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Anet, are we really ok with how frustrating condi mirage it is to fight?


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I was under the impression that conditions should SLOWLY build up over time, which on mirage are pretty much spammable. However, my biggest gripe with mirage is that the constant untargetablility, blind spam and stealth plus blinks makes them very hard to fight. You have VERY small windows of time before they disappear again, in which time you first have to take blinds away, to then try to land a shot, all that while having SEVERAL stacks of confusion.

Whether or not it is balanced, it is very frustrating to fight agaisnt and it feels like an uphill battle with just about any specc that isnt HEAVILY deep in condi cleanses, and even then.... Please revise the specc, remove some of the frustrating part, a good start is putting an ICD on the blinding, right now fighting a mirage is constant blind after blind after blind after blind.

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@everyman.4375 said:You don't have constant 12-18 confusion on you, confusion lasts for a realy short time and the mesmer has to use a lot of CD to pull 18 stacks of confusion.As long as you use your cleanse and dodge at the right time fighting mirages is not that hard.

6 stacks of confusion is sufficient when its covered with torment, blind, and burn...possibly poison if they are using a sigil...or maybe the poison is on the bottom.

keeping a few stacks of the skill confinement and movement inhibiting conditions on the target is enough. plus, if you are set to hybrid, which many are, your shatters are hitting for good power damage as well.

keep in mind if they don't blow cooldowns to stack 18 of everything, some simple evasions and standing in staff aoe skills are good for body and point control.

if a mirage sees it to be necessary, chasing you down to finish the kill if you decide to disengage won't be an issue either.

in spvp, time is a factor.

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Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:

  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:

  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blindS, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

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@Fortus.6175 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

In all fairness Mr Boyer has been complaining about mesmer for something like 5 years and seems to think it was balanced when literally every mesmer player was switching to thief because mesmer was inferior in every way and shouldn't have ever won a 1v1 vs anyone else. I think you can find some of them on the archive forum, yes it's all there forever. He's not the only one either.

Are there issues with mirage? Sure but try walking a mile in a mesmers shoes first and see what is actually the problem. That means actually playing it for an evening, maybe spend another evening trying out different builds too, I've played plenty of facerollosmith, spellbreaker, thief, firebrand, scourge, ele and revenant to understand the way they function and at least the basic interactions of skills. I do try to play ranger but it's not my favourite, I still force myself to play it for an evening every now and then and duel my friends.

Changing torment to bleeds/poisons would probably solve most issues.

Edit: Also remember that most people are playing "Tramawar" which doesn't take condition cleanses really, holosmith likewise switched from it's condition clearing anticorrosive plating to quickness spam, rev has always been weak to condi. Even condi mirage is weak to condi atm. Pretty much every build in the meta has traded condition clears for MOAR POWA!!! Why? Well because power damage is so insane atm, you just spam spam spam and people die. Not just my opinion either:


Edit2: I forgot tramawar runs shake it off still which is 2x 6 condition cleanses but I've seen some forgo it. However I do stand corrected, they have a fair amount of cleanses.

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@Fortus.6175 said:I was under the impression that conditions should SLOWLY build up over time, which on mirage are pretty much spammable. However, my biggest gripe with mirage is that the constant untargetablility, blind spam and stealth plus blinks makes them very hard to fight. You have VERY small windows of time before they disappear again, in which time you first have to take blinds away, to then try to land a shot, all that while having 12-18 stacks of confusion.

Whether or not it is balanced, it is very frustrating to fight agaisnt and it feels like an uphill battle with just about any specc that isnt HEAVILY deep in condi conditions, and even then.... Please revise the specc, remove some of the frustrating part, a good start is putting an ICD on the blinding, right now fighting a mirage is constant blind after blind after blind after blind.

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

Necromancers are really the only class where all flavor of builds have are hard, hard countered by condi mirage. Most other classes are running builds that have some answer to Mirage or in the case of Holo and Boonbeast, should absolutely never be losing the 1v1 to them.

The above effect is mainly due to:

  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."

  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.With the nerfs to Elusive Mind and Vigor, Mirage needs to make a hard choice between chase potential and amazing mobility and being capable of keeping up with 1v1ers on side nodes. It can't chase with sword the way it use to be. Are Blink and 3 450 Jaunts a lot of chase potential? Yeah but there's a hard limit now. And considering it's 90 seconds to get all three jaunts back that's a heavy cooldown to get the full effectiveness of your mobility skill back.

