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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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My low expectations have been met, not greatly exceeded.

Maps are generally fun and pretty.

Despite fan-service callbacks, I'm disappointed in how many things in the game serve simply to divorce GW2 further from GW1.

Loss of GW1 flora/fauna in favor of HoT/LW models is unfortunate and a bit lazy.

Traversal novelty aside, the continuing promotion of GW2 as a platformer is still ridiculous as neither the mechanics of the game, the controls, nor the collision models used to force platforming here are comparable to AAA quality platforming. Granted, most PVE platforming is handled better here than pre-PoF.

There are some very magical map locations that reveal hidden fun more than any previous maps in the game.

Lack of zerg pandering is a welcome change from HoT because the "give me loot because I showed up meta" play-style isn't challenging or interesting.

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my short brief feed back for the new packpro path of fire

consfelt like over paid dlc content from Nintendoover priced new 32 count bags making bags a gold sink to upgradeno hard ware upgradesno support for SLI cross fire.no upgraded dx versionsbad map designjumping puzzles250 gold sink Griffon mountmini gamesectoplasm gamblingno 4K supportno g sync support
Story/Writing: major disappointment reminded me of the last living story linedismounted mounting very laggy and slow .
will not recommend this game to no one at allscore 1 out of 10 .

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Mounts definitely add to the game and I love the realism of their movement, how unlike in some other games you feel centrifugal force when turning them. However, I have been somewhat concerned about the griffon mount causing a flight creep that could negatively affect jumping and gliding mechanics.

Others have pointed out how they miss map-wide meta-events and I agree the maps feel a bit less exciting without them, but they're beautiful, still fun to explore, and bounties are fun in their own way and it's nice being able to activate them.

Only did a few story chapters but loved the voices of Glint and Vlast. Was disappointed, however, that so many Elonian NPCs who look like they should have exotic accents or inflections have generic American-sounding voices. Would like to have more variety in the voice acting, even if it means cheaper actors.

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Events rewards - for bounties and these "mini-metas" - NEED to be buffed! There is no point in doing them other than for the achievements.I was also disappointed that there were no super nifty armor achievements like in Silverwastes (Luminous armor). Maybe those were unpopular?

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  • Great improvement on textures (looking over my Asura's shoulder, I am zoomed in max almost all the time)
  • Deadeye is very cool, even though the SFX are weird and a bit clunky, but it works for me
  • (Especially) the Raptor details, even the different animations (my female and male Asura have different idle animations; female for example gently pets it, male is almost getting thrown off and gestures at it)
  • Great colour descision (blue, yellow/sand, white)
  • NPC look like black Eurodance singers and rappers from the 90s
  • Patrick Bach yet again does the voice over for the German male Asura :+1: :+1:
  • Dialogue was great from the very beginning (calling Taimi narcisstic and she heard it). German voice acting sounds authentic and is high quality
  • Maps are better understandable without so many levels

Not so cool:

  • Poorly optimized - loading screen ends too early and massive popups of stuff, permanent hard disk access (already asked in tech forums) - PoF only
  • I can't stand still without getting attacked by anything
  • Raptor is fragile

In general: Deadeye is beautiful and every addition to this game is worth it so far. I mean, you are professionals after all, not an indie studio.

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  • Maps, art design/direction, music, voice acting = stellar as always.

  • Mount design (momentum) and function, love it.

  • Some character developments in the main story, keep them coming !

  • Choyas.

  • Some events in the main story

  • Clunky way of swapping mounts via UI

  • Meta events, please ! I love those and they made me feel working towards a common goal with other players!

  • Some areas are way too densely populated with mobs, especially the Branded zones and the desolation areas. "Everyone, come!" shudder

  • Some mobs have an unusually large aggro range

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My feedback:


  • Mounts are great
  • New maps are fun to explore and not confusing to navigate
  • Story was engaging: I especially liked "The Departing," and Canach is always great


  • No meta events or world bosses: I would have liked a few smaller maps with metas in addition to the larger exploration maps
  • More story choices: I would like more story choices and chances for the pc to express opinions/react to people and events
  • Too many things clogging up my inventory
  • Story instances should have more save checkpoints in case you dc or have to log off
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My feedback:

+Mounts are fantastic.New maps are designed alot better than most of the HoT maps.Hero Points being solo friendly.Enemy mobs are alot better.

-Elite specializations arent as good as HoT. Alot feel clunky and designed to push the various classes into roles that do not suit their playstyle due to the inadequacies of the other traits and skills that they have.No meta events....it's hard to see people coming back to the new maps with no incentive to bring them back. Reason people keep flooding back to HoT is due to the events as they are not only fun but rewarding too.Mounts and gliding conflict with each other and I would have preferred there be an easier way to go from mount to gliding whilst in mid air.

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Mostly what many people said, but anyway

  • Major improvement in the story, big difference is that characters show likeable personalites and interact with each other very well.

  • Mounts are great, joy of movement as they said, but need to make swapping easier. Maybe some sort of channeling instead of cooldowns.They also need some way of finer control, especially when turning and dismounting in order to not fall down from high poles.

