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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Overall very enjoyable.I have to admit i was doubtful about the mounts. But hey, they are awesome.I haven´t yet tried most of the specializations, but the thief one feels weak (maybe i just suck) and the ranger one kinda strong.I know most people didn´t like Tangled depths, but I would have liked another map like that. Other than that, the maps are great, only finished two of them so far though, there´s just so much to do.

EDIT: I just remembered one more thing: The Private instances should be more lenient with the area restrictions. Jumping in the wrong direction with the mount can lead to an instant kick.

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Pro:Loved the Expansion for pretty much the same reasons as many others said before me. But a main reason for me was that I felt a little of that Gw1 vibe again (story and world building wise). Not because of all the refrences and throwbacks, but because of the feeling that Anet found their direction were they want to go and to do it all with confidence. I also all the lore behind almost everything and all the little detail and dialogs of random npc's. Without stuff like this, the expansion would've been half as good, for me at least.

Cons:One big Con for me, as WoodenPotatoe also said in a recent video, the social aspects. I hardly talked to a single person in the whole expansion, not because I'm anit social or what not, but there was just no need to do it. The Event where it needed 3 people to trigger it was great and got me going social, maybe something like this a little bit more in the future.

Anyway at the end of the day, the expac was great, cheers!

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I enjoyed the first week a lot. I like it that the new maps are hop-on/off style again. That's coming from someone who regularly organized HoT meta maps in the evenings.

The new larger events on the maps are great, however! For example Maw of Torment or Junundu Rising in Desolation: please add some sort of announcement or map icon everyone can see when the event is about to start. If you want to organize one reliably it's checking the area every few minutes, which is kinda annoying.

Some of the bounties should be looked at. Most of all Skyspeaker, the killer rabbit Silkears and Ignis in the Highlands. They can become almost unkillable with certain combos, mostly the healing coalescs. (I only play them with 5-10 random ppl gathered via LFG. Which is what IMO they should be all about, they should not have near-raid difficulty).Some of the legendary bounties could use some tuning upwards. Ossa for example. Doesn't feel particularly dangerous.

The mount races are fantastic, I love them very much! And the griffon adventures are among my favorite things on the map, too! Please, oh _please, add longer ones! If I could design one, I would place one on the mastery high above the Desert Highlands (that you can reach with the jackal) and have it visit the whole map! In short >5 min flying adventures with ludicrous speeds! :)

I'd love to see more things like the casino blitz. Group event races against time where you need to collect stuff with mounts. Maybe the Garden of Seborhin area in the Domain of Vabbi would be a good place to add auch an event.

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Pros: :)

  • Elona, we're finally in Elona!
  • Beautiful maps.
  • Storyline was really good. Story was engaging and fun. Definitely loved the god lore to meet some of them and know what they're up to within it and what we know about Kralkotorrik.
  • Good themes/OSTs for PoF
  • Loved the new Elite specs, they're all so much fun!
  • Gryffion mount didn't get cancelled and made it to the game. Also, the griffon quest integrated lore into mount acquisition really well.
  • Gods lore, (We finally saw Kormir and Grenth though no Dwayna, Melandru or Lyssa :()
  • Seprents' Ire (META) is really challening, fun and excited, love it!
  • Mounts refresh and revitalize the process of map exploration. Movement is a joy now.

Middle between cons/pro: :/

  • Mounts are ''okay''. We didn't really need them.
  • Some of the storybosses were alot harder than the actual main boss, Balthazar. Who ever created the Soul Eater dude at Grenth's Realm should be fired.
  • Some parts of the story were 'okay' and 'meh'.

Cons: :angry:

  • Balthazar is dead.
  • No Dwayna, Melandru or Lyssa appearances.
  • ALOT of NPCs armors are still unavailable to us, players. Why?!?!?!?!
  • Rythlock's fault who let Balthazar free from the Mists and we're just going to forgive him just like that..??! What the actual kitten, (Yes kitten, as in kitty, no swearing here, MODs!!!)
  • Not enough drama in the storyline. I wanted someone to get killed, find a new hero but ohhh noo we have to stick with the lame Dragon's Watch.
  • Taimi is back.
  • Confusion of how to unlock mounts, (atleast it was for me)
  • Barely no players in the maps, unlike HoT you actually can find people here and there and same goes to Vanilla. I get the PoF maps are huge but you barely see anyone doing events, running across you etc.
  • I never understood what happened with the Sunspears, Dervish or Paragons, lack of story.
  • No Paragon Elite Spec as we're in ELONA! (Land spear) I really hated that you did not added Paragon as an Elite spec, going to Elona and everything.
  • Still no Polearm weapons, though you can find a few enemies in Elona aswell are having Polearms aswell the Sereph's in Lake Doric.

