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Anet pls nerf core warrior.

This video is a demonstration of how overtuned it is!!

This is not acceptable. Core warrior has too much sustain (might makes right) together with healing signet and adrenal health. On top of that, shake it off is such a powercreep skill: 2 stunbreaks that remove 6 conditions each for all allies within 600 radius... what?? Let's look at rampage, I didn't even use this skill but I could have and it would have won me the duel much sooner so I didn't use it solely for this demonstration. 15s duration and only 72s cd with peak performance?? Why would I take anything else?

MY solution is to change might makes right to: Healing: 50 / Endurance: 1.5Peak performance: recharge reduced of physical skills: 10%Rampage: 8 second duration, 100 second cd, damage reduced: 10%Reckless impact damage - reduce this by 50%Shake it off - cure 3 conditions instead of 6!!!!

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Tha spellbreaker legitimately wasn't even all that good...and Spellbreaker in 1v1s isn't too difficult to counter either since it relies so heavily on Full Counter proccing damage. Avoid the proc, dodge their CC/bursts, Spellbreaker dead. Same thing literally goes for Core warrior as well, and core warrior is even weaker to condi pressure than spellbreaker is.

They already nerfed down Might Makes Right.Rampage isn't going to save you against conditions.Shake it off needed the buff that it got because it wasn't used over Berserker stance pretty much everIf people are dying to the dodge roll damage that is their fault for even being within melee range of the warrior while they still have dodges available to themIf you're calling for the Peak Performance recharge reduction to be nerfed down to 10% then I would have to call for other recharge reduction traits to get the same treatment because they are all at 20%.

Again I feel like I have to reiterate....that spellbreaker was not good. Not by a long shot. I run into similar fights against spellbreakers all the time, most of them get run over in a 1v1 with a well played core warrior, or well played anything really...most spellbreakers get carried by people derping around and hitting that Full Counter. I honestly think I have only ever run into like...3 spellbreakers that have actually beaten me 1v1 while I'm on core warrior and thats because they are actually good players. I'm sure there are more out there but thats just what I've encountered.

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core warrior vs spellbreaker is favored towards core imo. core warriors can animation cancel to avoid full counter and has damage to pressure.a pvp meta build can be countered by a non-meta build. it's just that the non-meta build doesn't work against other meta builds.

you're in a better match up against a player who isn't at top pvp level with warrior (his title is a ranger pvp title), and this is why core warriors need to be nerfed?

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hahahaha so now Core warrior is OP?and might makes right needs more nerfing?I never knew my core warrior was that OP.

  • Core warrior vs mirrage = easy kill for mirrage
  • Core warrior vs DE = Core warrior becomes a sitting duck and unable to generate adrenaline or might.
  • Core warrior vs Necro = conditions will eat you even with shake it off.
  • Core warrior vs guardian = even fight (if and only if the warrior uses unblockable signet attacks)
  • Core warrior vs revenant = warrior endure pain lets 6000+ damage to life siphon.

The video shows warrior vs warrior with different specs and the SB was a noob.

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eh what.

Core is naturally stronger in 1v1 than spellbreaker.Its easier to play around a spellbreaker in a duel due to lower burst and relatively easy to play around fullcounter.

In outnumbered situations a spellbreaker is "naturally" stronger due to easier time to proc fullcounter which adds alot of sustain and damage in 1vX.

I cant say i see an issue anywere.

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