  • Class balance needs work as usual, Mirage and Renegade are horrible while other OP classes dominate.

  • Map designs are beautiful, with great details, as well as great soundtracks.

  • Lack of meta events or any way of funneling players into a place is the major design flaw. Maps already feel empty now. Cannot fight a champ with 3 people, and it would only get worse from now on. Same thing with bounties. We can't jump into random events while randomly running around unlike vanilla maps because now maps are much bigger, don't make people gather together for something, and mobs are much harder to fight.

  • We really don't need more hearts. There is no reason to repeat them, and most of them are boring and pretty flavorless.

  • Unappealing armor designs, complexity for complexities sake.

  • If anything, Anet still need to consider dungeons. They are repeatable, can be done with only 5 people, can be played with new players with no ascended gears and ARs, easy to get into with LFG, easy to balance them to make more engaging, and won't make people desert world bosses or HoT metas on timers.

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I love it. Beautiful maps, pleasant and not annoying like HoT maps. Also a lot to do not like dragon's stand. Also fantastic story!!

  • Make griffon run faster
  • Fix treasure map special action key when demounting
  • Allow mounts in Mistlock Sanctuary!!!

also my 2 favourite places in the expansion: Domain of the Lost and the astral chamber under the dwarven city ruins

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Overall it's been kinda mixed for me.

Going back to some old GW1 areas is really, really cool and really makes me feel nostalgic. The mounts are really well designed. I love the lil movement details on the raptor. The areas look amazing...some of the nicest areas I've seen in the MMOs I have played.

But...the world feels empty. I get that its a desert, and deserts are big and empty. But did it have to be done so literally? >.> So far the story has kinda bored me a bit. Seeing a hundred green "go to this area" circles pop up on the map just makes me kinda facepalm. It feels like its been drawn-out to get the most playtime out of me as possible at some points.

I want to stab the chef with every spoon Teq has ever dropped for me. ^_^

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To star with - HUGE THANK YOU for this expac!


  1. Story far better than anything in gw2.
  2. Beautiful maps and music.
  3. Elite specs - some good some bad but variety!
  4. Amazingly well done mounts.
  5. More maps, more skins than HoT - great!
  6. Unindentified gear is good but unreliable (high rarity drop from low rarity package)
  7. Perfect pace for most of masteries and collections
  8. Tons of voice-overs. This is amazing how much you can hear not only in story but in ambient dialogs.


  1. Lack of huge metas like VB, SW, AB - this makes maps pointless to return to when you're done with collections (tho I hated DS)
  2. Also no real epic boss fight. Just like Bitterfrost Brontier deserved huge claw ow jormag moded to use mordy and zaithan influence, these maps could use that as well.
  3. Feels like everything rewards you with the same stuff. This makes doing anything more ambitious a bit pointless.
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I just reported a bug about a strange phenomenon in PoF regarding fleeing (and invulnerable) enemies.

Also, I would like to add that I find the fact that Vlast has the same voice as the Draconis Mons druid that "guided" us majorly annoying. It's like, "Whenever we need a mysterious voice from somewhere off-screen, we use this particular actor and tell him to sound exactly the same, talking in a deep voic at a verrrry slow pace." I don't know about the other players, but to me that is highly irritating.

@Seasniffer.1763 said:please keep these comments to 100 words or less, and join or create other threads for a more in-depth conversation on a specific topic.

By quoting my whole post, you committed the same "crime" (gasp!). There is no point in giving feedback when you don't explain in-depth, because then it's just either a grouchy whiny post or a superficial flattery without substance. Or perhaps I am simply not good at "less than 100 words". ;)

@bOTEB.1573 said:What I don't like:

  1. The overall difficulty in PoF is super easy and not challenging at all.

We must be playing different expansions.

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I am loving the POF expansion! I think it's great and it has been a blast to play so far.


  • Challenging landscape
  • EXCELLENT Story (Love the story design)
  • Environment! I love the desert with the dust storms and beautiful vistas.
  • Fantastic Elite Specs. I am having fun with almost all the new elites I've been playing


  • Holosmith isn't FLASHY enough! Need MOAR FLASH! =)
  • Holosmith saber should be red to reflect my inner self.
  • Where is my Dark Sith Leather Set!

Overall Fantastic Job!

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A nice story. I especially like how there are less instanced story areas.Zones are big and nicely designed, but a bit empty.Mounts are enjoyable and a nice addition to the game. They do suffer from difficult movement when one wants to adjust their position by a little bit (Springer).Activities are numerous, but like many others have already said, huge meta events do have their appeal and POF is lacking that feel.New elites is a welcome addition, but some of them are a disappointment as they feel too narrowly focused.
Too many new items, especially trophies, but I am guessing you are fighting this with your new marketing techiques. Which are a bit questionable.

As a new expansion this one is pretty good, but it lacks the feeling of longevity. A non-HOT expansion was expected, demanded and prayed for, but POF is almost complete opposite of HOT and thus creates a feeling of disconnect within the game.

