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kinda new player level 80 boost


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I'm some what a new player I get on gw2 off and on when I can. but I am having trouble even defeating other npc lvl 80s when playing the story line in pof?? any suggestions on why I have a hard time to defeat a lvl 80 npc ? I do have a guild but I like playing solo because of the fact I never know when ill have time to play or how long I can play due to having kids.

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The boost puts you into very tanky gear and the PoF enemies are quite a bit stronger than anything else that came before.

I recommend playing through the other content first and looking to replace your Soldier's gear with Berserker stat gear, as that will give you a lot of damage at the cost of survivability. You should also look up a build for the class you are playing, something with condition removal and abilities that break stuns are pretty crucial to surviving the harshest things the open world/story will throw at you.

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The story is very uneven in difficulty. Some story segments are easy, some are ridiculous. There is a thread about this:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4172/level-of-difficulty-for-story-instances/

Also, some story segments are short and some quite lengthy, and there is no easy way to tell ahead of time. I agree with the comment to run other content, like open world events, to gain familiarity and to get gold to buy different gear. Going all Berzerker gear isn't necessarily the best, though, since it can make you very fragile.

Another thing you can do is look for guides on youtube about story episodes, or on the GW2 wiki. Sometimes there are these weird mechanics they throw in to segments which are ones you've never seen before and will never see again, so other than frustratingly try to figure it out while in the story, using a guide can be very helpful to alert you to what you need to do to complete a segment.

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@Zerocool.6527 said:I'm some what a new player I get on gw2 off and on when I can. but I am having trouble even defeating other npc lvl 80s when playing the story line in pof?? any suggestions on why I have a hard time to defeat a lvl 80 npc ? I do have a guild but I like playing solo because of the fact I never know when ill have time to play or how long I can play due to having kids.

I would say go back to basics, start of with your personal story and finish that first before you go all out in HoT or PoF content. This will give you a better understanding of the game, gear, and skills which will make everything a lot easier when you get back to those parts of the story :)

(Don't forget to take time to enjoy the story and the beautiful scenery, it is worth it)

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