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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • Mounts - fantastic job, makes game much more fun. Hidden mount is cherry on top of delicious cake.
  • Map Design - Really cool and beautiful, I like how they all have little corners to find and explore
  • Story - fun, engaging. Wish it was a bit longer
  • Bounties - fun but way too easy.
  • Unindentified gear


  • No map wide epic meta events. I wish at least 1 or 2 maps offered something similiar to SW/VB/TD/AB
  • Maps while fun to explore feel a bit unrewarding (event reward is meh)
  • No collections for most equipment sets
  • Repeatable hearts are very tedious.
  • New inventory bags being CHARACTER BOUND. You move towards account progression and make 300g bag bind to single character.
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Environment art: Amazing

Music: Amazing

Story: While it had some developments that irked me, I still rate it as pretty damn good.

Lore: Great. Loved all the familiar places and references to GW1 characters.

Armor design: Design wise, they're hit or miss, the Bounty Hunter set being incredibly "Avant-garde". Then there's the clipping. Pretty much every cloth armor male leg piece has terrible clipping with almost every pair of boots in the game. I really don't like the dye channels for Royal Funerary light armor. Why do the metal components of the armor share the same channel as cloth components!?

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I love the art, design, music and voice acting.

I love the volume of stuff there is to do.

The cool places to find/explore hit the nail on the head--- pretty much what I loved about the original game.

Would rather have had meta like HoT than the bounties. Full squad just smashes everything.

GOLD: Nothing drops gold. Yet, you keep putting in more and more gold sinks. Used to be gold would build just by participating. Now, I am broke all the time.

Mounts: Never felt we needed them. Should be able to switch mounts without dismounting/cool down first.

Bag space and other... seems like a big cash grab with every patch that comes out. Let us deposit mats. Give key ring and place for recipes and collection items. Stop adding more crap that doesn't store. It really makes it look like ftp cash grab.

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I have a simple request Anet. With so much effort poured into the idle animations of the mounts and how those animations recently got onto the front page of Reddit could you guys now re-enable some of the disabled human female idle animations? I understand last time Gaile spoke that they broke immersion but since then there were many silly things added (minis, wings, gliders, etc) that contradict the statement. That would be awesome, thanks :)


       a GW2 player from day 1. 
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Love the xpac as a whole. There's a good amount of content and stuff to do.The zones are gorgeus, the story is nice (albeit being a bit clichè at some moments) , mounts are fun and the specs too.

Only thing I miss are the meta events. Even if not covering the whole map, we really needed some of them...at least in maps like the desolation and vabbi.Also the mount "cycling" is a bit tedious. We need to be able to swap between mounts MUCH faster.

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Mounts great addition to game, would prefer more in future. Maps well designed, bounties boring to grind compared to metas, which I would’ve preferred at least 1. Story felt too short, expected at least doubled its current length, or at least kill Kralkatorrik. Voice acting and lines much less cringy. Would prefer more transparency from MO’s management of Anet with more monthly news and future content, even though I understand there’s a fine line of overpromiseing and underdelivering, which ultimately influenced Colin’s departure and caused HoT launch’s negativity. Hope Anet will improve marketing of game.

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All of the PvE content in PoF was high quality in comparison to previous content:

  • Maps were a perfect balance of difficulty vs. time invested. HoT maps were too complex and Central Tyria were too easy.
  • Hearts, events, general npc and environmental interactions were very entertaining due to a greater depth of creativity.
  • Mounts were a great idea. This adds a much greater sense of immersion while exploring a map. Which means players don't get bored.
  • Music and voice acting/scripting was excellent. Honestly the timing on everything felt right on the spot.
  • Story instances were very fun due to mechanics feeling more creative. The last story instance made me forget I was playing an MMORPG. It felt like I was playing a console game designed for action. This was a good feeling.
  • The flavor of the new specializations are all good but need some balancing as expected. I'll save that input for other sections of this forum.

We have easy maps and hard maps between Central Tyria and HoT. We have easy content and hard content between T1-T4 Fractal Motes and Raids. PoF felt like the exact median range of content that we needed added to the game. I very much so enjoyed it and felt it was all well done. Good job guys! Thanks for the kick ass expansion.

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This game needs more progression and factions something to motivate me to log in more and grind something to make me stronger , u had the chance to make some sort of progression in the story whit the sun-spears but Nothing EMPTY THINGS ONLY :( .All do i love the mounts and the huge maps but everything is just to short somehow iv saw all in 3 days almost done all ,if we have some titles like gw1 eye of the north and to grind the factions to get rewards and upgrade things like skills passive ability for pve etc i will grind every day i wanna have more goals the collections are lifeless things and boring

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  • Wonderful details maps
  • Good story, ending made you excited for more.
  • Mounts in GW2 was the best I experienced.
  • Improvement of Mastery
  • Hp can be soloed and provides a challenge. (Yes!)
  • Diverse enemies and beautiful music.


  • Map felt sparse, feeling like a single player game. (But a good one.)
  • Have one big meta map.
  • No major reason to return for maps.

Amazing expansion, I had a better time then Heart of Thorns!

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Story was fantastic. Zones are very pretty and fun to navigate. Mounts are pretty yet control horribly and switching them is not very fluid. Bounties are fun yet they are not long lasting content, there will be no real reason to visit the desert after maybe a month or two of playing. Unid gear should be made baseline for all drops everywhere.

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Fix the aggro range and mob density/respawn scaling.

It's outrageous to be getting swarmed by 5+ mobs aggroing from 1500 units away and following you all the way to hell just because you had to stop and fight one mob.

Exploring these maps and figuring how to get to an insight or point of interest is just dreadful. Most of the time is actually figuring out how to abuse my griffon to have to deal with this kitten. Veterans that pummel you for half your life jumping you all the way from Timbuktu. Once I get off a mount and get put in combat it's an eternity just to get around due to how long I am kept in combat and harassed, especially with the increased amount of ranged mobs in this map.

It's not about challenge. It's outright tedious. The mobs give me nothing of value for wasting my limited game time dredging through the avalanche of them that pops up all over the place.

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A suggestion that when you right click -> salvage all masterwork & below on the salvaging kit for there to be an option to de-select your packs of unidentified gear, sometimes I find myself accidentally salvaging them when I intend on opening them.

Edit: I guess just an option to de-select any specific items from the list of the items

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i love the expansion, but one thing that i have such a longing for is bounties! i just stare at the bounty board, unsure which one someone is actually fighting, and if i go alone, i'll have to run away or die

i wish we could send out a wordless beacon on the map saying "I need help!" so i can get help with bounties or help others, without having to instance hop / use LFG / map chat

also, sad by the lack of Rampaging Ntouka!!! they're cute!

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Loved it! But nothing to do once you finish the story & max your mounts & map complete. Why bring alts through? Lack of HoT-style metas with appropriate rewards leaves me twiddling my thumbs; Tedious bounty trains take like an hour, and then what? Collections get boring after a while. Beautiful maps & fun mounts, but griffon voids the glider. Wonderful story that blew the scattered LWS3 out of the water, but Vlast & Kesho seemed like one-shot deus ex machinas. Overall, content quality is fantastic but replayability seems very low. Gonna go back to HoT when I'm done.

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