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Racing Daily suggestion

Guest [Deleted User]

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Because the racing daily has only 3 options, and you have to do all 3 to complete it, can you change those to be "complete a lap" rather than "complete a race?" The races have a fairly long time in between them (probably a good thing, due to the problems with the races serving dual purposes as an adventure and a race discovered at Halloween) and you can be sitting around for a half hour if you show up on the map toward the end of a race. IMO the point of dailies should be to get you on the map to engage with the content, and you can stay and fool around or get it done quickly and move on as you have time for. An hour or more for casual play of a sidequest is a bit too much of a requirement, especially considering how much of that time is just waiting.

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@Jeknar.6184 said:

@Airdive.2613 said:Honestly, the rewards for these dailies are negligible and they don't seem to give any achievement points. It's easier to not bother doing them.

Don't they become the only way to get racing tokens tho after you finish all the achievements?

The Copper/Silver/Gold time trial chests give tokens for completing them daily

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From the time I entered the map until the time the race popped tonight in Mt. Maelstrom was 23 minutes. Who knows how long the last race was before that. So in a worst-case scenario, let's say it takes me 9 minutes to do 3 laps here. I get into the map with < 8 mins left on a current race - not enough time to finish and get credit. That means you have to wait:

8 mins for the current race to finish30 mins (?) for the next race to spawn2 minutes for the race to start9 minutes to do the race6 (?) minutes for the race to finish for final reward.

Nearly an hour. For one race. And if you're super unlucky, x3 to complete the dailies and get all your rewards. 1-3 hours for a festival/seasonal daily is out of line.

Again, I don't think making the race spawn more often is the key, since it really screws with people doing the time trial. I just think they should change the daily to be complete a lap, or three laps, or a lap in Bronze time - something you can do any time rather than making people sit around and wait which is no fun.

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I know what the dailies are. That doesn't excuse them being poorly designed. And since you MUST DO ALL 3 your method may save a bit of time but not a lot. You are still committing at least an hour to these dailies which I think they can tone down regardless of how temporary it is. It's simply not good design to have everyone to just sit and wait doing nothing for these races to start.

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For brisban race at least, I think the interval is:

10min race15min of nothingness2min for the registration window(repeat)

Prolly same for the rest?

I'm willing to stake 4 coppers on it

What I'd like is:1) some way to check race schedules2) ppl doing challenges should be notified when the registration is up3a) timer for the nothingness and for remaining race duration when near the race start area3b) even better, a toggleable option for showing race timers at the notif area

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It would be nice if there was a map alert for the race starting so I can at least do map completion while waiting without fear of missing it, or go gathering or something. But yeah a timetable would be nice

Far better however is it it was like the dailes for HOT Adventures where you have to earn a bronze chest. Makes it quick and easy and you can do it whenever.

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I concur, the daily race completion is too much, considering you MUST complete all 3 laps within the time limit, thus if you enter the map while the race timer is halfway through, chances are you'll fail getting the daily and have to wait for the whole event to restart. One lap for the daily, whether during the race event or just doing the 1-lap adventure, would be really amazing. It's painful to spend 1 hour every day just to get them all done.

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@"Naeleen.7601" said:if you enter the map while the race timer is halfway through, chances are you'll fail getting the dailyTechnically accurate, but misleading. There's a definitely a short grace period for each map, which varies depending on the distances involved. It ranges roughly 100 seconds for Snowden (a 3 min race) up to 2 minutes for Brisban (an 11 minute race).

In the worst case scenario, in which Snowden isn't included in the dailes and you arrive on the map 2+ minutes into each of races and decide to wait, you'd spend 82 minutes sitting around.But it's unlikely that anyone will be in that situation. And there are several alternatives.

  • Dailies are worth 25 tokens (5+5+5+10). You can get the same 25 by running silver timed trials on each map.
  • Park five alts at the dailies (or three at "today's" daily locations) and swap whenever you have a few free minutes.
  • Alternatively, ask if anyone knows when the last race ended. Then use the list below to figure out how long before you should come back.


Cycle length | Location | (cycle details) | (silver requirement; 3 lap timing) → Safe to start if...

  • 0:10 Snowden (2 min warm up, 3 min race, 5 min cooldown) (silver requires 0:45; 3 laps = 1:35) → Safe to start with 1:40 left on timer.
  • 0:25 Maelstrom & Gendar (2 min warm up, 8 min race, 15 min cooldown) (silver requires 2:00; 3 laps = 6:00) → Safe to start with 2:00 left on timer.
  • 0:26 Diessa (2 min warm up, 9 min race, 15 min cooldown) (silver requires 2:30; 3 laps = 7:30 ) → Safe to start with 1:30 left on timer.
  • 0:28 Brisban (2 min warm up, 11 min race, 15 min cooldown) (silver requires 3:00; 3 laps = 9:00) → Safe to start with 2:00 left on timer.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't understand why ANet has this fascination with hiding in-game timers. Surely the Race Coordinator could simply say, "we need another 10 minutes." Even if the NPC just gave us generalized times ("under 10 minutes") or even ball park ("less than 5" or "5-10 minutes"), that would be a lot better.

Still, even without something in the UI, it's not as dire as implied.

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