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Guild Wars 2- AikijinX 1 Shot Thief/Daredevil Roaming/Outnumbered Vol. 10 ( The Last)


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Hey Guys, AikijinX here! It's been quite a A WHILE since my last upload. I do apologize for the massive delay. I've been dealing with a lot of real life issues, and pretty much the next stage in my life. I was quite hesitant with releasing this montage, because I do know that some, if not most of the footage is pretty outdated, since i recorded most of these clips 4-5 months ago. I decided I will just upload and accept what ever comes my way. :)

I am saddened to say that this might be my final upload until further notice, I can't really keep up with the games, and real life at the same time. Unfortunately this is what happens with almost every Youtuber. I'll be in game here and there occasionally, so if you catch me online be sure to say HI!! (AikijinX.6258)

Don't forget to Subscribe for any future material !

So without further ado, Enjoy! AikijinX- The Last


D/P 1 Shot Build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoaVn0MBFmilOBGOB8PhFaCbuC+BHheZhvQZQLAMhiAA-j1SBQBP4BBoH9NO4QA4hDgwCOiBZUp1V2fUGISlIA4EAwIlgJU9nAAHAn33++b++7v/+8zP/8zPvt/98z/98z/93fPvUARMBD-w

S/D Core Build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYVl0MhenYpTwwJw/EHwEVPKCxEVnABwu5DjzoNA-jlCEQBMZ/RZwEORCXUJi/U/BAHxgApE8N6bcoSrBcIAIwDAIAwBw5Nv5nn5nf+5P/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zLFggSwA-w

S/D DrD Build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYVn0MBFmilOBGOB8PhFsiyLCugOYu5v+uvLAiucE-jlCEQBOUp1b03wk9HlBE4BB4P1fAwRMYAHCgApE8iKRmwJQ4bABwgqQgQIEWr1at6LUrhaNECVpAiYCG-w

Rifle DE Build: (WvW Version) (Updated 11/24/18)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8Yn0MB9OhlOBOGDUGjFiCzLI8DKCbZpRTAg/TWKflA-jlCEQBBSJIT2fUGAgDYgLfAAT4gIcRlIOUpFBuSA+T9n3o75bABwalqqQIEWr1at6rWr1atWrVpAGbCG-w

Rifle DE Build: (PvP Version)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8Yn0MB9OhlOBOGD8PhFYCzLMcGGR8Jzo51ULBEA2NA-jZBXABAs/wzPAA1LDM8RAw5LCAA

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