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My thoughts on 2v2 tournaments


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I think they were the most fun I had in a while, I hope it comes back again to stay.

The feedback i would give, is make it so build swapping is more accessible in between rounds. When you die you have to go to your hero panel to even swap utilities, its just annoying and inconvenient. I also think once Swiss style tournament is implemented, the 2v2 placements will make more sense. You wont see as many decent duos get memed on by some gimmick and knocked out early due to team comp alone. It also would give a better experience letting players be able to fight more rounds since they are so short also.

That's my thoughts what do you guys think?

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They should remove on the maps these non port spots on those small stones. Just annoying to fight garbage players standing with scourge +fb or scourge + nec on these spots while you can't engage them.

It promotes passive unskillfull gameplay.

Also its stupid that barrier still works after the timer but heal does not. Stand with scourge on one of those spots 3min and he got a huge advantage.

Just unfun that trash can cheese through 2v2s

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@dominik.9721 said:They should remove on the maps these non port spots on those small stones. Just annoying to fight garbage players standing with scourge +fb or scourge + nec on these spots while you can't engage them.

It promotes passive unskillfull gameplay.

Also its stupid that barrier still works after the timer but heal does not. Stand with scourge on one of those spots 3min and he got a huge advantage.

Just unfun that trash can cheese through 2v2s

Amen brother

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