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Sylvari & The Dragons Predicament


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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

@Its Nerfing Time.1495 said:Dragons have their weaknesses and what reason do you have for assuming (should I bold and underline this?) that dragons aren't at opposing ends? If a precedent is set, that's that. Tami's machine was set for those two, imagine it being set for another two hmm?

Proof that you're trolling or at the very least, not reading my replies, honestly, is right here. Because that's not what I said; I never said that the dragons aren't at opposite ends. I said that there's
no actual proof
for them being opposites or counteractive - I was ignoring my own speculation in this statement and merely stating the facts (something you've yet to do).

And a precedent of one is not a precedence, especially when it is countered.

Your source for "Elder Dragon energies are in opposing pairs" is that Jormag and Primordus are each other's unique weakness. However, Mordremoth's unique weakness was his own mind, and Zhaitan's unique weakness was his over-reliance on unique minions, while Kralkatorrik's unique weakness is his own crystalline resonance.

This means that 2 out of 5 known unique weaknesses is "another Elder Dragon" - and in all honesty, that may not be true, as we see with Jormag's tooth being shattered by ancient jotun fire magic while the spirit of Fire is used by the Kodan to hold off Jormag's corruption, indicating that it is a certain field of fire magic that is Jormag's unique weakness, not specifically Primordus.

@Its Nerfing Time.1495 said:You still also glossed over my other point that Inquest have somehow done something other dragons have not, gee I wonder why.Because I give up trying to get you to see that they haven't.

What proof exactly? You seem to have no problems putting words in my mouth or taking what I said out of context. If Taimi has made the point, it's because Devs programmed that in. Furthermore, they programmed in every interaction her machine had with the two dragons, which wouldn't happen without reason. She made her machine based on her thought of them being opposite each other, machine would not have worked if this weren't true.

Correct (for once so far) in that dragons have their own weakness, which I mentioned but didn't bother outlining because pretty much everybody is aware of it. My point was a precedent has been set, and you seem very eager to gloss over it, or try and avoid it with a simple one line statement.

The other aspects of fire damaging the tooth / hold off the corruption shows that fire may be Jormags weakness, but not to the same level as Primordus (who is the elder dragon of fire..).

You gave up because you finally clicked you don't have anything to counter my point.

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