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[BUG] Gap closer after detargeting still uses tracking path to old target


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Whenever in a pvp fight on my Soubeast Ranger and using Greatsword, I have tracking problems when trying to escape a fight by using the skill Swoop (Greatsword 3). The problem occurs when I'm running away from a target (turning my back to my target), then detarget (just click a random empty spot in the area) and then use Swoop right after. The skill then makes my toon turn around and jump back on the tracking path to my previous target (usually a group battle I tried to escape) which results in getting killed rather than escaping the fight.

I can reproduce this problem by not letting a decent amount of time pass between detargeting and using the skill. The game requires so high reaction times in pvp but apparently expects a second or so as delay between detargeting and skill usage in order to "forget" the old tracking path.

  • date, time, and time zone the bug occurred: various dates, time zone EU
  • name of map you're on: all pvp maps, last time Legacy of the Foefire
  • your character name, level, race, and profession: ilminot, ranger, Norn
  • whether you're in a group: I usually queue solo
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