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I like smaller zerg fights. Groups up to 20 people are where I thrive. I've kinda stopped playing once my guild groups started being 30+ people every time I lead, it's some personal issue for me once groups get bigger lol Since big groups attract big enemy groups usually and that isn't really fun outside of a defense situation to me.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@"Justine.6351" said:Needs [All of the Above] Category Added.I like a mix of all of those things, even hopping on deadeyes that die like noobs.

I always forget that option XDI remembered the 'Others' option but forgot the 'All' option...And these threads don't let us edit polls...can't change it now =/
Creates a poll in the WvW forum

Forgets "WvW" as an option

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Justine.6351" said:Needs [All of the Above] Category Added.I like a mix of all of those things, even hopping on deadeyes that die like noobs.

I always forget that option XDI remembered the 'Others' option but forgot the 'All' option...And these threads don't let us edit polls...can't change it now =/
Creates a poll in the WvW forum

Forgets "WvW" as an option

Not even the people who made it think that's an option

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If you ask me WvW was supposed to be small scale but in multiple parts of the map5-10 man parties, one taking a camp, one taking a tower, another defending and upgrading a tower; and roamers scouting.But thanks to the "balance" in this game and players not wanting to do things "alone", players ran as the zerg.

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