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Timer for races and adventures please.


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With the proliferation of races and adventures, can we have a stopwatch timer that displays elapsed time added to the interface please.

The ability to be able to track progress during races/adventures would make them hugely more enjoyable - as it is, unless you happen to beat your best time for the day, it is impossible to even find out what your last time was and the small countdown times in the right hand corner is utterly useless for the purpose of improving your times.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:They could just display your completion time in the chat window as a system message.

This would be an improvement over nothing, but a timer you can easily see during the race which would allow you to gauge your time at checkpoints would be the ideal solution. Surely this would not be too much work to implement and would make the whole races/adventures thing a whole lot more enjoyable for everyone.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Gauging time mid-race would givea huge visual aid to improve on certain spots and calculating the fastest approaches to certain obstacles and turns. Also being able to compare times instead of just seeing the daily/lifetime best would be very helpful.

Also, please add a proper speedometer for the beetle. This was requested somewhere a few days ago, and frankly would make the beetle a lot more race-y.

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I thought this was a request to have a way to find out how long it is to the next race, which would also rock, but an optional visible timer so you can see how fast you get to each portion of the race would indeed be awesome. I say optional because some people don't want UI clutter.

It could show up in the same place where you get the "keep rolling" and "final lap" messages, with those replacing it for the moments they are visible.

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This might also breathe a little life into all those HOT adventure activities which I (like many no doubt) have given up on because there is no way of judging how close you are to your target. Mindlessly having to repeat the same adventure over and over again with no indication of how you are doing does not encourage repeat play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, please!!!!!!

Its really annoying that there is no way to tell if/where you mess up your times.

And lets be honest...... if Anet calls the races and promotes them like races..... please follow the "standard" for pretty much all racing-games and give us timers for the current lap and if you wanna be really awesome add stuff like:

Lap 1 / 3Current: 00:12:24Last: 01:17:12

So we can see all relevant informations during a race.

And if the player starts a time trial it should display the current time and the best time.

Current: 00:12:24Best: 01:17:12

and when crossing a checkpoint the difference to the best time at that checkpoint should be displayed in the middle of the screen. something like "+00:02:13" or "-00:00:13".

Of course a general, simple timer for all adventures that are time-based would be nice, too. But IMHO its really important for races as its really demotivating if you don't know how close to your best time you actually are if you try to get gold.

Very crude mock-up:


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