  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.

  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.It's a 2-3 man job to kill literally every side noder build. That's what makes them sidernoders by definition. Mirage is heavily weighted towards disengage potential, but spellbreaker, holosmith, and boonbeast also have all the disengage potential they need while also having several times the healing and ability to resustain and mirage.

**So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER.There's actually several nonmeta specs that can either stall out indefinitely against a condimirage the way a spellbreaker can or get the kill. The meta is not defined by how well classes perform against condimirage otherwise necromancers would be completely done, even more so than Elementalists.

Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.**Holosmith can be disengaged from, but between stealth, it's ability to resustain, two invulnerabilities, near permenant levels of swiftness and stability, a wealth of condition cleanses and conversions, hard CC potential and the ever present risk of being counter burst by anyone foolish enough to be following it it has all disengage it needs. Similar situation with Boonbeast and Spellbreaker. At this point mirage is a jack of all trades. It can side node well with great use of portal, it can roam okay if it drops staff for sword+pistol at the cost of 1v1 potential, it can dip into team fights okay and burst a kill and get the stomp but it doesn't have the sustained damage for a proper team fighter like scourges, holos, and reapers. And several classes that can side node are also some of the best teamfighers, most notably Holosmith.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

Jaunt doesn't need nerfing. If you're going to nerf anything about Jaunt it would be the damage and confusion. Not the cooldown or ammo.

People complain about Mirage for the same reason they complained about mesmer back on release all the way through core. People hate what they die to. They will never not complain about what they die to > They die to what they don't understand more than they do what they actively do understand > Mesmer and mirage give the lowest feedback towards victims of what was responsible for killing them. That's it. It's literally as simple as that. All mesmer builds could be elementalist tier it would still garner more hate and cries for nerfing than the actual top tier builds in the game.

It's also why any PvP game character built around weird or unusual tells and animations or deception like Faust, Zappa, Arakune, Voldo, Leblanc, Shaco, TF2 Spies, any Pokemon that can run special and physical variants on a meta level, all have huuuuuuge levels of hate dedicated for them even beyond loadouts that are beyond them in any given meta.

The one nerf I want to see on Mirage is the removal of stunbreak on elusive mind and the removal of the ability to mirage cloak on CC skills that otherwise inhibit dodging.

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speak for yourself

i enjoy fighting condi mirages cus i understand the class so i can see whos a good player and whos not and when they make mistakes and when not

also your whole idea of " conditional damage" is a joke. it's not " build-up-over-time" damage its a damage /if/so torment is if you move and confusion is if you use skillsbefore you qq bout confusion why dont u play mesmer urself see how bad it feels when you get 20 confusion stacks (which isnt cheap or easy) and then someone removes them with one button?

why is it a problem for people that " if you use an ability while you have 20 conf stacks you take 5k damage" but it's not a problem that you get unconditional normal 10k damage 6-12k dmg by any warrior/holo skill, regardless of what you do, except dodging (which also works vs condi)

also i already made this thread


the entire concept of mesmer is to frustrate you

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Mesmer breaks the basic rule on balancing: "high risk, high reward".It's extremely low risk with high rewards.

Seriously, it's too much of everything.I have games where i get home, go to mid, build some clones, shatter, completely destroy the team fight and go straight to far for a decap.I have games where my teammates are terrible and i still can carry as mirage.I play with the stealth signet + decoy + blink. If i'm being targeted i just got out of teamfights and go to side node to a quick decap while i refresh some cooldowns and chose the next target i'll explode.

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@"Malafaia.8903" said:Mesmer breaks the basic rule on balancing: "high risk, high reward".It's extremely low risk with high rewards.

Seriously, it's too much of everything.I have games where i get home, go to mid, build some clones, shatter, completely destroy the team fight and go straight to far for a decap.I have games where my teammates are terrible and i still can carry as mirage.I play with the stealth signet + decoy + blink. If i'm being targeted i just got out of teamfights and go to side node to a quick decap while i refresh some cooldowns and chose the next target i'll explode.

obviously you're fighting people way below your skill level.

