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Guild wars 3 ? 2022 ?


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I doubt GW3 will be a thing. While I'm doubtful that Anet will be keeping GW2 going after the ED plot ends (and it feels to me like we're just a Season 5 and Expansion 3 away from finishing that plot, maybe a Season 6 too), due to their apparent lack of desire to maintain canonical continuity with GW1, I don't see them keeping with Tyria's setting after that, and I expect they'd go onto a new IP.

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I wouldn't rule out a GW3 one day - they apparently decided to make GW2 because they wanted to do things that weren't possible in the first game, so it's possible they'll do the same again one day. But they did also say when they made this one that they were trying to make it easier to add new and different things so they wouldn't need to start over.

But I'm also not expecting it any time soon. It takes years to make an MMO (or even a big single player game) and to make GW2 they had to almost completely stop work on GW1. There are more people at Arenanet now, but I'd be very surprised if they were able to develop an entire new game while keeping up with living story releases in GW2. If they do decide to make another game I think we'll hear about it early on, like we did with GW2.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Decrypter.1785 said:Hope it has GVG and HOH and vanquishing :) i think it will be 2022 what yall reckon ?

I hope there will be no GW3! I have invested so much time, effort and resources into GW2 that would all go to waste if I had to start over. Also, there is still so much potential that GW2 has not explored yet - it would be a shame if that went to waste.

So, for all there is to hope for, I only hope for an update of the GW2 engine - but I don't want a new game.

@GW Noob.6038 said:No matter what game ArenaNet puts out, whether it'd GW3 or something else, I won't even consider buying it 'til it's been out for at least 3 years...even then, I will scrutinize the game with a very wary eye.

Care to explain why? Do you feel that GW2 was unfinished at release and took years to get to a point where you considered it worth buying? If so, let me explain where your thinking is wrong: the game developed into something better because you couldn't do certain things back in 2012 due to technical limitations (like most people not having the hardware required to run the game smoothly; I probably could have, since I still use my hardware from 2010, except for a newer GPU and more RAM these days).

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GW3 is likely a very long way off, if ever. At this point, there's no driving reason to make a new game version. If a new gaming platform emerges that completely upends and replaces PC-gaming, then yes, that would be a driving reason. However, the current competition (console games, mobile games, etc) have different audiences and aren't yet threats at replacing PC-gaming entirely.

If some kind of VR gaming platform ever gains a superior foothold and starts displacing all forms of non-VR gaming, that's the level of change that would trigger a need for GW3. However, VR gaming currently seems to be at impasse, with hardware providers endlessly waiting for a killer app, and the app providers endlessly waiting for widespread hardware to provide a customer base.

Otherwise, expect that GW2 will continue to survive and even thrive, as players continue to play it on ever faster PCs with more advanced video cards, larger displays, higher bandwidth networks and so forth.

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@Hesacon.8735 said:Arenanet has been pushing the GW2 engine to do more and more over the last few years and keep showing new things they can do with it. If there's a way to make the game less single-core CPU heavy, there would be no reason for a GW3.

Game could use graphical update and CPU usage optimization. If they can do these 2 in GW2 I have no need for GW3.Anyway.... Just finally do it.

And maybe give us an option to use more graphics card if its possible and spare my poor processor. Everyone and their grandmother now has some kind of dedicated graphic card and multicore processor, even if old.My NVIDIA is on 0-1% usage while running gw2 no matter what I do. Processor is on like 60%+ and it's getting hot, even though its this year new bought i7.

GW2 is in great state, but I think if they can't do these things with GW2 engine they should create GW3. What we could use is:

  • CPU multi-threading usage and optimization
  • possibly more GPU usage and better graphics overall
  • rework core game and core professions (maybe just my opinion, but I love the game BESIDES core game, dungeons were abandoned, world bosses are usually boring spamfest, minidungeons are basically non existent, base classes have no roles etc) -> I believe they're making best decisions now and that it came with experience. Content they started creating with expansions is much more enjoyable.

All 3 might be doable in current game though. But Im not a GW2 developer to tell if its possible.

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Nah don't think i'll be interested in a GW3.Oceania players are already fed up with constant lag in this game and lack of comms or acknowledgement that there is an issue.With every new patch, it seems its just released without through testing.Don't even start on devs balancing classes for each mode.You US guys can keep GW3 to yourself after all non-US players were shafted with the Kung Fu Tea promo. <- That there alone told me how customers outside of US will be treated.

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@Zeefa.3915 said:Don't really think about GW3 and am honestly baffled by the confidence some people have it is going to happen, especially anytime soon.I think GW2 has years in it still. So many things they can do still.

From what I can get from the people who post GW3 stuff all the time are that the vast majority are -I didn't get GW1 with jumping so I am going to go onto forums and wail and whine until I do. That GW3 is not even if it does happen going to be GW1 with jumping never seems to cross their minds.

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I expect GW2 to be around like WoW. Just like there will be no WoW2 in the foreseeable future, there won't be a GW3. I do not see why they would need to make it. With GW1 there were things they couldn't fix due to the engine and structure of the game. So they made GW2. With GW2, there aren't any fundamental flaws in that way except the aging engine issues. Which could be fixed if they were given the time and resources.

I believe most people are happy with GW2 and wouldn't want to start over. Its a great game and Anet has proven that a lot of things can be done with it. So there is no need to start over.

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Gw2 only came into existence because of the limitations in Gw1 and the direction Anet wanted to take the game.

I don't forsee a Gw3 nor see any reason why we even need a Gw3 for a long time yet.Gw2 is still growing as a game.. just look at what's been achieved in the last few living world releases compared to the first 3 seasons.. not to mention the differences between HoT and PoF.

Anet is constantly improving this game.. making it bigger and more epic year by year and until that becomes an impossibility due to technical limitations then there is absolutely no need for a Gw3 or a new game engine etc.

We've still 4 Elder Dragons to deal with and there is so much freedom to sideline them for non dragon focused storylines like we had with the White Mantle, Balthazar and Palawa Joko.Hell we've established an entire planet in Gw2 most of which we've never even seen in the franchise.. and then there is Cantha on top of that.

We don't need a Gw3..

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