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Shining Blade Secrets - Addressed in Wrong Gender

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Dante.1763" said:This goes vice versa for males too, and on top of that human characters are treated as if they are a member of another race, they dont get the dialogue they are meant to.

Omg same!! I am so glad I'm not the only one, I almost gave up hope of finding others experiencing the same issue. I am trying to go through this story instance, but I don't really want to because not only do the npc's keep addressing my male character as she and her but he is also being treated as a non-human even though he is human; i.e. when one of the characters objects to you taking the oath, saying "never before has a non-human taken the oath". If the whole instance is bugged like this I think I would rather wait so I don't miss out on the human specific dialogue. This also happened with my male human character before this instance though, in the instance Research in Rata Novus, Taimi used the she/her/hers pronouns for my character. Sure wish this would be fixed, a big reason I like going through the story multiple times is to see the different dialogue based on your character's race and gender but who knows how many other story instances have this bug.

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I had this happen yesterday to me, as well, on an asura female, getting addressed as male. For what it's worth, the ten prior times I did this instance it was fine, so this must be a bug introduced by a patch some time this year, likely in more recent months. I don't have a timestamp from the last time I took a character through it.

Also noticed that Queen Mahtab's dialogue basically treated that same aura as a human, so it's not limited to this mission. Hopefully it's limited to this chapter.

Edit/Update: Seems to be correct in Last Chance. The only errors I noticed were in Shining Blade Secrets and with Mahtab.

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