keep myself out of WvW.. these days mostly because I'm working on tickets for legendary armor. Other than that it's really just a mess of garbage most of the time.. and I don't say that lightly. Sure if you time it right you can get fights... and if you know what to do you can go get camps and towers for wxp etc... (and I know that stuff very well)... but something just isn't the same anymore. lol... a couple nights ago a few friends and I hit the NWT in blue BL... it drew the entire map blob away from a fight with a guild in the south just to save it. What did the commander on my server say? I WISH YOU DIDN'T DO THAT! sighbut that didn't stop us.. we continue our havoc and always will... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Straegen.2938 Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 DAoC screwed up RvR on multiple occasions. It was a "feature" patch that drove a lot of their population away back in the day. DAoC is also a MUCH simpler game with a much smaller population. GW2's quasi relational action combat is significantly more advanced than the old school skill based system. Also if GW2 had the balance issues DAoC had, the population would get pitchforks and storm the proverbial castle. GW2 players haven't seen anything like the class balance issues of DAoC.Simply put, GW2 WvW is now and seems for quite some time to come the best RvR experience no matter how much we hope for something better. I am eyeing New World but I like a hard core PvP game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rugerra.2351 Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 Wow, did a MOD really rename the thread? Guess they were afraid of the original thread name "Anet MUST act soon" , or they are changed it to fit Anet narrative.Pretty sad Anet, guess your not really interested in engaging with your customers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Pj.2193 Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 @"rugerra.2351" said:Wow, did a MOD really rename the thread? Guess they were afraid of the original thread name "Anet MUST act soon" , or they are changed it to fit Anet narrative.Pretty sad Anet, guess your not really interested in engaging with your customers.They did. (Edited as we don’t know if the OP changed the title.) Within the first two sentences, the OP included the word ‘recommendations’ which would appear to be the point of the thread. It’s more clear to someone within the front page, and is more likely to generate views.Also, I’ll leave this here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LegohBrave.1823 Posted November 14, 2018 Author Share Posted November 14, 2018 Ok, I didn't appreciate the title change. To the mod that did it think about this. WvW will eventually die. This is a fact. I am merely trying to create an URGENCY for the devs and community that this WILL quicken provided they do what they have done now. There is just as much an argument to be made that the Desert Borderlands and failed modifications to the maps and or game mode is AS MUCH as a killer as not doing anything. So... uhh. my point is. Can we shake this up a bit if we are dying ANYWAY? Who wants WvW to die being bored at the same time. I mean, 20% stat bonus for taking ruins was aids, BUT, I am glad they TRIED it. It was fun to do for a few days... uhh till the top fight guilds learned you can't be beat if you hire roamers to gank ruins, cap ruins and then the main guilds pound the less organized servers... I would have suggested a PPT based bonus, last place ppt does more damage up to like 10% max. But I enjoy they try things, like no downstate weekend. This is why i like some of the above suggestions. Seriously, nothing better to do atm anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Pj.2193 Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 @LightBrave.5638 said:Ok, I didn't appreciate the title change. To the mod that did it think about this. WvW will eventually die. This is a fact. I am merely trying to create an URGENCY for the devs and community that this WILL quicken provided they do what they have done now. There is just as much an argument to be made that the Desert Borderlands and failed modifications to the maps and or game mode is AS MUCH as a killer as not doing anything. So... uhh. my point is. Can we shake this up a bit if we are dying ANYWAY? Who wants WvW to die being bored at the same time. I mean, 20% stat bonus for taking ruins was aids, BUT, I am glad they TRIED it. It was fun to do for a few days... uhh till the top fight guilds learned you can't be beat if you hire roamers to gank ruins, cap ruins and then the main guilds pound the less organized servers... I would have suggested a PPT based bonus, last place ppt does more damage up to like 10% max. But I enjoy they try things, like no downstate weekend. This is why i like some of the above suggestions. Seriously, nothing better to do atm anyway.Then you have the ability to change the title back.Personally, I think the current title will give you more views and more constructive ideas therefore be more efficient in meeting your goal.But if not, then change the title back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shazmataz.1423 Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 Are Anet looking at the numbers though?? Hurry up with the alliance changes Anet or there will be nothing left to make it for. Last couple of weeks in T1, T2 NA....wvw dead. Guildies who are diehard wvwers are now playing other games or not playing at all cos wvw so stale. The pirate ship meta is back and more boring than before. Oh and the lag has gotten worse with the last two patches.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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