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Would you buy Elite spec DLC?


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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Depending on the pricing this could be a good thing for PVP, unlocking the elite specs only when you are in the Heart of the Mists. I mean why would someone that is interested in PVP have to pay full price, they don't need the maps, only the elite specs to stay competitive.

I was more of talking about PvP/WvW players, yes. People that don't care of maps they only need traitlines.But why mists only? I'm talking of full spec unlock in core.

Because it would apply to the players that actually need it, the PVP players. Why would a PVE player even want to unlock just the elite specs? Further, unlocking the elite specs is a reason to populate the PVE maps during the release window, and it's one extra reason to keep the maps played in the future. Why would they remove that option? If you unlocked the elite specs on your account (not only in the Mists) it would make it significantly more expensive since it's an account unlock while being just for PVP, would keep the price really low. Would it work on all your current AND your future characters?

For WVW it's a bit more tricky I guess because in WVW you use PVE gear.

Some of the content namely raids and fractals arent tied to multiple expansions. To that extend someone who enjoys only that content could then pay for the elite specs.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Ashen.2907" said:This would be pay to win.

No thank you.

I wouldnt be any more "p2w" than what we currently have.

I consider the current model of including purposefully OP specs in expansions in order to drive sales (particularly for players of pvp/wvw who might have little interest in new pve zones) of expansions to have an element of pay to win, but was hoping to avoid opening that can of worms in this thread.

Selling a direct power upgrade without the obfuscation of new content would be a more blatant pay to win scheme.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Some of the content namely raids and fractals arent tied to multiple expansions. To that extend someone who enjoys only that content could then pay for the elite specs.

Fractals yes but Raids are tied to expansions and if someone enjoys Raids they will buy the next expansion to get access to the next Raids anyway.

Are tied to both expansions, are hot raids not available to pof owners and vice versa? I could see someone buying pof or hot or a diff expansion and then just buying the specs they want to get.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Some of the content namely raids and fractals arent tied to multiple expansions. To that extend someone who enjoys only that content could then pay for the elite specs.

Fractals yes but Raids are tied to expansions and if someone enjoys Raids they will buy the next expansion to get access to the next Raids anyway.

Are tied to both expansions, are hot raids not available to pof owners and vice versa? I could see someone buying pof or hot or a diff expansion and then just buying the specs they want to get.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:This would be pay to win.

No thank you.

I wouldnt be any more "p2w" than what we currently have.

I consider the current model of including purposefully OP specs in expansions in order to drive sales (particularly for players of pvp/wvw who might have little interest in new pve zones) of expansions to have an element of pay to win, but was hoping to avoid opening that can of worms in this thread.

Selling a direct power upgrade without the obfuscation of new content would be a more blatant pay to win scheme.

Why? ppl already buy expansions only for the specs if you think someone is p2w then bundling content with it or not doesnt matter. Quite the contrary, removing cost they dont want to pay for and allowing them to get what they want would open up specs to more players and the gap (if it still exists) would decrease.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Some of the content namely raids and fractals arent tied to multiple expansions. To that extend someone who enjoys only that content could then pay for the elite specs.

Fractals yes but Raids are tied to expansions and if someone enjoys Raids they will buy the next expansion to get access to the next Raids anyway.

Are tied to both expansions, are hot raids not available to pof owners and vice versa? I could see someone buying pof or hot or a diff expansion and then just buying the specs they want to get.

Correct, PoF only owners can't get into HoT raids and vice versa.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:This would be pay to win.

No thank you.

I wouldnt be any more "p2w" than what we currently have.

I consider the current model of including purposefully OP specs in expansions in order to drive sales (particularly for players of pvp/wvw who might have little interest in new pve zones) of expansions to have an element of pay to win, but was hoping to avoid opening that can of worms in this thread.

Selling a direct power upgrade without the obfuscation of new content would be a more blatant pay to win scheme.

Why? ppl already buy expansions only for the specs if you think someone is p2w then bundling content with it or not doesnt matter. Quite the contrary, removing cost they dont want to pay for and allowing them to get what they want would open up specs to more players and the gap (if it still exists) would decrease.

Because some, perhaps significant, portion of the playerbase, or at least forum base, believe that selling power for real money is not pay to win if it comes bundled with a zone.

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@phs.6089 said:I wonder what people think. If Arena start to sell elite spec DLC packs for those that don't care of story, maps etcJuts a DLC that will unlock elits for account? Obviously fully unlocked trait lines as there would be no maps to earn those.So what do you think, would it be a good idea or no?

Depends on the price. $15 would be reasonable. More than that probably not. PoF elites + story + maps and technically LWS4 were only $30.

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