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Ranked pvp


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Fix it please, we know its not balanced and thats ok because too many builds etc, but at least add some requirement so that no newbies go in ranked also put personal stat in the equation because its just not fair to be top player every game and stay in low divisions simply because you are not lucky with team, and why there isn't premade ranked option so we can just go with the right people and have it more realistic? Thank you

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oh lol, I don't believe match is about luck. When I first started playing pvp this year, I placed silver II. It took a lot ofwork to barely reach gold I last season. Then I started searching how I could improve. This season I let my little nephew to my placement matches, he placed silver II. When I started playing I could see how much I had evolved my skills, and I won all my matches till reach gold III. The silver III, gold I matches, that I once struggled, I could tell I was better than the other ppl and carry my team to victory, no matter how bad they were.

I see a lot of mistakes from this bracket, that makes you lose the matches.

1) Never leave the point, even if you are losing your v1 or being outnumber. When I say don't leave the pnt, is literally not leaving the round area. I improved greatly my duel skills when I started kiting and hind behind boxes and walls, and knowing when disengage fights

2)Run into lost fights. You respawn base, see your team losing a fight mid, when you get there, there's already 2 downed on your team and you still engage the other team, end up dead in 3 secs

3)Don't look at the minimap and run to nodes where you already have a teammate at or it's closer than you, while your team needs you in another fight

4)Not knowing your match ups, engaging fights against specs that counters yours and do the mistake number 1.

Those are the most common mistakes that kept me in the silver tier;.

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@Khalisto.5780 said:oh lol, I don't believe match is about luck. When I first started playing pvp this year, I placed silver II. It took a lot ofwork to barely reach gold I last season. Then I started searching how I could improve. This season I let my little nephew to my placement matches, he placed silver II. When I started playing I could see how much I had evolved my skills, and I won all my matches till reach gold III. The silver III, gold I matches, that I once struggled, I could tell I was better than the other ppl and carry my team to victory, no matter how bad they were.

I see a lot of mistakes from this bracket, that makes you lose the matches.

1) Never leave the point, even if you are losing your v1 or being outnumber. When I say don't leave the pnt, is literally not leaving the round area. I improved greatly my duel skills when I started kiting and hind behind boxes and walls, and knowing when disengage fights

2)Run into lost fights. You respawn base, see your team losing a fight mid, when you get there, there's already 2 downed on your team and you still engage the other team, end up dead in 3 secs

3)Don't look at the minimap and run to nodes where you already have a teammate at or it's closer than you, while your team needs you in another fight

4)Not knowing your match ups, engaging fights against specs that counters yours and do the mistake number 1.

Those are the most common mistakes that kept me in the silver tier;.

a few things i wanna add.

1,after you kill someone or the whole team, think ahead what is gonna happen next when they re spawn

2.look at the map and think how they are gonna get to the node. people don't magically show up on node they have to take the road. u can meet up there instead of sitting on nodes

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

Because the best players duo que together, get to plat, then play with other top players who are equally as skillful and complimentary to each other. Go watch a stream, before the match begins, the players check to see whos on their team, then they go oh look, Its shorts and valun (for example) then they log on to discord and they hop in voice coms with each other.

Basically players that are in the top teirs can stay there and get there because they're more structured. They can get over the hurdle known as pugging and then can stay up at the top with each other.

my comp is always messed up when I match make. I had a staff daredevil last night on my team go for treb. wtf? Also im Gold 3-Plat1

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@brappish.8715 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

Because the best players duo que together, get to plat, then play with other top players who are equally as skillful and complimentary to each other. Go watch a stream, before the match begins, the players check to see whos on their team, then they go oh look, Its shorts and valun (for example) then they log on to discord and they hop in voice coms with each other.

Basically players that are in the top teirs can stay there and get there because they're more structured. They can get over the hurdle known as pugging and then can stay up at the top with each other.

my comp is always messed up when I match make. I had a staff daredevil last night on my team go for treb. kitten? Also im Gold 3-Plat1

PLat division has as many different players in term of skill lvl than between high gold and low silver division ... so ... nope !

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

1: they play during off hours (not during prime hours)2: They duo que and Snowball heavily in most of their games(They know how to play conquest properly)3: They have the skills and insight on who to target / focus objectives right.

In NA it's usually the same people in team Usa at the top because they have a completely different set of skills then MOST of the average players in this game which is proven every month after they win the tournament.

What MOST solo que players and average players who ONLY main 1 class and ONLY play 1 build believe everything is based on "luck". I'm sure if they played 2 classes , and 2 different build for each class they'll have a higher win chance then playing just 1 class on the same spec. Then again..... no one really tries during "rank" anymore so who really knows.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

1: they play during off hours (not during prime hours)2: They duo que and Snowball heavily in most of their games(They know how to play conquest properly)3: They have the skills and insight on who to target / focus objectives right.

In NA it's usually the same people in team Usa at the top because they have a completely different set of skills then MOST of the average players in this game which is proven every month after they win the tournament.