I play non meta soulbeast and I'm grinding through gold rank atm to get to my rank from last season, plat 3. I start close, completely stomp anyone that comes to my point. then go mid, focus down their key player ( necro or FB ), win lose doesn't matter. just go to far anyway. then win far.

stomp stomp stomp. I win all the points I go to and sometimes I even win 1v2 ON POINT. does that make my non meta gs/lb build OP? not in comparison to other meta builds, no. I would beat them regardless of what they play, so it's not because of my build that I win. the only time I lose the gold rank games is if I fuck up or my team cant win with 4 players vs 3.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

In all fairness Mr Boyer has been complaining about mesmer for something like 5 years and seems to think it was balanced when literally every mesmer player was switching to thief because mesmer was inferior in every way and shouldn't have ever won a 1v1 vs anyone else. I think you can find some of them on the archive forum, yes it's all there forever. He's not the only one either.

Are there issues with mirage? Sure but try walking a mile in a mesmers shoes first and see what is actually the problem. That means actually playing it for an evening, maybe spend another evening trying out different builds too, I've played plenty of facerollosmith, spellbreaker, thief, firebrand, scourge, ele and revenant to understand the way they function and at least the basic interactions of skills. I do try to play ranger but it's not my favourite, I still force myself to play it for an evening every now and then and duel my friends.

Changing torment to bleeds/poisons would probably solve most issues.

Edit: Also remember that most people are playing "Tramawar" which doesn't take condition cleanses really, holosmith likewise switched from it's condition clearing anticorrosive plating to quickness spam, rev has always been weak to condi. Even condi mirage is weak to condi atm. Pretty much every build in the meta has traded condition clears for MOAR POWA!!! Why? Well because power damage is so insane atm, you just spam spam spam and people die. Not just my opinion either:

Edit2: I forgot tramawar runs shake it off still which is 2x 6 condition cleanses but I've seen some forgo it. However I do stand corrected, they have a fair amount of cleanses.

I'm actually one of the people who complains the least about any class at all. Seriously, go back through my forum post history in my profile. I generally make posts concerning issues about win trading and overall match making performance, or how the intra-class dynamic feels.

What you are noticing is that my few comments about any class at all, generally are memorable and receive many upvotes.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

In all fairness Mr Boyer has been complaining about mesmer for something like 5 years and seems to think it was balanced when literally every mesmer player was switching to thief because mesmer was inferior in every way and shouldn't have ever won a 1v1 vs anyone else. I think you can find some of them on the archive forum, yes it's all there forever. He's not the only one either.

Are there issues with mirage? Sure but try walking a mile in a mesmers shoes first and see what is actually the problem. That means actually playing it for an evening, maybe spend another evening trying out different builds too, I've played plenty of facerollosmith, spellbreaker, thief, firebrand, scourge, ele and revenant to understand the way they function and at least the basic interactions of skills. I do try to play ranger but it's not my favourite, I still force myself to play it for an evening every now and then and duel my friends.

Changing torment to bleeds/poisons would probably solve most issues.

Edit: Also remember that most people are playing "Tramawar" which doesn't take condition cleanses really, holosmith likewise switched from it's condition clearing anticorrosive plating to quickness spam, rev has always been weak to condi. Even condi mirage is weak to condi atm. Pretty much every build in the meta has traded condition clears for MOAR POWA!!! Why? Well because power damage is so insane atm, you just spam spam spam and people die. Not just my opinion either:

Edit2: I forgot tramawar runs shake it off still which is 2x 6 condition cleanses but I've seen some forgo it. However I do stand corrected, they have a fair amount of cleanses.

I'm actually one of the people who complains the least about any class at all. Seriously, go back through my forum post history in my profile. I generally make posts concerning issues about win trading and overall match making performance, or how the intra-class dynamic feels.

What you are noticing is that my few comments about any class at all, generally are memorable and receive many upvotes.

I never said anything about the frequency of your complaints just that you have been complaining about mesmer for 5 years and generally rate them as stronger than most people rate them.

