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If I May Interrupt Achievement Issues


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I did a search, found very little on the forums related to this. Outside of these forums I mostly found guides. I'm mostly trying to find out if there is an issue related to this achievement or not.

As far as I could tell, I have completed this event successfully (multiple times) and interrupted each speech made by Palawa Joko? (champion) and Another Palawa Joko? (Joko elite). I've gone over screenshots which clearly show each speech starting and being interrupted and then saying "Arrgh!" Yet when the event ends and rewards are given out the achievement is not awarded.

Does anyone have any information related to what might be missing?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:When does the achievement icon disappear (if there is one)? That may give a clue.

Good luck.

The achievement is awarded when the event rewards are awarded. I had to look into this to see if; 1) when exactly it is awarded, and 2) to see if there is a popup or if by chance it is bugged and gets awarded without notification.

Despite ever speech being interrupted, still no achievement. It's quite puzzling and frustrating. I know i'm not the only one this is happening to, from talking to other players in game at the time, but i'm surprised there isn't any other discussions.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I wasn't asking about when the achievement was awarded, but when the icon disappears if there is one.

Being unsure exactly which "icon" you were referring to I assume you meant the popup notification shown when the achievement is completed.

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Aren't there more Jokos to interrupt, not just two?

  • “Joko” will show up and you will have to fight him. Every time Joko makes a speech during the fight, he will have a breakbar active. You need to break his breakbar before he finishes his speech or the achievement will fail.
  • Later on during the fight Joko will also split into two copies
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Only the Champ and Elite do speeches.

I just ran it again, twice, not finding any icons suggesting I am eligible for any achievement. Looking to see if i can find any visual info on such an icon in screenshots and videos.

Anyone have anymore information on that?

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Just to be clear, I believe that you also have to kill all the small Joko's before they convert any awakened. The Awakened bar has to still be almost full [almost, because it loses a little bit when he converts the very first awakened at the start of the event]. So just breaking Joko and Another Joko is not sufficient. I have managed this successfully twice [2 accounts] and failed it a lot of times. I got credit on the two occasions we did it properly.

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If that's the case, then the achievement is very misleading as it states only: "Interrupt every single recruitment speech by the Monument to the Return of Palawa Joko". Nothing mentioned about killing all the little Joko's. Obviously, it's possible to get the achievement, but only with many many failed attempts, based on what I've seen in the map. These kinds of achievements are disheartening, as it's not as if you can work hard enough, or develop strategies if the other players on the map aren't that concerned about achievements or already have it. Big Sigh

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  • 1 month later...

I completed it and helped many others complete it successfully afterwards, I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner. The goal is to interrupt the two jokos while burning down the adds as fast as possible. I am pretty sure the mini ones can also throw the achievement, which is why it is urgent to kill them quickly upon spawning. When there are no adds, then focus the elite one and get him down before finishing off the champ.

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