What MOST solo que players and average players who ONLY main 1 class and ONLY play 1 build believe everything is based on "luck". I'm sure if they played 2 classes , and 2 different build for each class they'll have a higher win chance then playing just 1 class on the same spec. Then again..... no one really tries during "rank" anymore so who really knows.

I forgot to add this, I started playing different classes 1 for heavy condi teams, 1 for heavy power teams, it works wonders.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

Literally gaming the system and exclusively playing during hours outside of prime time, while slingshotting with duo queues to get to plat. It is barely a skill based game mode below plat and all about whether your pug teammates understand their own build and rotations.

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@brappish.8715 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How come all the good players end up in legend every season if matchmaking is about luck?

Because the best players duo que together, get to plat, then play with other top players who are equally as skillful and complimentary to each other. Go watch a stream, before the match begins, the players check to see whos on their team, then they go oh look, Its shorts and valun (for example) then they log on to discord and they hop in voice coms with each other.

Basically players that are in the top teirs can stay there and get there because they're more structured. They can get over the hurdle known as pugging and then can stay up at the top with each other.

my comp is always messed up when I match make. I had a staff daredevil last night on my team go for treb. kitten? Also im Gold 3-Plat1

This is why I preferred solo queue since people couldn't monopolize other players for their duo queue.

Duo queue does make things more social nonetheless, but...

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gw2 is just bad and it's arena net's fault

as someone that gets legendary solo (and also playing active) i end up playing in all sorts of environments cause you can't soloq from zero to legendary in a few games unless you're super lucky or not playing actively

the top 20 is like 18 people that are just duoing and half of them wouldnt get to legendary without it but that's not even the issue here, the issue is that the ladder doesn't display skill at all and quite often the people that spam games are way better than the people with a few games but good rating but since the system is so dumb they actually get less rating anyway

on top of that people in placement games can be matched with legendary elo games which is absolute idiocy because the team that gets newbies has much bigger chance to lose , in fact it's even encouraged because people at the beginning have very soft elo so if you win a few times the game thinks you're pro and starts putting you with pros and if you lose you get put with noobs (and that's even the purpose of the system, it tests you vs good players and if you win that must mean you're good and thats why you can get out of placement games with 1.8k+ much easier than actually reaching 1.8k afterwards) in a sense they designed the system to screw over good players by matching them with potential noobs and there's no prevention for that and its encouraged and that's dumb

I'm not exaggerating when i say that at least 80% of my losses are due to my teammates being complete garbage and a mere 20% of them i would say that me or my team got outplayed or approached the game wrongfully and lost because of that. Even on high elo games the way the system works is that it always has a chance to put some newbie in one of the teams which automatically gives a huge handicap to that team

the skill difference between the top 100 (normally, not always, there are exceptions due to flawed mm like i said but the "regular pvpers") and the people under (plat 1-2/ gold and below (obviously there are exceptions and there are some decent players just trolling around that elo) is absolutely huge . Plat 1 and below players are complete garbage and they fail to comprehend the concept of point holding. If i drop some elo or if i get a long queue and get matched with low elo people i just lose my mind looking at their plays, three people chasing one guy offpoint and not one of those three people can decap the point by standing on it for 3 seconds.In low elo your team can consistently lose 3v4 (which doesn't happen in high elo), nobody cares about decapping points before fighting so they let the enemy tick away until everyone is dead. People can't play their classes, they can't rotate eitheron top of all that the lower elo games are full of flaming by some trash players that are in low elo for a reason

i don't want to play games with low rated people but if your queue is long enough (for any reason) you get matched with scrubs, on top of that if you drop some elo (which is easy to happen for solo players cus you have much bigger chance to get matched with newbies as i explained above) you can instantly notice the flaming getting more and more every game and the players being worse and worse. On higher elo people rarely ever write pointless trashtalk and in general everyone knows what to expect from one another but on lower elo its just some jungle and everyone is arrogant and obnoxious as hell. It gets even worse if there are other "normally higher elo" people that have also dropped in those lower elo games and just zerg you as much as they can cause they're aware that the rest of your team is garbage so it turns into some 3v1 game when classes as dumb and as lowly as thief/revenant/guard exist ( as said here > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/757849#Comment_757849 )

the games devolve from fun gw2 to getting zerged by a bunch of people playing broken classes that have no counter and to having bunch of trash teammates that can't make up for the fact that you're pulling away 1-2-3 enemies and either winning either stalling either taking away all their resources to get you killed but that has 0 impact cus your team doesn't make anything out of it

they could easily fix all this if they made the matchmaking more reasonable and fair but instead ppl are supposed to endure countless bullsh or just quit the game

btw in my entire time playing video games i've never encountered a more delusional community than gw2's spvp community and probably never willbetween rigged matchmaking, a 5v5 system which isn't individual focused with a goal that doesn't even reward killing as much as it does winning nodes, in a game with "infinite" number of builds (meaning there can be cheese that hard counters anything through and through), allowing duoing in ranked where they can meet solo people, everyone is feeling high and mighty to a point where i've had guy try to convince me that he's an esports pro and flaming me on german (im not german myself) for 4 pages of whispers on top of linking me some joke site to prove that he's earned money through ESL an that he's a pro when he's actually a clown that can't play anything but abuse a broken class/build and basically a 1trick pony.

