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When should I start playing ranked games?


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I've been playing the game for less than a month, leveled to 80 and started to play some unranked arena. They are a lot of fun, kinda the same feeling as playing Battlerite. So, the ranked arena button is only availible at rank 20, but how good of an idea it is to start grinding ranked immideately? I feel like i'm far from being good, but i googled some builds for my spellbreaker warrior, so it works. At what rank would you recommend to start the ranked journey?

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@"Lev.8541" said:I've been playing the game for less than a month, leveled to 80 and started to play some unranked arena. They are a lot of fun, kinda the same feeling as playing Battlerite. So, the ranked arena button is only availible at rank 20, but how good of an idea it is to start grinding ranked immideately? I feel like i'm far from being good, but i googled some builds for my spellbreaker warrior, so it works. At what rank would you recommend to start the ranked journey?

If you are having fun in Unrank, then I quite frankly suggest not ever starting with Rank, so you can just have your fun without caring about rating and stuff.

But if you really wanna join that, you can start whenever you feel like it, you will do Placement matches and the Matchmaker will then place you where you "belong" even though this process and it's results have been quite questionable. Anyway, it is not like you will go Rank and you suddenly meet "Pros Only" whose games you'd ruin by not being good. No, the Rank is overflowing with new people, good people... bad people, you will simply recieve your own rating and you'll be placed in the matches with similar/same skill level, unless matchmaker fails (which happens) due to low player-pool, so sometimes in rare-ish instances you will truly get matched with higher rated people, but that's not something anyone could ever blame you for and is in no way your responsibility.

So, if you are still thinking about Ranked by the end of this post, just jump right in to it.

EDIT: Matters not what Rank you have before joining Ranked matches, what truly matters is having Nerves of Steel

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Ranked is basically the same as unranked with two differences: People are much less likely to play off-meta builds and the rewards for Ranked are far better. If you want to get PvP ascended or legendary armor or weapons at some point, might as well start playing ranked asap. If you want to have fun casually then you're SoL because Anet destroyed the only fun part of PvP years ago.

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I'd suggest getting to level 30 or 40 first ( pvp rank ). You already know you wanna play but I think you'd do yourself a favor if you waited a little bit. Will feel better to be more prepared when you do go in. Also try to watch YouTube guides on how to rotate on the maps and learn dos and donts.

Before i reached plat this season and played in gold I still saw people helping me 1v1 someone even though I had the node. Meanwhile mid was losing cus they were outnumbered.

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I'd say just jump in and give it a try. If you decide you don't like it, you can always go back to unranked. The games tend to be more fun and getting the extra gold from ranked matches is also a very nice plus. The matchmaker works well enough, and you have as much right to be in that game mode as anyone else. If anyone tries to give you the elitist "go back to unranked" comment in chat, just make a note to yourself that there is something you need to learn from what happened. Ideally, you'll get more constructive feedback, but I doubt that will always be the case and hope that if you do get such comments it doesn't stop you from trying and enjoying the game. If you'd like to learn more about the game mode, rotations, different builds, the maps, and the flow of the game I would highly recommend you get on youtube and go watch game of the day videos by WoodenPotatoes. Good luck and have fun out there!

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@Stallic.2397 said:When you find a build that can beat most in unranked. Also, when you understand the pattern of how to achieve wins with all sPvp maps.

Nothing is different between ranked and unranked besides the players. They usually have strong meta builds or group oriented builds to get wins.

Pretty much this.Start when you feel you know how to make an impact on the match outcome.For example as spellbreaker it’s a good idea to learn to duel pretty well, aswell as surviving(kiting, jumping puzzles) vs multiple players trying to kill you.

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UNranked is there fr people to learn the game mech, map rotation, key objectives, secondary objectives, get the feel of own class. Jump into ranked with default amulet ans traits without knowing what to do. Gods save us, save us all.On the positive note, GL & HF.

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