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Okay, pro and cons:


  • The mainstory has some really nice mechanics and objectives that reminded me of gw1
  • The mainstory went to interesting places
  • The new maps are beautiful, detailed and have some really great callbacks to gw1
  • The mounts feel great
  • The new visuals are stunning
  • You heard the feedback of the beta and implimented it

Contra (mostly nitpicking):

  • The mainstory does lack focus and feels disjointed. It feels more like a checklist, than a story
  • The mainstory lacks too much personality, as many things just feel like footnotes.
  • The mainstory relies too much on the open world information and can be hard to be enjoyed if you don't experienced the dozens of open world content
  • The mainstory does intoduce stuff´, which doesn't come back and has no real bearing on the plot (like choosing a faction just for a backpack)
  • While more reduced, there are still too many items I don't know if I still need them, or if I can toss them after completing the archievment (bounty hunter tablets. The text suggests it will be used somewhere, the same goes for some granite slabs... do I have to keep them?)
  • While 5 armor sets are certainly more than the 3 in HoT, I am missing some more subdued and less busy ones. I would have loved some casual regional clothes.
  • The weaponsets feel rather plain and I hoped for more regional weapons
  • It seems like we don't have many unique weapons to find, which was already a problem with HoT
  • Heart Vendors feel to similiar and I wish there were something else to find, beside the same recipes and the occasional mini (some unique skins for example)
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What I like:

  • The huge size of the new world.
  • Mounting.
  • New foes.
  • New plants and materials.
  • New hunts & JPs.
  • That there are many different ways to obtain mastery points.

What I dislike:

  • Once more, no equality between professions: Casters (light armor) have it a lot harder to manage.
  • Nothing valuable done to mitigate motion sickness troubles at mounting.
  • The tons of dismounting at every little actions.
  • No progress saving inside storyline instances although they are long and heavy, with lot of blabla sequences. When will checkpoints be added?
  • Foes too hard (too long aggro range & too fast respawning) and many non-sense overcrowding.
  • The breakdown of the BLT market due to sudden easy farming of orichalcum and ancient saplings. There are no more "rare" nodes.
  • Not enough green landscape to my taste. But well, it is a logic in Elona.
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24 and 28 slot bags could do with their soulbound element being removed. I wonder how many people will bind one to an alt and then realise they can't use it as a crafting material when they come to upgrade it (and thus files tickets to support to replace them). It would be nice if we could upgrade the starter pack too.

Love the expanse and locations. Feels more liveable and lots more places to RP. It feels less of a pressure-cooker environment than HoT in the starting zones and ramps up steadily.

Universal currency covering all maps, great. Trophies with flavourtext and clearly marked as sellable where needed, excellent. Flow of mastery points is more fluid than HoT.

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@folk.8190 said:

@Seasniffer.1763 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Less than 100 blah blah blahMounts:
  • idea: quick mount swap UI button; just like you have two sets of weapons and two pets between which you can swap, give us that option for mounts as well?Option>key binding>(in the end of list)mounts hot key.Profit.

Yes, you can key bind all mounts, but swapping mounts is still too slow.Having a designated mount swap key (just like weapon swap) allowing us to swap mounts on the go, without having to dismount would be a good thing.

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Problem: Annoying treasure hunting kits. You have to open the bags panel to use them, and it grants you a special ability to track buried treasure. But when you dismount, you lose the special ability, so you have to repeat the above--open bags, use item, use ability, mount & dismount, repeat ad nauseam. So why does dismounting make you lose the treasure hunting special ability?

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I started playing GW2 a couple of years ago and then about 8 months ago discovered the joy that is GW1, so I am LOVING PoF. So many beautiful places and GW1 ambience. The mounts are loads of fun. I'm enjoying story more this time too.

Only downside as power ranger is Soulbeast. I'm finding it clunky and hard work and haven't yet found a way to make it work for me.

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Honestly the betas were enough for me. The story stuff is nice, and the art and design really made things look pretty. But there's no substance. No massive features added like HoT. Mounts feel like modified gliders. Elite specs don't bring as much to the table as some of the HoT counterparts. It's fine if you're going develop raids/WvW/PvP on different time tables, just don't expect everyone to pay for a small area of game content.

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Mounts - 4/5 are fantastic - My exception is the Griffon, because mine keeps bugging out, dismounting me mid air, or just starts falling with no further animation.Maps - Great - Large open maps fun to traverse with the new mounts.Content - Story is enjoyable - hearts are hit and miss, some very tedious. No really enjoyable meta's like HoT, legendary bounties fill some of that void, but not quite the same.Elite specs - Most seem very fun and enjoyable with obvious need for re-balance. My exception to this is Mirage, as it's played just like base Mesmer with no real addition to the way the class plays, as a PvE condi build you're still taking the condi signets which is very boring gameplay and should be changed.

Overall, I've enjoyed PoF experience, though apart from achievement hunting and bounty trains, there's not much left for me here apart from running alts through. I'll be looking forward to new raid and fractal releases and season 4.

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