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How to update arcDPS?


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I'm a tech noob afraid of setting my house on fire, so to be clear:Delete old d3d9.dll, download new one from Delta connection/arcDPS website.Copy new d3d9.dll into bin64.Start game.


So no other folders etc need to be deleted etc?

I'll update the question to be answered, once I manage to do it :)

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@DerJoker.9081 said:I'm a tech noob afraid of setting my house on fire, so to be clear:Delete old d3d9.dll, download new one from Delta connection/arcDPS website.Copy new d3d9.dll into bin64.Start game.


So no other folders etc need to be deleted etc?

I'll update the question to be answered, once I manage to do it :)

In short: yes.

Longer: no reason to delete the old d3d9.dll, simply overwrite it. Your operating system will ask you if you want to overwrite the file the moment you try to copy a file with the same name into the same folder. Both ways will work though. The final goal is to have the new d3d9.dll from November 13th in your bin64 folder.

That's it, done.

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