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dragonfly Mount skin for Skimmer

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I have suggested a Dragonfly before, and requested with it a small trail of elegant, slightly sparkly glitters ( Ie , please no garish glitter bombs) .I even requested to have different wing patterns ( the lovely veined ones that look like stained glass , or tiger stripes , or dots ) .
We even have art already in the game that could be used -- like the wings on the Glittering Wings Backpack.A butterfly. See above - would be lovely to have different wing patterns.A flying fish ( maybe the "turn " the skimmer does when he vertically flips to activate - could be converted to a horizontal turn to activate the flying fish )A Firefly - we already have fireflies in game too, as creatures ( sometimes ambient , sometimes enemies)A bumble bee would be fun - though I am not sure how often they tend to fly over water, instead of land.

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That sounds like a fun idea. Could you please share ideas that would be offered through the Gem Store -- as mount skins are -- in the sticky thread for suggestions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again. Other members who want to comment on the ideas are welcome to join that thread, too. Thanks for understanding.

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