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[NA][PvX] Looking for a friendly raid guild!


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Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to read this.First of all, I'm not looking for a huge guild. So if you're a recruiter for one of those absolutely massive 300+ player guilds, please don't waste my time. I'm looking for a friendly, medium-large (or heck, if you're active, I'd even join a small/new guild) guild that's PvE focused.I like PvP and WvW alright, but they've never been my favorite modes to play.

I've never had the opportunity to properly learn how to raid, so I'd like to give that a go. I'm a fast learner, and am comfortable learning a new class. I'm really just looking for patient people willing to take the time to teach me the ropes.I was a dungeon speed-runner back in the day, and am fully geared for T4 fractals as well.I also have a level 80 of every class, so I'm more than willing to learn a new role if you need something filled in your raid party.~

I don't have time for weird drama. If you're going to behave like a child, please don't waste my time.I'm alright with rep requirements, but just know that I do have obligations to rep my fractal guild when I run with them and things like that, so I will not be able to rep 100% of the time.

I would prefer a guild that makes use of discord. I'm comfortable on mic.

I also really want more friends to play with. so. y'know. a friendly atmosphere is a must. ;w;

So, yeah, if you think you'd be a good fit for me, please send me a mail or whisper in-game. Or, heck, reply to me here!I'm Naku.3195 (obviously).Thanks~~ <3

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