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An Open World PVP Map For GW2 and possibly a new gamemode.


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This is a fictional game mode/map that could be added in a future expansion or living world season, the map would be about the size of Kessex hills and feature open world PVP with WVW or PVE stats and gear. I'm well aware that this will be a controversial topic for the GW2 community but I also thought that it could be an interesting feature for an expansion and since it will only be one map the entire player base will not feel that this is mandatory content. However, since the gold gain is decent it will attract several different types of players.Yes, this is just a rough draft of my idea and these numbers can obviously be tweaked, as mentioned I just thought it could be an interesting discussion.

The map:

As mentioned the map would be the size of Kessex hills with 1 central waypoint, this waypoint would cost 15G from anywhere in the world and also from inside the map. (unless defeated then it’s 5G) The reason for the high waypoint cost is to balance the potential gold gains in the map with a gold sink built in.

The area around the waypoint would be a protected zone with a few features:• An Anvil for repairs• A merchant to sell items• A Player Bounty Hunter Board• A new merchant that sells Bounty Hunter Armor skins for Tags and Player TagsIn this map all monsters drop a new item called Tags, Tags will be explained in the following paragraph.


Tags are a vendor item that is dropped by all players and mobs in the new map, the interesting part of tags is their value (50s ea) and the fact that when a player gets killed they drop all the Tags in their inventory. Unless they die to a Bandit or a monster then half their Tags get dropped for other players to pick up.

Bandits and Bounty Hunters:

If a player kills another player then that person becomes a Bandit, unless the person that gets killed is a Bandit and you had a Player Bounty Hunter contract on them.

If you kill a Bandit that was your target they will drop all Tags in their inventory and a Player tag. The only place to get Player Bounty Hunter targets is from the board in the centre of the map. Bounty hunters will get a marker on their minimap pointing them in the direction of the bandit that they are chasing until they are within 3000 units, after which the mark will go away.

Gold Gain and Sinks:

As you can see there’s a big potential for gold gain in this map for PVE players and PVP players, to balance this there’s the high waypoint cost and the unique skins would also have quite a high Tags cost ensuring that not all tags will get vendored. Perhaps some other items can become available for tags (Food, utilities and materials).

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@Ouranoz.9275 said:I'm well aware that this will be a controversial topic for the GW2 community but I also thought that it could be an interesting feature for an expansion and since it will only be one map the entire player base will not feel that this is mandatory content.

They’ll still complain as they did about the very minimal story elements in raids, superior sigil of nullification, backpack collection from LS4E2, legendary armor initially being in just raids, needing ascended armor in order to slot AR infusions for high level raids, and so on. There are players that feel that everything should be accessible to them in the method/way that they prefer.

As far as open world maps, they typically haven’t added any value to a game. Those that don’t want to PvP end up getting frustrated from getting ganked. Those that enjoy PvP already have options available to them. Many of those PvP’ers already dislike the handful of PvE elements that are currently in their respective game modes.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:As far as open world maps, they typically haven’t added any value to a game. Those that don’t want to PvP end up getting frustrated from getting ganked. Those that enjoy PvP already have options available to them. Many of those PvP’ers already dislike the handful of PvE elements that are currently in their respective game modes.^ This.

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Here’s what they’ve said on the subject of open world PvP

Source“The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP.” — Mike Ferguson

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