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2v2 ATs Relog after death coming back with other class full hp and win the matchup, intended?


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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065Is this intended? We killed both player, the first one relogged after he fully died, came back after we downed or even killed (cant see that in my record) the second player and killed both of us more or less afk because we thought its over already. Looked like the players were fully aware of this issue and used it on purpose to win a lost fight. I even guess the relogging player was hiding in keep until we killed the other player and waited for us to get unfocused/afk and then jumped on us. I can prove with a record if needed. We won both first fights and normally would continue in the tourney but they got a 3. fight they won and we were out... :(

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Just faced this, We Holo/Elem faced a Guardian/Ranger, I took down the ranger and he later came back as a ReaperWe were still trying to take down the guardian and then we saw the second character..this got me pretty pissed! we had that round but lost thx to a glitch...

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