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Dyes for the Raptors?

GW Noob.6038

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Default mount skins have one dye channel that controls the color of some small feature - for the raptor, I think it's the stripes on their back. So you can dye a default mount, but nowhere near to the customization that you can with other mount skins (which have four dye channels).

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Also some of the gem store skins are very similar to the base models, but with more dye channels. They have the same model and a slightly different pattern - the Striped Jarin Raptor for example has a slightly different stripe pattern on its flanks and legs but is otherwise identical. With the right dyes it could probably look like a base raptor unless you look very closely.

Dying a gem store skin to look like the free one might seem like a waste of 400-1,200 gems, but I've almost done that on my engineers raptor. Her colours are green and brown so the base raptor was almost perfect but it was hard to get a nice, bright green dye. Now she's using the Striped Jarin and apart from being a bit darker brown it looks like a base raptor dyed green.

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@GW Noob.6038 said:

@luzonophir.7134 said:here's a secret. electro blue can dye a vanilla raptor (not skinned) with 2 colors.


Is that one of the exotic dyes? I've noticed that they do have a two-tone effect to them.

Yes. Eletro Blue is one of the ones which only comes from gem store dye packs and birthday gifts (although like all dyes you can buy it on the TP).

It's not just those ones which have a two-tone effect though, some of the base dyes do too. I've never been able to work out how to tell which ones do other than trying them, but for example Heirloom dye which is green (masterwork) rarity can look dark red, dark orange or both depending on the material it's on.

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