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Weavers have permanent condition cleansing+regeneration from rune of evasion

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Rune of evasion grants swiftness on every evade with no icd

Woven stride grants regeneration on gaining swiftness. No icd

Cleansing water causes you to remove a condition on gaining regeneration. No icd

Weavers are immune to conditions and gain permanent regeneration

This is just as broken as scourge's abrasive grit. Cleansing water or woven stride need a 5s icd.

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Putting a 5s ICD on Cleansing Water is an absolutely horrendous idea that would be a massive blow to the entire class, and Woven Stride doesn't need one either. Unlike Sanctuary Runes, putting an ICD on Evasion Runes' T6 bonus wouldn't kill the rune if the swiftness duration was also increased accordingly. Make it still easy to achieve perma-swiftness.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Putting a 5s ICD on Cleansing Water is an absolutely horrendous idea that would be a massive blow to the entire class, and Woven Stride doesn't need one either. Unlike Sanctuary Runes, putting an ICD on Evasion Runes' T6 bonus wouldn't kill the rune if the swiftness duration was also increased accordingly. Make it still easy to achieve perma-swiftness.

and go against the precedent that nerfing a class is acceptable instead of nerfing a broken rune? Do you understand what kind of backlash that'll cause?

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Putting a 5s ICD on Cleansing Water is an absolutely horrendous idea that would be a massive blow to the entire class, and Woven Stride doesn't need one either. Unlike Sanctuary Runes, putting an ICD on Evasion Runes' T6 bonus wouldn't kill the rune if the swiftness duration was also increased accordingly. Make it still easy to achieve perma-swiftness.

and go against the precedent that nerfing a class is acceptable instead of nerfing a broken rune? Do you understand what kind of backlash that'll cause?

I am very much against the decision they made for Abrasive Grit. I barely play Necro, but can recognize that it was a very poorly made decision and needs to be revisited. Sure, changing Evasion Runes would cause a backlash, but so would changing one of the Ele traits, especially Cleansing Water. Just because there was one bad decision made does not mean it should validate more in the future. That's like saying, "You fixed me the wrong way and hurt me in the process, so you should intentionally fix them the wrong way to hurt them too.*

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@spectrito.8513 said:The rune is not that greatWeaver's already defficient in base stats. taking this rune just makes Weaver even more vulnerable to power builds.imo only worth taking if against 3+ condi builds or double mesmers

It's just a tool to brainlessly clean conditions from brainlessly condi spammer builds

It's worth taking against power builds too, no cripple, slow, weakness, vuln, blind, immob, or chill. Makes them impossible to kite or chase down

@Klypto.1703 said:Eles haven't had anything near OP since before HoT lol just let this stay because condi builds need to die anyways.

Condi builds are already dead, mesmers is the only one in the meta.

Leaving something broken in is stupid.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Lol bitter necros wanting another class to suffer while using the same logic that was used to nerf them. You have no right to complain about balance if this is the stuff you condone. It's only okay if it doesn't happen to you, right?

see the thing is, it already happened to one class. it was a poor decision that set up a precedent. if they don't nerf the broken interaction in the same way, a chunk of the playerbase is going to be pissed. leaving the broken interaction in is going to have the same result, if ele is allowed to have this why couldn't scourge?

the answer is pretty simple, because it's a broken interaction that neither class should have access to. which is why it needs to go.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Lol bitter necros wanting another class to suffer while using the same logic that was used to nerf them. You have no right to complain about balance if this is the stuff you condone. It's only okay if it doesn't happen to you, right?

Yeah they continue on this path seeing how far they have to go before they cave into their demands.

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Lol bitter necros wanting another class to suffer while using the same logic that was used to nerf them. You have no right to complain about balance if this is the stuff you condone. It's only okay if it doesn't happen to you, right?

see the thing is, it already happened to one class. it was a poor decision that set up a precedent. if they don't nerf the broken interaction in the same way, a chunk of the playerbase is going to be pissed. leaving the broken interaction in is going to have the same result, if ele is allowed to have this why couldn't scourge?

the answer is pretty simple, because it's a broken interaction that neither class should have access to. which is why it needs to go.