You complaining about chronomancer buffs to utilities that had nothing to do with chrono and were not used in any meta chrono build at the time (was before phantasm rework).https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Chronomancer-Buffs-Across-Board

You complaining power mesmer which was trash can garbage at the time was OPhttps://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Non-meta-broken-builds

Two from 2015 but this is back when there was a different meta and not everything was really known. Some people agree, some don't, there's a few from this period.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/how-to-tell-if-i-am-a-good-playerhttps://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/So-um-memsers-seem-brokenly-OP/page/5

I'll be honest I skimmed through a bit, I'll admit, you do complain about matchmaking far more than any class, I mean it's something like 90% of your posts from 2017 and quite a few from before.

Also likes and popularity does not indicate you're right, I would have thought the world learnt about that from 1930-1980.

Edit: Forum archive kinda bugs out going back past 2015 so, I guess not 5 years, only about 4 that we can see.

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@Fortus.6175 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

Tells me i got blind on shatter als Illu/Insp/mirage - exactly those guys i was referring too.

Gj not reading, but answering my Post.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

Tells me i got blind on shatter als Illu/Insp/mirage - exactly those guys i was referring too.

Gj not reading, but answering my Post.

Every class have strong traitlines. Just be happy mesmers have 2 strong builds, and several workable ones, unlike eles, that have 0 working ones.

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@Fortus.6175 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

Tells me i got blind on shatter als Illu/Insp/mirage - exactly those guys i was referring too.

Gj not reading, but answering my Post.

Every class have strong traitlines. Just be happy mesmers have 2 strong builds, and several workable ones, unlike eles, that have 0 working ones.

): better nerf other classes. Why would you ask for a Buff to your class which has in your words "0 working" builds.Legit

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

Tells me i got blind on shatter als Illu/Insp/mirage - exactly those guys i was referring too.

Gj not reading, but answering my Post.

Every class have strong traitlines. Just be happy mesmers have 2 strong builds, and several workable ones, unlike eles, that have 0 working ones.

): better nerf other classes. Why would you ask for a Buff to your class which has in your words "0 working" builds.Legit

Haha haha ha good point 1 - 0

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I love my Mesmer. I play 10ish specs in all modes from time to time. I'm shit with mirage and unless the skill level of my enemies is noticeably low, I never get "easy wins."

I will never understand the Mirage hate. It is SUPPOSED to be frustrating to deal with a Mirage. No Mirage can come close to some of the burst or even sustained damage others can throw but it seems if you have to approach it with more finesse to deal with a spec "that spec is broken."

I mean, if you say "one mind wreck doing 30k+ damage" that's something we can discuss but "SO MANY blinds and torment and confuse and such" is like, I mean, I KNOW there aren't SO MANY of them. What are you even talking about?

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Condi Mirage feels broken because there are only a handful of builds in the game that can actually deal with them. All of the other builds/classes actually can't deal with them at all in any way. This creates an effect where the Condi Mirage effects the intra-class dynamic in special ways that other classes do not. In shorter words, the Condi Mirage is the biggest culprit that pushes otherwise viable specs completely out of play because it is able to counter them so hard, that those specs become useless in games where a Condi Mirage is present.

The above effect is mainly due to:
  • Condi Mirage having too much burst and attrition, with a mixture of power and condi damage. Only a handful of builds are even capable of out bruising a Condi Mirage on a node to make it run. These are the builds being played by people who say "Fighting Condi Mirage is a l2p issue."
  • Too much chase potential. Nothing in the game can escape a Condi Mirage that actually wants to kill you, aside from stealth spam. So that effect I mentioned: If you aren't playing one of the classes that can out bruise the Condi Mirage, you lose because you can't even out mobility or run from as counter play.
  • Too much disengage potential. Nothing in the game can solo chase and kill a Condi Mirage that actually wants to live. Between stealth, 4x ground target teleports, and portal entre, you would need 1 person like a Herald "who has great chase potential" to actually pressure the Mirage while it is teleporting around the map, and then have a couple guys camp the first portal so that when it tries to portal back after kiting Herald away, they can jump it. It's like a 2 to 3 man job to kill a Condi Mirage who knows how to survive. The same cannot be said for any build in the game, outside old bunker specs in previous metas where DPS was significantly lower. So the effect I mentioned again: There is no special counter spec to be devised that is somehow good at chasing and eliminating Condi Mirage more quickly than some other build. It can kite everything equally as well as anything else.
  • So what happens is, if you cannot just "bully it off node or out bruise it" there is no reason to chase it or run from it. This leaves a very small margin of viable builds to play that do not get hard countered by Condi Mirage.

