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Request: Outnumbered pips QoL change


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@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.Remove this and increase the overall PIP progres and im happy

It makes little sense to me that joining a squad and attacking objectives as a team means I'll earn half the pips I could be earning if I instead went to a deserted BL map and flipped camps + sentries by myself.

I get it that Outnumbered does help compensate scouts who stay on those maps to warn of enemy attacks, so I don't really have a solution. All I know is as I have limited playtime for WvW, I'll farm camps on Outnumbered maps until I finish Gold, then I'm free to zerg for the rest of the week.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.Remove this and increase the overall PIP progres and im happy

It makes little sense to me that joining a squad and attacking objectives as a team means I'll earn half the pips I could be earning if I instead went to a deserted BL map and flipped camps + sentries by myself.

makes as much sense as getting the same rewards for capturing stuff with less, makes as much sense as gaining the same reward in a 1 vs 1 as you gain in a 50 vs 1. this game already pushes players to just build one huge blob no matter if it is efficient or not with its reward system. so basically a 'competitive' mode that does not reward playing competitive.

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@biczkowski.2961 said:

@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.

oh noes! people prefer to play the game how they like it instead of being servants to your idea of fun. terrible. ps nerf!

Ur free to go on any map, and do what ever u want :p but now ppl are Just staying on outnumbered maps for pips, thats the fun!

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@Safandula.8723 said:

@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.

oh noes! people prefer to play the game how they like it instead of being servants to your idea of fun. terrible. ps nerf!

Ur free to go on any map, and do what ever u want :p but now ppl are Just staying on outnumbered maps for pips, thats the fun!

But as more people migrate to maps with the outnumbered boon, they change the ratios to the point where they are no longer outnumbered and the boon is lost.

And actually, if people want to pip down and aren't going to the OS, better they do that on a non-populated map where there is no queue. Just sayin'

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@"MUDse.7623" said:how is reducing the already low rewards in WvW a QoL change?

You act as if youre new here. Afk pipfarming gets promoted, and in maps where even when the enemy attacks, people dont report/afk to make others properly defend (cause they WILL lose their +5 pips). As for the "low rewards", base pips were buffed. IIn that regard, they should remove the outnumbered pip buff.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@"MUDse.7623" said:how is reducing the already low rewards in WvW a QoL change?

You act as if youre new here. Afk pipfarming gets promoted, and in maps where even when the enemy attacks, people dont report/afk to make others properly defend (cause they WILL lose their +5 pips). As for the "low rewards", base pips were buffed. IIn that regard, they should remove the outnumbered pip buff.

So if they aren't AFK pipfarming on the map, they either log out or are sitting in the OS, in which case there is still nobody to call out the enemy attacks, and literally nothing changes except some people are getting less pips. Doesn't sound like much of a solution.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"MUDse.7623" said:how is reducing the already low rewards in WvW a QoL change?

You act as if youre new here. Afk pipfarming gets promoted, and in maps where even when the enemy attacks, people dont report/afk to make others properly defend (cause they WILL lose their +5 pips). As for the "low rewards", base pips were buffed. IIn that regard, they should remove the outnumbered pip buff.

So if they aren't AFK pipfarming on the map, they either log out or are sitting in the OS, in which case there is still nobody to call out the enemy attacks, and literally nothing changes except some people are getting less pips. Doesn't sound like much of a solution.

OS wont reset participation. Repairing a wall or capping a camp every 10 mins on outnumbered map, will.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:and you think reducing the pips will make them suddenly report enemy attacks or participate in the mode more?

It would hurt to remove one reason which promotes afk pipfarm?

it doesnt remove a reason that promotes afk pipfarm. it just removes one that promotes doing so on an outnumbered map, where they actually no harm to the game. but at the same time it reduces the rewards for players actually playing against a greater force.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@"MUDse.7623" said:how is reducing the already low rewards in WvW a QoL change?

You act as if youre new here. Afk pipfarming gets promoted, and in maps where even when the enemy attacks, people dont report/afk to make others properly defend (cause they WILL lose their +5 pips). As for the "low rewards", base pips were buffed. IIn that regard, they should remove the outnumbered pip buff.

So if they aren't AFK pipfarming on the map, they either log out or are sitting in the OS, in which case there is still nobody to call out the enemy attacks, and literally nothing changes except some people are getting less pips. Doesn't sound like much of a solution.

OS wont reset participation. Repairing a wall or capping a camp every 10 mins on outnumbered map, will.

Er...correct?? But what is your point? If you remove the extra pips awarded from outnumbered as you suggested, NOBODY WILL STAY ON A MAP TO HIT A CAMP EVERY 10 MINUTES. They would be better off joining a zerg, get the same 5ish pips + WXP + loot bags. :confused:

The only reason to stay on a map and reset participation is if the Outnumbered boon is present and you're getting double pips. Remove those extra pips and with no participation decay, they would either AFK until they were booted from the server for inactivity, log out until their next play session, or maybe even head to OS out of consideration. In none of those cases will there be a person at the keyboard ready to call out enemy movement to other maps, which in a previous post you made, was the reason why you wanted these changes made in the first place.

Personally, I'm fine with them removing extra pips from outnumbered and increasing all pips awarded by 50%, but I'm at a loss as to what we are talking about now. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.Remove this and increase the overall PIP progres and im happy

when people run off to an outnumbers map, such action actually removes the buff, it's base on player population :lol:

on outnumber maps, it's usually the zerg scouts that staysthey keeps an eye on the locations of the enemy zergs and trigger those EWP for the zergs, you need to compensate them one way or another for being a service to the zerg groups

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.Remove this and increase the overall PIP progres and im happy

when people run off to an outnumbers map, such action actually removes the buff, it's base on player population :lol:

on outnumber maps, it's usually the zerg scouts that staysthey keeps an eye on the locations of the enemy zergs and trigger those EWP for the zergs, you need to compensate them one way or another for being a service to the zerg groups

nope ur wrong. usually its ppl who wants to farm pips, that stays on outnumbered fights. and some scouts as well

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Another pointless discussion.Only people who would have a problem with this are on stacked servers running zergs on constantly populated maps like ebg thinking it's unfair a roamer is getting more pips than them for being on the empty map they themselves don't want to be on and getting more pips per tick and faster set rewards while they're running around hitting one with the zerg getting more kills and bags but need to get most loot because more peoples.

Yes the runonononon was on purpose.

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@Safandula.8723 said:

@Safandula.8723 said:Prolly cuz farmer migrate to outnumbered maps instead of staying on fun fight maps, and ppl lose changes of equal fights.Remove this and increase the overall PIP progres and im happy

when people run off to an outnumbers map, such action actually removes the buff, it's base on player population :lol:

on outnumber maps, it's usually the zerg scouts that staysthey keeps an eye on the locations of the enemy zergs and trigger those EWP for the zergs, you need to compensate them one way or another for being a service to the zerg groups

nope ur wrong. usually its ppl who wants to farm pips, that stays on outnumbered fights. and some scouts as well

have no idea what you saying is wrong about? are you saying that more people joining an outnumbered map will not remove the buff? have no idea where you get that wrong impression from :lol:

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