That logic could be used to validate a lot of terrible decision-making though. The AG nerf should absolutely be reverted and addressed differently. There were some great ideas that were thrown out there on that thread. I agree the interaction for Evasion runes is 100% broken and needs to be addressed, but an ICD on the rune itself and not ele traits is a better choice because it is still easy enough to redesign the T6 bonus in a way that allows for high uptime to perma-swiftness generated from in-combat means, which is what the bonus is designed to do currently. It's a similar but different issue to Sanc runes, with a much simpler and cleaner solution.

@Jeknar.6184 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:And eles would riot if Cleansing Waters was nerfed. This is a staple trait for condition management.

The icd could be to Woven stride too. It already do have a icd on the swiftness gain from it anyway...

Woven Stride in general could be redesigned in a way that doesn't require the water traitline to help it against conditions, but I still think changing the runes themselves is a much better solution.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Lol bitter necros wanting another class to suffer while using the same logic that was used to nerf them. You have no right to complain about balance if this is the stuff you condone. It's only okay if it doesn't happen to you, right?

see the thing is, it already happened to one class. it was a poor decision that set up a precedent. if they don't nerf the broken interaction in the same way, a chunk of the playerbase is going to be pissed. leaving the broken interaction in is going to have the same result, if ele is allowed to have this why couldn't scourge?

the answer is pretty simple, because it's a broken interaction that neither class should have access to. which is why it needs to go.

That logic could be used to validate a lot of terrible decision-making though. The AG nerf should absolutely be reverted and addressed differently. There were some great ideas that were thrown out there on that thread. I agree the interaction for Evasion runes is 100% broken and needs to be addressed, but an ICD on the rune itself and not ele traits is a better choice because it is still easy enough to redesign the T6 bonus in a way that allows for high uptime to perma-swiftness generated from in-combat means, which is what the bonus is designed to do currently. It's a similar but different issue to Sanc runes, with a much simpler and cleaner solution.

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:And eles would riot if Cleansing Waters was nerfed. This is a staple trait for condition management.

The icd could be to Woven stride too. It already do have a icd on the swiftness gain from it anyway...

Woven Stride in general could be redesigned in a way that doesn't require the water traitline to help it against conditions, but I still think changing the runes themselves is a much better solution.

i agree, i think changing both sets of runes and reverting the abrasive grit nerf would be a better solution. i'm saying if they do one and not the other, people are going to be pissed.

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Lol bitter necros wanting another class to suffer while using the same logic that was used to nerf them. You have no right to complain about balance if this is the stuff you condone. It's only okay if it doesn't happen to you, right?

see the thing is, it already happened to one class. it was a poor decision that set up a precedent. if they don't nerf the broken interaction in the same way, a chunk of the playerbase is going to be pissed. leaving the broken interaction in is going to have the same result, if ele is allowed to have this why couldn't scourge?

the answer is pretty simple, because it's a broken interaction that neither class should have access to. which is why it needs to go.

That logic could be used to validate a lot of terrible decision-making though. The AG nerf should absolutely be reverted and addressed differently. There were some great ideas that were thrown out there on that thread. I agree the interaction for Evasion runes is 100% broken and needs to be addressed, but an ICD on the rune itself and not ele traits is a better choice because it is still easy enough to redesign the T6 bonus in a way that allows for high uptime to perma-swiftness generated from in-combat means, which is what the bonus is designed to do currently. It's a similar but different issue to Sanc runes, with a much simpler and cleaner solution.

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:And eles would riot if Cleansing Waters was nerfed. This is a staple trait for condition management.

The icd could be to Woven stride too. It already do have a icd on the swiftness gain from it anyway...

Woven Stride in general could be redesigned in a way that doesn't require the water traitline to help it against conditions, but I still think changing the runes themselves is a much better solution.

i agree, i think changing both sets of runes and reverting the abrasive grit nerf would be a better solution. i'm saying if they do one and not the other, people are going to be pissed.

Yes, this I do agree with. Either way, people would be pissed, but I'd rather they do it the "right" way rather than dish out an unnecessary nerf. My heart does go out to you Necros regarding the AG change though.

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