So in the end it's not that Condi Mirage is overpowered. We aren't necessarily looking at an overpowered spec here. We are looking at a spec that is THE NON-META CRUSHER. Holosmiths can be disengaged or chased and played around with sheer mobility. Reapers can be highly out mobilized and countered by rando off meta ranged. Firebrands can be bursted down by the most random off meta power DPS. Ect Ect, all other meta specs can actually be countered by ultra random off meta deviations, which is good actually and balanced play. But Condi Mirage, if you can't out-bruise it with statistical attribute tied methods, there is no counter play to it. <- This my friends is exactly WHERE Condi Mirage is broken, and where it needs patching.

I highly urge Arenanet to change Jaunt to a 2 ammo skill, or to significantly increase the CD of jaunt ammo. This would eliminate a bit of Mirage mobility, its chase/disengage, and make more room for counter play around the Mirage for those specs that cannot statistically stand toe to toe with it. The reason why this is so important is because right now, if a spec who cannot stand toe to toe tries to run, the Condi Mirage can keep the fight on him and force him into the fight due to way too much mobility. I'll guarantee you that this is largely the reason why so many people complain about Condi Mirage.

1 : Those are the builds, that well - counter Mirage.2: Where would u wanna run to? Are we in WvW? Communicate with Teammates.3: Play 4 mid 1 far , win over 4 mid cause Mes is bad at Team fighting - use the win.4: U could stop double dodging in Plat+ , while i Stand still and my clones attack only.

So since we're talking about frustration ; I think its frustrating that one Class can provide itself 100% boon uptime on 8-10 insanely strong Boons. Even More Frustrating if 50% of all classes got more endurance Regen then the Dodge Spec of Mes. Veeeery Frustrating if people call out "broken blocks and blinds" if i play axe/torch and sword/sword illu/inspi/mirage.

You got me right ? THOSE MAD BLINDS - oh wait cut the last S , but those mad BLOCKS - oh wait cut the last S.

*looks at profile picture, mirage, alrighty"

Look man, the capability of mirages to jerk people around a point is insanely strong. You DO have blind
, every shatter is one. Just to put into reference how insanely strong that is, a grandmaster trait on ele applies blind to ONE target, on burn, 8 secs ICD, meanwhile, mesmer has a non-grandmaster which applies AoE blinds on each shatter (and you have more than one).

Right now they are frustrating to play agaisnt, they teleport around all the time, can get better positioning, chase you or port out until the fire subsides. Honestly, it takes the effort of several people to get one mesmer down, if at all, most of the time you are lucky if you can push it away for long enough before it contest the point again. I know 2 people who like me are in platinum, they got there playing mirage, the moment they play anything else, they get frustrated because "wow no blinds uptime, so little burst, cant toy people around". The build is virtually carrying them when they barely ever play mesmers.

In all fairness Mr Boyer has been complaining about mesmer for something like 5 years and seems to think it was balanced when literally every mesmer player was switching to thief because mesmer was inferior in every way and shouldn't have ever won a 1v1 vs anyone else. I think you can find some of them on the archive forum, yes it's all there forever. He's not the only one either.

Are there issues with mirage? Sure but try walking a mile in a mesmers shoes first and see what is actually the problem. That means actually playing it for an evening, maybe spend another evening trying out different builds too, I've played plenty of facerollosmith, spellbreaker, thief, firebrand, scourge, ele and revenant to understand the way they function and at least the basic interactions of skills. I do try to play ranger but it's not my favourite, I still force myself to play it for an evening every now and then and duel my friends.

Changing torment to bleeds/poisons would probably solve most issues.

Edit: Also remember that most people are playing "Tramawar" which doesn't take condition cleanses really, holosmith likewise switched from it's condition clearing anticorrosive plating to quickness spam, rev has always been weak to condi. Even condi mirage is weak to condi atm. Pretty much every build in the meta has traded condition clears for MOAR POWA!!! Why? Well because power damage is so insane atm, you just spam spam spam and people die. Not just my opinion either:

Edit2: I forgot tramawar runs shake it off still which is 2x 6 condition cleanses but I've seen some forgo it. However I do stand corrected, they have a fair amount of cleanses.