Overrall this expansion was OK. Not too good nor not too bad... :anguished:I can't wait for the next expansion, hopefully ft. Cantha, Deep Sea Dragon, Land-Spear/Trident and Polearm as new weapons and Tengu as playable race! ;)

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My one major criticism:Wayyyyyyyy too many mobs with ridiculous aggro ranges.The maps are wonderful, with so much exploring to do.But you can't enjoy them because you are constantly being hit by something, constantly in combat, constantly trying to kill something or run from something or constantly trying and avoid something that is miles away from you yet you still aggro it.You can barely find a safe spot to get out of combat to WP or mount up or scratch your ass for 5 seconds.It is making map exploration and collections incredibly frustrating and tedious.I know mobs are a part of the game, but none of the other maps are this extreme.

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I wish mount races had more achievements and titles (and maybe score screen / leaderboard) tied to them and better starting system. Rollerbeetle racing did the starting thing right where you cannot accidentally disqualify. It's vague or buggy when it's safe to begin races in this expansion. There's not any starting pistol to give a clear signal. Once half of the racers got disqualified inc. myself even when I waited behind the others to avoid that. I would have bought the expansion anyway but I bought it mainly for this neglected feature.

Otherwise I'm happy. Story, audio and visuals are great.

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Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

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@Thefarside.2178 said:Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

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I've skeeved off work for a week. I've thoroughly enjoyed PoF.

You got mounts right. All 5 are unique and are more than just running around. The one big complaint I have about mounts are not being able to mount up while in combat. Especially in mob-dense areas with mobs that hit you at range and run away, or ones that go immune for no clear reason. I don't want to have to slog through dozens of trash mobs just to get back on my mount to run away or get up a jump. There's gotta be a middle ground between never being able to mount in combat and being able to mount anytime. Please find it.

Bounties are overall pretty fun. I like the randomized mechanics, though some combinations are really punishing. However, for the love of everything tone down some of those graphical effects. Captot is particularly egregious. With 3 people, it's annoying. With 10 it's absurd. Anymore than 20 people around and you could drape a blanket over your screen and still be blinded. If you get Captor along with lasers or phase-shifted, you CANNOT see the really important things through the effect soup. I want to be clear, I only have a problem with the graphics making it difficult to play, not the actual mechanics.

The story is great. Very enjoyable. I'm not sure if I missed a bit of dialogue here or there, but it did seem like suddenly our character learned things that weren't actually brought up. We go from knowing almost nothing about Balthazar's plan or why he's here, to suddenly knowing everything about Vlast. Did something get cut or did I just miss or not read something that explained what happened?

Also, please fix all of the new bags from being soulbound, not just the 32 slot ones.

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Less veterans and more reasonable aggro radius would be nice. Running through an area on my mount lasts for one second and then I'm kicked off by 3 veterans and have to slow run away while they chase me into another group of veterans, repeat.

Oh, and putting a veteran branded enemy in the brand next to a vista in an area that you have to stay on your skimmer in lest you get killed by lightning is pretty frustrating.

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@Korval.3751 said:

@Thefarside.2178 said:Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.

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@Tamasan.6457 said:

Bounties are overall pretty fun. I like the randomized mechanics, though some combinations are really punishing. However, for the love of everything tone down some of those graphical effects. Captot is particularly egregious. With 3 people, it's annoying. With 10 it's absurd. Anymore than 20 people around and you could drape a blanket over your screen and still be blinded. If you get Captor along with lasers or phase-shifted, you CANNOT see the really important things through the effect soup. I want to be clear, I only have a problem with the graphics making it difficult to play, not the actual mechanics.

I just did the Legendary Forged Rampager with a near full squad and the Captor/Spinning Laser combo, and it was a nightmare. We somehow killed it in time, but people were downed/dying constantly because no one could see the lasers or any of the incoming attacks/AoE. All I could see of the boss was the red nameplate and a faint red outline barely visible in my blued-out screen. Visual noise is a fairly consistent problem in GW2, but this is an entirely new extreme.

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Across the time since GW2 came out, I have spent a small fortune, between gem purchases and expansions, and this feels like the last straw for me. I had problems with multiple deaths on multiple professions in the Story Line in HoT, I finally got ONE character (ranger) to the last chapter, and just couldn't complete it - constant deaths, trying to solo it. So I still haven't completed the whole HoT storyline because I can not find a group to finish. Then after not playing for a while, I see the info for PoF and I thought "This looks cool - even has direct ties of GW1 finally" so I come back and buy the xpac and all I'm doing is dying every time I try to fight and Forged - in story and out of story, and I'm sorry but I don't like having to team up with ppl just to get through a story.

Tempest Ele - died 15 times trying to kill the stupid construct thing in the second instanced storyline - had to give upRanger - with top build, all recommended gear and upgrades - died 8 times trying to kill the construct - same place as ele - had to give upThinking I should just get my money back at this point...

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@Thefarside.2178 said:

@Korval.3751 said:

@Thefarside.2178 said:Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.

No. I'm taking about the metas in The Desolation (Mouth of Torment) and Elon Riverlands (Augury Rock), and elsewhere.

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this is the best content released since the original gw.mounts are incredibly well made and implemented, more than just fast chairs. you can tell an experienced griffon rider from a new one.my only gripe is how new elite specs continue to cause power creep, the balancing team should not be afraid of nerfing them to a decent extent; stopping power creep keeps old content still relevant and challenging!

really though, new specs being strong is good for selling the expansions, but keeping them balanced is what keeps the game healthy long term.

