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AFK Players


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Is it me or has the number of afk players in a match gone up. For the past few days half my matches I start with one or two players going afk for the entire match. Or if it's not me it's the opposing team that has one or two players going afk on them. They always get reported but losing ranked matches simply because two people entered the match and decided to ghost is starting to get frustrating. The problem seems to have gotten so bad that people from opposing teams are starting to warn each other that they recognize one of the players on that team as someone who goes afk.

Is there anything that can be done about this? Is anyone else experiencing the problems as frequently seeing it?

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haven't had that much time to climb ladder this season so far but I'm at about 1600 rn and so far I haven't seen a lot of afkers. that only tends to happen to me or enemy team when the match is like 250-0 and people just give up. I even started in low silver because of bad placements but ... yea I haven't really seen any afkers. I'm on EU btw

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:Are you on NA? I haven't played this season yet, but afk players never were that frequent. Sure there was a rager from time to time, but i'd estimate the phenomenon up to 5% of the games maybe.

I'm in NA. AFKers seem to be more frequent this season than last season. This isn't even rager. This is start of the match they are just gone kinda thing.

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@"Zietlogik.6208" said:Just had a match where someone didn't want to play because we had 2 core mesmers so they just said "why bother" at the start of the match, moved every 10 seconds to avoid auto kick and screwed everyone over from second 0

The sad thing is that they could just leave the match, but nope.

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I have played about 250 games this season and I think I don't think I have had any legit AFK players on either team. There have been a few probable disconnects. AFK players on my team don't really bother me. The way I see it, if I have a hard game and lose my elo tanks and I end up against weaker players I can beat easier in future matches.

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