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Additional utility spell slot in the next expansion ?


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I don't think we need another skill slot (elite specs already made classes pretty complex these days; just look at Weaver). However, I do agree that Revs need more love. I deleted mine a while ago because I had zero utility skill options. I hated not being able to change my utility skills, and that every Rev uses the exact same skills.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Aodlop.1907 said:If you really don't want a new spell slot, how about the ability to pick a normal utility spell in your elit slot, then ?

If you want that, don't roll a Revenant...That would be like someone asking if Engineers and Elementalists can be given the ability to weapon swap.

Thing is, I think Revenant needs an overhaul. It's poorly designed in its current state.

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I like to see an reaction bar that only shows up when passive effects are trigger and your giving a chose to pop the effect or not in a given window. So getting hard cc will trigger an passive stab or heal you may not always want it to go off. In a way this would let you have a utility slot added on for each passive utility you have.

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