In every other game i played, the best players were pretty "obvious" and "known" but in gw2 ? many of the popular players are actually nowhere near as good as they'd want you to believe and many players get much better results than what they deserve due to all these factors and at the same time many players get much worse results than what they deserve

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@"incisorr.9502" said:gw2 is just bad and it's arena net's fault

as someone that gets legendary solo (and also playing active) i end up playing in all sorts of environments cause you can't soloq from zero to legendary in a few games unless you're super lucky or not playing actively

the top 20 is like 18 people that are just duoing and half of them wouldnt get to legendary without it but that's not even the issue here, the issue is that the ladder doesn't display skill at all and quite often the people that spam games are way better than the people with a few games but good rating but since the system is so dumb they actually get less rating anyway

on top of that people in placement games can be matched with legendary elo games which is absolute idiocy because the team that gets newbies has much bigger chance to lose , in fact it's even encouraged because people at the beginning have very soft elo so if you win a few times the game thinks you're pro and starts putting you with pros and if you lose you get put with noobs (and that's even the purpose of the system, it tests you vs good players and if you win that must mean you're good and thats why you can get out of placement games with 1.8k+ much easier than actually reaching 1.8k afterwards) in a sense they designed the system to screw over good players by matching them with potential noobs and there's no prevention for that and its encouraged and that's dumb

I'm not exaggerating when i say that at least 80% of my losses are due to my teammates being complete garbage and a mere 20% of them i would say that me or my team got outplayed or approached the game wrongfully and lost because of that. Even on high elo games the way the system works is that it always has a chance to put some newbie in one of the teams which automatically gives a huge handicap to that team

the skill difference between the top 100 (normally, not always, there are exceptions due to flawed mm like i said but the "regular pvpers") and the people under (plat 1-2/ gold and below (obviously there are exceptions and there are some decent players just trolling around that elo) is absolutely huge . Plat 1 and below players are complete garbage and they fail to comprehend the concept of point holding. If i drop some elo or if i get a long queue and get matched with low elo people i just lose my mind looking at their plays, three people chasing one guy offpoint and not one of those three people can decap the point by standing on it for 3 seconds.In low elo your team can consistently lose 3v4 (which doesn't happen in high elo), nobody cares about decapping points before fighting so they let the enemy tick away until everyone is dead. People can't play their classes, they can't rotate eitheron top of all that the lower elo games are full of flaming by some trash players that are in low elo for a reason

i don't want to play games with low rated people but if your queue is long enough (for any reason) you get matched with scrubs, on top of that if you drop some elo (which is easy to happen for solo players cus you have much bigger chance to get matched with newbies as i explained above) you can instantly notice the flaming getting more and more every game and the players being worse and worse. On higher elo people rarely ever write pointless trashtalk and in general everyone knows what to expect from one another but on lower elo its just some jungle and everyone is arrogant and obnoxious as hell. It gets even worse if there are other "normally higher elo" people that have also dropped in those lower elo games and just zerg you as much as they can cause they're aware that the rest of your team is garbage so it turns into some 3v1 game when classes as dumb and as lowly as thief/revenant/guard exist ( as said here > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/757849#Comment_757849 )

the games devolve from fun gw2 to getting zerged by a bunch of people playing broken classes that have no counter and to having bunch of trash teammates that can't make up for the fact that you're pulling away 1-2-3 enemies and either winning either stalling either taking away all their resources to get you killed but that has 0 impact cus your team doesn't make anything out of it

they could easily fix all this if they made the matchmaking more reasonable and fair but instead ppl are supposed to endure countless bullsh or just quit the game

btw in my entire time playing video games i've never encountered a more delusional community than gw2's spvp community and probably never willbetween rigged matchmaking, a 5v5 system which isn't individual focused with a goal that doesn't even reward killing as much as it does winning nodes, in a game with "infinite" number of builds (meaning there can be cheese that hard counters anything through and through), allowing duoing in ranked where they can meet solo people, everyone is feeling high and mighty to a point where i've had guy try to convince me that he's an esports pro and flaming me on german (im not german myself) for 4 pages of whispers on top of linking me some joke site to prove that he's earned money through ESL an that he's a pro when he's actually a clown that can't play anything but abuse a broken class/build and basically a 1trick pony.

In every other game i played, the best players were pretty "obvious" and "known" but in gw2 ? many of the popular players are actually nowhere near as good as they'd want you to believe and many players get much better results than what they deserve due to all these factors and at the same time many players get much worse results than what they deserve

I agree. but I also think a lot of the issues with the MM would be solved if gw2 had a higher population in pvp.

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