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This is probably the best, or close to the best, MMO release of any kind I have seen in many many years. I thoroughly enjoyed the living story. The instances and stories were masterful! The mobs are about the right difficulty for someone playing solo, I have no complaints in that area at all.Everything is so well done. The story, the ambiance, the environment, the characters we run across both in the story and around the landscape are all very nicely done. I think we just need more reasons to stay in the new zones! I think these are the best zones in GW2, and not many are sticking around. Hopefully there will be future updates to flesh things out a bit.Brilliant job ANet!!!

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@Thefarside.2178 said:

@Korval.3751 said:

@Thefarside.2178 said:Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.

There are two somewhat conflicting definitions of "map meta" within the community. The first is where you have a rather significant series of chained events, which open up new areas of the map and require multiple stages (the failure of which causes a set-back or total reset of the chain). These have been in since launch. The other definition is one in which the entire map is devoted to a single "concept," with all events progressing some sort of progress bar, which eventually triggers bonus rewards and a final event of some kind. These were mostly seen in the LWs2 and HoT maps. PoF doesn't really have the latter, but it definitely does have the former on several maps, whether players actually complete them or not.

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I love all the huge improvements over HoT, no more impossible to solo hero challenges, no more masteries tied to gold adventures, no more Metas that block off crucial access to personal story and key exploration areas for progression, no more disastrously implemented pocket raptors or anything of it's ilk, no more metas that spawn ten champions on top of an unsuspecting player, no more thousands of hours of grinding to complete one mastery tree, it's been an amazing experience and a thorough improvement over the mess that was heart of thorns maps. I honestly wish HoT maps could be redesigned to be like PoF maps because i literally quit the game until season 3 came out because it was the worst thing that happened to GW2.

You guys learned what's best for the game, and that's really good. My only complaint is the Eater of Souls. Just tweak that initial jump to have the breakbar be up for longer before he finishes the leap and starts the life stealing thing so that it's more manageable for those of us who find it difficult. That one tweak would help a ton of people and not require rebalancing the whole fight, because it was otherwise tuned perfectly.

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@Norseman.4280 said:This is probably the best, or close to the best, MMO release of any kind I have seen in many many years. I thoroughly enjoyed the living story. The instances and stories were masterful! The mobs are about the right difficulty for someone playing solo, I have no complaints in that area at all.Everything is so well done. The story, the ambiance, the environment, the characters we run across both in the story and around the landscape are all very nicely done. I think we just need more reasons to stay in the new zones! I think these are the best zones in GW2, and not many are sticking around. Hopefully there will be future updates to flesh things out a bit.Brilliant job ANet!!!

For us GW1 veterans, who played Nightfall and Prophecies, this expansion is absolutely wonderful. There's so many nostalgia and lore areas. My favorite lore area is the Lonely Vigil with Augury Rock and Throne of Pellentia a close second. My favorite non-lore area is

the castle in the air above Salt Flats in Desert Highlands.You can't see it during the day and it's barely visible at night (in certain higher elevations). It requires Jackal Mastery 3 to reach.


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@Korval.3751 said:

@Thefarside.2178 said:

@Korval.3751 said:

@Thefarside.2178 said:Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.

No. I'm taking about the metas in The Desolation (Mouth of Torment) and Elon Riverlands (Augury Rock), and elsewhere.

The Only "meta" that would deserve that name would be in vabbi (one time thing, fun but unrewarding), for the rest you need 3ppl and you are good to go, wouldn´t call that meta.

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Like: the mounts, terrain types mixing more naturally , the stunning look, the countless little and not so little details, the incentives to explore, the story, the soundtrack., and new elites to explore, especially the Deadeye (once I got the hang of it).Dislike: events were born dead in PoF, that's a huge problem already, lack of clear metas and even more inventory clutter.

HoT brought me back to GW2, PoF is making me stay, and I'll be playing both for a long while.

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POSITIVEOverall - I love the new expansion!!!Love the new maps, art design, music. Beautiful!Mounts are fantastic - now I wonder how we could play without them. They also play very well with the old maps (HoT and Silverwastes etc). Please give us more skins and dye options...)New maps are fun to explore and not confusing to navigate - much more accessible than HoT. I love that you don't need to watch a stream of YouTube videos just to learn how to find things and to navigate (l hated that with Hot)Love some of the new elite specs (particularly for the revenant, thief and the necro; less sure about ranger and ele)

NEGATIVEWe NEED meta and world events! I love events that make me feel that I work towards a common goal with other players; but were players join organically, without having to organize formal groups or raids. This is my main criticism to PoF and it used to be one of the BEST things about GW2; now it is severely lacking!We need world bosses (as explained above)The bounty board needs to be reworked - longer timer, map announcements to draw players particularly with the legendary (otherwise it could just be a form of Guild Missions)Many areas are way too densely populated with mobs and many mobs have too large aggro rangeStory instances too long. Stories should have many more save checkpoints.

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