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[EU][PVE] Raid selling guild Straight Outta Flax Farm [Flax] are recruiting!


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Straight Outta Flax Farm [Flax] is a lowmanning guild with focus on raid- and fractal selling. We have been selling since Salvation Pass and were world's first at low manning Bastion of the Penitent and its challenge modes.



  • Having Flax as your main guild, and contribute to the social circle
  • A good understanding of all current raid encounters including challenge modes
  • Motivation to learn and work together
  • Excellent knowledge of your primary classes

ClassesWe expect our members to fill the required roles comp-wise, mechanically and encounter specific.The flexibility of our members is a crucial part of the guild. If you can play a needed class, you should be happy to switch without complaint.

RaidingYou must be able to commit to raiding/selling minimum twice a week. If strategies/tactics change for a particular boss you should have the interest to learn the new adaptations.As a member of the guild you're expected to contribute, whether its LFG'ing or joining guild activities.

SociallyThis is an 18+ guild. We are looking for people who want to take part, this is not just a sell LFG.We want a relaxed atmosphere, value a good sense of humor in all applicants, and expect all members to treat each other with respect.We also expect members to interact both in game and on our Discord server. We're a close-knit group, and wish to include future members into that.

TrialApplicants will participate in a pre-trial consisting of doing rotation for your main classes on the training golem, where we will look at how prepared you are, how comfortable and the knowledge you have for low man specific builds. If applicant pass this step, a raid trial will be scheduled.

How to apply

Fill out this application formIf you have any questions, feel free to contact:GW2: Cattastrophy.2874 | Discord: iatetheevidence#3030

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