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Northern Invasion of Orr Stalled

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Hello Anet,

As of 2:37 PM EST on November 21, 2018 in the Straits of Devastation, the Northern Invasion of Orr meta event has stalled.

Map IP:

After completing the event "Sink the Risen armada blocking Pact submarines off the coast of Stentor Cannonade" The event proceeds as scripted to the "Royal Forum Waypoint" where the next event "Destroy the Risen bone ships blocking passage to Brassclaw Landing" should begin. However the event does not begin and all Pact NPCs are left floating in the water glaring down the risen army in the water. The risen army is unable to be attacked but can attack the Pact subs just fine, eventually destroying them and resetting the entire meta-event.

Screenshot that will probably be requested.

Update: The event eventually began only to fail as the last sub had already been lost.

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