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Why arent 2v2 AT's on swiss round ?


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I mean, the idea of having 2v2 automated tournament is good, and having it exclusively on AT and not ranked is pretty smart because otherwise it would create lower population in 5v5 ranked.

However, the issue for these AT's is pretty much than for 5v5 ones : you beat really easily players lower experienced, and you get rolled by top players. Same happened in 5v5 AT's, where i could tell before the match starts which team we will win 500-50 and which team we will lose 500-50. Then, you're out of the tournament without having learned much, and it's really frustrating when this happens on very first round( and i imagine these can happen on several tournaments consecutively for low experienced players )

I could understand having swiss rounds on 5v5 can make tournaments last really long, but for 2v2 it could be cool and especially make people learn by fighting people lower/similar experienced

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