I'm actually one of the people who complains the least about any class at all. Seriously, go back through my forum post history in my profile. I generally make posts concerning issues about win trading and overall match making performance, or how the intra-class dynamic feels.

What you are noticing is that my few comments about any class at all, generally are memorable and receive many upvotes.

I never said anything about the frequency of your complaints just that you have been complaining about mesmer for 5 years and generally rate them as stronger than most people rate them.

You complaining about chronomancer buffs to utilities that had nothing to do with chrono and were not used in any meta chrono build at the time (was before phantasm rework).

You complaining power mesmer which was trash can garbage at the time was OP

Two from 2015 but this is back when there was a different meta and not everything was really known. Some people agree, some don't, there's a few from this period.

I'll be honest I skimmed through a bit, I'll admit, you do complain about matchmaking far more than any class, I mean it's something like 90% of your posts from 2017 and quite a few from before.

Also likes and popularity does not indicate you're right, I would have thought the world learnt about that from 1930-1980.

Edit: Forum archive kinda bugs out going back past 2015 so, I guess not 5 years, only about 4 that we can see.


If you look at the 1st link that you posted and scroll down to my second post, you'll see that I clarify the point of that post. It was more in the spirit of "Why are we power creeping instead of balancing?" If you keep reading on, you'll see that I am concerned with the power creep game wide, and not so much mesmers.

I'm not sure why you even exampled the 2nd link at all if you were trying to prove that I complain about mesmers and say they are OP. If you had scrolled down to read any of my comments at all, you'd have noticed that they all looked like this. I didn't say it was OP at all, quite the opposite:

  • GS Power Mesmer is underpowered vs. DPS specs. GS Power Mesmer is strong as all hell against anything that is supposed to be bunker. Bunkers can’t deal the DPS they need to pressure the Mesmer. The Mesmer however, can stealth 1 shot bunkers. Again, more lopsided balance. Power Mesmer not broken in the aspect of being OP. It’s broken that the spec isn’t more balanced in general for its role & purpose. It either gets immediate stomped or immediate stomps something else. It’s a volatile spec and I wouldn’t necessarily call it high risk high reward. I would more refer to it as a suicide bomb build.

In the 3rd link you example, a guy asks "how can he tell if he is a good player?" I made one comment in that entire thread, which I fail to see why you would take the time to headhunt something like this, in light of recent and previous actual Mesmer hate, that riddles this subforum page after page after page. I feel like the point you're trying to make about me being a forum user who is all over mesmers, kind of pales in comparison to the kinds of things other users post and say. Here was my comment:

  • One thing is for sure. Do not play Mesmer. It is a terrible gauge for if you are good or not. The class itself will carry you post June 23rd 2015.

In the 4th link you example, I had joined a conversation about what had happened after 6/23/2015. This was the notorious patch that began the downfall of what we had achieved with balance during core. It was the patch that changed condi and began allowing condis like burn to stack, as well as many other blotchy power creeps in weird places. And then before they polished that out, they went ahead and dropped HoT expansion elite specs right on top of it. This post was made in the short timeframe between that 6/23/2015 patch and the release of HoT. The reason why players were complaining about Mantra Mesmers is because the Mantra CDs were already broken. You remember, when the CD would begin its timer before even using the Mantras. This was not intended by Arenanet and it did make Mesmers overboard, even right before HoT, Core Mesmer was broken in this aspect and that's why everyone was running Mantras. When HoT dropped Chrono on us... this is why the Chronobunker came into existance, the broken Mantra CDs. <- This build was and still is hailed as the most broken spec that Arenanet ever let out of the gate. I made one comment in that thread about Mesmers and low and behold as we look back at Chronobunkers in that era, you can see that this comment was cooked up and served well deserved:

  • Mantra Mesmer is indeed severely overboard OP at the moment. Top DPS Burster. Top sustain class. Top CC class. Top stealthing/disengagement. Has no hard-counter. Literally the best option for all conquest jobs ~ point holder ~ peeler ~ burster. You do the pros & cons yourself. There is no doubt that Mantra Mesmer was given too much on June 23rd 2015.

If you're trying to prove that I'm a forum user who is on and on about mesmers too much, if this is the best you can dig up on me going back to 2015, all I can say to you is that maybe next time you should respond to the discussion directly instead of attempting to attack & discredit other forum users.

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